Disney Cancels Dining Reservations Through Year End

Disney has released more information about the reopening of Walt Disney World.  The big news today?  Disney cancels ALL dining reservations through the end of the year. 

Disney has also cancelled all Fast Pass reservations.  For more information about Disney’s reopening plans, please check out this post.  The plans submitted to Orange County have been approved, and Disney is on track to reopen on July 11, 2020.

Disney Cancels Dining Reservations

Disney has officially cancelled all dining reservations through the end of this year.  This is a pretty significant indication that Disney does NOT expect theme park operations and capacity to return to normalcy any time this year.

For those of us planning to visit Disney later this year, the canceling of dining reservations may have a big impact on our trip plans.

In their statement, Disney has told us that the cancellations are due to social distancing requirements.  They have said that when they reopen, restaurants will be limited in capacity.

Disney plans to reopen dining reservations with limited numbers “closer to when the parks reopen”.  They are also shrinking the Advance Dining Reservations window from 180 days to 60 days.  This seems to be an “until further notice” change.

Disney cancels dining reservations

Fast Pass+ Reservations Suspended

In addition, Disney has suspended the Fast Pass+ reservation system.  Fast Passes will not be available for any attractions when the parks reopen on July 11, 2020.  Any existing Fast Pass+ reservations will be automatically cancelled.  Disney will use additional queue space to manage capacity and social distancing.  Disney has not provided any information as to if and when the Fast Pass+ reservation system will be reinstated.  Fast Pass+ information has already been removed from the My Disney Experience.

Extra Magic Hours Suspended

Disney has also decided to suspend Extra Magic Hours temporarily as the parks reopen.  Again, we don’t know how long this will last. It may end up that Extra Magic Hours will be suspended briefly, and will return quickly.  It’s also possible that Extra Magic Hours will be suspended through the end of the year.

Reservations for Tours and Other Experiences

Disney has also cancelled reservations for all behind the scenes tours and other experience that require reservations.  Disney has indicated that some experiences will remain closed for the time being.  Other experiences will be available with limited capacity.  Reservations for these experiences will likely become available closer to the parks reopening.  As with everything else, the situation is fluid and frequent changes are likely.

Disney Magic Bands Disney World Vacation Planning Disney Park Passes Disney Travel Agent

Ticket Sales and Hotel Reservations

All NEW ticket sales and Disney Resort hotel reservations are temporarily paused.  The priority right now for Disney is Guests with existing tickets and reservations.  Guests that already have tickets and Annual Passholders will be able to make theme park reservations before new tickets are sold.  There are no specific instructions yet on how those guests will be able to make their reservations.  Disney has said they are going to be reaching out to those Guests soon to provide details.

Disney cancels dining reservations

New ticket sales and Disney Resort hotel reservations will resume at some point.  Disney has stated their initial priority is taking care of existing ticket holders and Annual Passholders.  The parks will be reopening with limited capacity, so I’m not sure when exactly when new reservations will be available.  I will update you as soon as I have more information.

Masks ARE Required

As we mentioned in our previous post about the parks reopening, face masks or coverings WILL be required for all theme park guests and Cast Members.  They will also be required for all Guests and Cast Members in Resort public areas.

Disney has really cute face masks for sale
Disney themed face masks? Let’s go! Click the picture above.


Summary of All Changes

So, in short, visiting Walt Disney World this summer (and potentially, for the rest of the year) is going to look VERY different.

Disney cancels dining reservations and character greetings
No character greetings–at least for now!
      • Face masks required
      • No Extra Magic Hours
      • Fast Pass+ system suspended
      • No fireworks
      • Nighttime spectaculars canceled
      • Social distancing
      • All dining reservations have been canceled
      • New reservation window of sixty days instead of 180 days
      • All reservations for tours and other experiences have been canceled
      • No character greetings
      • Playgrounds closed
      • No water play areas
      • “Makeover” experiences (Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo Boutique, for example) are canceled
Disney Cancels Dining Reservations
Character greetings have been canceled. Character meals are most likely canceled, too. (Unconfirmed)

Disney is working with the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and other health experts to do everything they can to protect the health and safety of both Guests and Cast Members.

Should You Visit Disney This Year?

Of course, many of these changes are disappointing.  If you’ve been looking forward to your trip all year (or longer!), canceling or postponing can be really sad.  However, if you have a “first” trip planned during this time, I highly recommend you reschedule.  So many of the experiences are going to be limited, I think you will be disappointed.  If you are a frequent visitor, and know you’ll be visiting again next year, you may not be as disappointed by some of the “missing” features during this phased reopening time.  Canceling or postponing can be a very difficult decision.  If you need advice, or would like to talk it through with someone, please feel free to reach out.  I’m here, and I understand.  brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

Disney cancels dining reservations and other experiences
All nighttime fireworks and spectaculars are canceled due to social distancing requirements

It is important to keep in mind that Disney is trying to keep everyone safe.  If you have a trip booked, and want to cancel as a result of these changes, Disney is working with everyone to reschedule or offer refunds.  Contact your travel agent or Disney to learn more.

Personally, I think with the reduced capacity and all the other changes, the best visitors during these early phases are going to be local Florida residents and Disney Annual Passholders.  Likely to be frequent visitors, I think locals and Passholders will be less impacted by all the changes.  They’ll also be less likely to feel disappointed or that they’re “missing out” on experiences that have been canceled for the time being.

What Can We Expect in 2021?

Information about next year and the impact of this pandemic on the theme parks in 2021 is pretty sparse.  I suspect we will learn more as the theme parks reopen, and we see how Guests respond.  In China, Guests have been very cooperative with Disney.  Chinese Guests have responded well to new rules and restrictions.  This has resulted in Shanghai Disneyland expanding capacity.

However, it is important to recognize that visitors to Disney World in Florida come from all over the world and from many different cultures.  We don’t yet know if Guests in Florida will be as cooperative as those in China.  We hope so, and we hope that we don’t see an increase in new Covid-19 cases as the parks reopen.  This is going to be a “wait and see” situation.

Other Florida Theme Parks

Universal Theme Parks open next week, as does Legoland.  Gatorland has already reopened.  Sea World is reopening June 11, followed by Disney World on July 11.  Busch Gardens in Tampa has submitted plans for reopening, which have been approved.  No reopening date has been announced yet.

Hopefully, by mid August we will have more information on how the reopening plans are succeeding for all the Florida theme parks.

The good news is that all the theme parks ARE reopening.  It will be different, but it is happening.  Hopefully, as the months pass, things will return to something closer to normal for theme park visitors.  It is time, I believe, to start planning our vacations for next year.  If you need help, I am available!  Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

Happy Dreaming,


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Waiting in Line at Disney Parks

What to do While Waiting in Line

It is time to accept that if you are visiting Walt Disney World or Disneyland, you are GOING to spend some time waiting in line.  What’s more, spending some time in lines is NOT the end of the world.  Yes, having a Fast Pass+ reservation and bypassing the line is AWESOME.  Riding during an After Hours event or Early Morning Magic and having mostly no lines is really, really fun.

However, the reality is that during your average park day, even if you’ve expertly managed your Fast Pass+ reservations and arrived at the park before it opened, you are going to wait in some lines.  During busy times, like Spring Break or Christmas week, you are going to wait in a LOT of lines.

Waiting in line for an attraction you love is not a terrible thing.  We’ve all gotten a wee bit spoiled by Fast Pass+, and I’m the first to admit I can be a brat if a ride I want to ride has a line longer than I’m willing to wait in.  We have skipped Toy Story Mania on a few trips because of the lines and I LOVE that ride.  BUT having the right attitude goes a long way in managing the lines.

If the line is too long, skip it

Be honest with yourself.  If the line is longer than you are willing to wait, don’t get in it.  If the sign says 90 minutes, trust the sign.  Yes, Disney does sometimes exaggerate their wait times a few minutes to help improve guest satisfaction.  They DON’T exaggerate them by 45 minutes, though.  If you are going to be mad that you waited 90 minutes, don’t get in line.  Your resulting mood will make it difficult for you to enjoy the ride and might impact the rest of your family.

Tower of Terror
Tower of Terror attraction photo (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)

It is not going to be the most tragic thing ever if you skip a few attractions because the lines are too long.  There are so many great attractions and things to do at Disney, you can’t fit everything in, even if all the lines are short.  It’s ok if you decide to skip an attraction here or there.


If you’ve got little kids that are going to get hungry while you are waiting in line, don’t get in line unless you have something for them to snack on.  Or, take a break before you get in line and grab a snack.  If your kids are hungry or thirsty, and you get in a 20 -40 minute line, you’ll end up frustrated.  You won’t be happy that your kids are whining or crying, and your fellow line mates may end up annoyed with you and your kids.

Waiting in line
Grab a Snack! (Photo: Brooke Hudson)
Pay attention to the heat

If you are already super hot, and the majority of the line is outside, don’t get in line until you’ve taken a break.  Seriously, the Florida heat is no joke.  Take a break, sit down and have a cool drink or visit an air conditioned attraction where you can sit for awhile.  Cool off and relax a bit for heading into the line.

Splash Mountain
Splash Mountain Attraction Photo (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)

Use the line as an opportunity to play with your family.  Often you will end up playing with your line-neighbors as well.  Heads Up!, the popular phone game is a great choice, as long as you have a back up charger for your phone.  One person holds the phone up to their forehead, with the screen facing out.  A word pops up on the screen.  The rest of you try to give the phone holder clues that will help them guess the word on the screen.  There are levels and categories for all ages and interests.

Waiting in Line for Flight of Passage
Waiting in line for Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom. We had so much fun playing games with our neighbors in line! (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

There are other phone games that work well in line-but try to stick with group games that include everyone.  Again, you are on vacation to enjoy each other and spend time together.  Everyone buried in their own phones is not what you are going for.

Hunting for hidden mickeys can also be a fun way to pass the time.  Hidden mickeys are elements in the decor around you that are secretly shaped to resemble Mickey’s head (or sometimes hands).  There are THOUSANDS of hidden mickeys located throughout the parks and resorts at Disney.

Enjoy each other!

Line is also a good time to regroup.  Ask each other questions.  Make everyone stop and think about where they are.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in running from attraction to attraction, we miss how much fun we are having.  That sounds silly, but you’d be surprised how often it’s actually true!

Waiting in line
Playing in line (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

What have been the favorite attractions of the day so far?  Why?  What’s one thing each person wants to do tomorrow?  Is there one thing they’ll want to tell their friends about when they get home? What is one thing they’d like to do again later in the day (or week)?  Is there a character they’d like to meet?

We sometimes will even play with friends or family back at home.  I’ll take a picture of some element in the queue area, and text it to a friend, asking them to guess what attraction I’m on.  This is also a good time to post an update to social media.  However, as I mentioned above, don’t get drawn into surfing social media.  Make your post, and get back to spending time with your family.

Try not to mix short line attractions with long line attractions

This can be tough during busy periods when everything seems like it has long lines.  However, when it IS possible, try not to stack attractions with long lines.  For example, if you just waited 45 minutes to ride Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, don’t head to Peter Pan, where you will likely have a line at least that long, if not longer.  Check wait times around you and choose something with a short line, like It’s a Small World, or the Carousel.

Green Army Man Vinnie Toy Story Mania
Heading to Toy Story Mania (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

Also, if you’ve spend a lot of time in line on your feet, try to fit in a show-type attraction where everyone can sit down for a while and give their legs and feet a break.  Alternatively, take a sit down snack break and let everyone rest a bit before heading to the next attraction with a line.

Take a break!

If you find yourself feeling frustrated, overheated or aggravated, it’s time for a break.  Trust me, you will enjoy the rest of your day a lot more if you take a few minutes or a few hours and take a break.

Take a break
Take a break! (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

We often go back to our resort for 3 – 5 hours in the afternoon.  We like to give everyone a chance to cool off or to rest.  Sometimes we go to the pool, sometimes we nap, sometimes we just rest for a bit.  Over the years, I’ve learned that a break like this ultimately adds a lot of enjoyment to the rest of our day.

Waiting in Line
Take a break! (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

If you aren’t staying on property, or if your resort is a long distance from the park you are visiting, returning to your resort for a break may not be practical.  However, you can still take a break and rest for a bit.  If you are at Magic Kingdom, ride the monorail loop for a while.  Or take the ferry over to the ticket and transport center and back.   The WDW Railroad is closed until 2021, but once it reopens, it is another great way to sit down, enjoy the breeze and relax.

If you’re at Epcot or Hollywood Studios, you can take the Skyliner for a ride.  You can visit the boardwalk.  Or just find a shady spot, grab a bottle of water or a drink and relax for a while.  This works at Animal Kingdom too!  Lots of great places to sit and relax.

Parades and Fireworks can be your friends

Personally, I am a fireworks junkie.  I love Disney fireworks and they are often the highlight of any day I spend at Disney.  However, I recognize that not everyone feels this way.

Fireworks Waiting in line
Magic Kingdom Fireworks (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

If fireworks aren’t your thing (or if you’ve seen them once and don’t need to see them again) you can take advantage of shorter lines during fireworks shows.  Unless the fireworks happen after the park closes, you will usually find that so many people go to watch the fireworks, the lines for attractions drop dramatically in the hour leading up to and during the fireworks.

Also, a lot of people leave the parks following the following a fireworks show–which can also lead to shorter lines.  This doesn’t always work, but can be helpful when it does.  For example, the fireworks shows at Epcot and Hollywood Studios usually take place at park close, so the attractions close as the show starts (in most cases).  BUT, if you’re visiting a park that stays open AFTER the fireworks, you should enjoy shorter lines.

Similarly, lines are usually a little shorter leading up to and during parades. Guests claim viewing spots up to one hour before the parade, and take about 15 minutes to disperse after the parade.  The difference isn’t as dramatic as during fireworks shows, but it can be a good window to try and ride a popular attraction with a shorter line.

Boo to You Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

We tend to skip the afternoon parades in favor of returning to our resort for a break, but I’m a sucker for both the Halloween parade and the Christmas parade.  If you’re attending a party, and the parade is running twice?  Skip the first parade in favor of riding attractions!  The second parade will be less congested, and you’ll benefit from slightly shorter lines during the first parade!

VIP Tours

If you are visiting during a very busy time or truly have no patience with lines, you may want to consider a VIP Tour.  VIP Tours are pricey, but they offer a luxury experience for the guests and completely or mostly eliminate lines.  You won’t ride every attraction, but VIP Tour guides will make sure you ride the attractions that are most important to you and your family.  If you would like more information about VIP Tours, email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

Attitude = Happy Vacation

Honestly, the healthier your attitude is about waiting in line, the happier your vacation at Disney will be.  It is unavoidable.  You will have to wait in some lines, and you will often be surrounded by lots of people.

The choice is yours.  You can choose to let the lines make you cranky, or you can appreciate the quality time you are spending with your family.  Choose to appreciate that you are seeing families from all over the world, enjoying the same activities that you are and your family are enjoying.  You can notice the details in the queues, and enjoy those queues that feature interesting scenes, cooler climates or interactive games.

Flight of Passage Queue Animal Kingdom
The queue for Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom has some cool scenes (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

Some of the memories that stick with me the most are silly moments in line.  Playing with the kids, getting the giggles, meeting people from all over the world, people watching-these moments are the real magic!  In fact, the moment I realized I was in love with my (then future) husband happened in line for It’s a Small World during our first trip together.  Who knows?  Maybe if there hadn’t been a line that day, we wouldn’t have ended up here!

Toy Story Mania Wedding Bridal Portrait Hollywood Studios

Waiting in line isn’t a terrible thing.  Yes, I spend a lot of time on this blog and with my clients planning to avoid lines as much as possible.  But it’s important to realize that some lines are going to be part of your trip.  It’s up to you how you’ll respond to them.  Choosing to make the lines you end up in a magical moment of your trip?  That is the secret to a truly memorable vacation!

Toy Story Mania
Wedding Trip: Toy Story Mania (Photo: Brooke and Frank)

Happy dreaming,



Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Disney World and Disneyland Closing Due to Coronavirus

Breaking news!  The Walt Disney Company announced today that Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Disneyland will be closing due to the coronavirus.  In addition, Disney Cruise Line departures are cancelled through the end of March.

These new Disney theme park closures follow the closures of Shanghai Disney, Tokyo Disneyland and Hong Kong Disneyland earlier this month.

Earlier this week, we gave you an update regarding Disney’s policies and procedures for both U.S. Disney Parks and Resorts and Disney Cruise Line.  If you’d like to review that article, please visit here.

However, in just a few days, the coronavirus has caused increasing concerns worldwide, affecting the decisions of people all over the globe.  As a result, Disney has announced that Disney Parks in the U.S. and France will close beginning March 16, 2020.  The parks will remain closed through the end of the month.

Disney World and Disneyland Closing due to coronavirus
Photo: Brooke Hudson

Disney’s Official Statements

Disney released these statements late Thursday afternoon.

Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Disney Cruise Line

“In an abundance of caution and in the best interest of our Guests and employees, we are proceeding with the closure of our theme parks at Walt Disney World® Resort in Florida and Disneyland Paris Resort, beginning at the close of business on Sunday, March 15, through the end of the month.

Disney Cruise Line will suspend all new departures beginning Saturday, March 14, through the end of the month.

The Walt Disney Company will pay its Cast Members during that closure period.

The hotels at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris will remain open until further notice.  The retail and dining complexes, Disney Springs at Walt Disney World and Disney Village at Disneyland Paris, will remain open.

Domestic Walt Disney Company employees who are able to work from home are being asked to do so, including those at The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Television, ESPN, Direct-to-Consumer, and Parks, Experiences and Products.

We will continue to stay in close contact with appropriate officials and health experts.”

Disneyland and California Adventure

“While there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 at Disneyland® Resort, after carefully reviewing the guidelines of the Governor of California’s executive order and in the best interest of our guests and employees, we are proceeding with the closure of Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure, beginning the morning of March 14 through the end of the month.

The Hotels of the Disneyland Resort will remain open until Monday, March 16 to give guests the ability to make necessary travel arrangements; Downtown Disney will remain open. We will monitor the ongoing situation and follow the advice and guidance of federal and state officials and health agencies. Disney will continue to pay cast members during this time.

Disneyland Resort will work with guests who wish to change or cancel their visits, and will provide refunds to those who have hotel bookings during this closure period.  We anticipate heavy call volume over the next several days and appreciate guests’ patience as we work hard to respond to all inquiries.

Please contact The Walt Disney Travel Company for questions and cancellations at 714.52.5050.”

Questions You May Have

To learn more about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the U.S. response to it by visiting the CDC.

What if I have a vacation package booked while the parks are closed?

You can cancel or modify your room reservation or Walt Disney Travel Company package up until your original scheduled check in date.  There will be no fee to change your dates or cancel your package.  If you take no action to change or cancel, Disney will automatically process a refund to your original form of payment within seven days of your original check in date.

What if I have a vacation package booked after March 31?  (But I don’t want to travel during that time?) 

Disney has temporarily changed their change and cancellation policy.  If you have a room reservation or vacation package with a check in date through June 30, 2020, you can change your dates or cancel your reservation with no penalty or cancellation fee.

How does the closure impact my annual pass? 

Annual passes will be extended by the number of days the parks are closed.  (Note: Disney has officially answered this question for WDW Annual Passes, but I am fairly confident that the same will hold true for Disneyland Annual Passes.)

What if I have date specific theme park tickets for the period the parks will be closed? 

Unexpired multi-day theme park tickets with unused days or date specific theme park tickets with a start date on or before March 31, 2020 will be automatically extended to use any date before December 15, 2020.  If you can’t visit the parks prior to December 15, 2020, you may apply the value of your wholly unused ticket toward the purchase of a ticket for a future date.

What if I have a ticket for Disney After Hours, Disney Villains After Hours or Disney Early Morning Magic between March 16, 2020 and March 31, 2020? 

Your ticket will be automatically refunded because those events are being cancelled.

What if I’ve prepaid for a dining reservation or an experience reservation like Build a Droid ?  (Scheduled between March 16, 2020 and March 31, 2020?)

All prepaid dining and experience reservations will be automatically refunded if they were scheduled to occur between March 16, 2020 and March 31, 2020.

What about dining reservations that I guaranteed with a credit card? 

You will not pay a cancellation or no-show fee for reservations at locations impacted by the closures.

Disney World and Disneyland Closing Due to Coronavirus — Final Thoughts

I am disappointed that Disney made these decisions to close their parks worldwide.  However, I understand that governmental and public pressures made this result almost inevitable.

I am very happy to see that Disney will continue to pay all cast members impacted by the closures.  When I first heard this news, I was very concerned for the cast members.  It’s fairly well known that Disney cast members’ wages are pretty low. I suspect many cast members live paycheck to paycheck as do so many people these days.  The impact of two weeks without pay could be ruinous to many people.  I am glad to see that Disney is stepping up and taking care of their people.

Disney World and Disneyland closing due to coronavirus
Disney Cast Members (Photo: Disney Parks)

It is of course possible that Disney could elect to extend these closures beyond the end of March; however, I am hopeful that will not be necessary.  I hope that in April, we will see a return to normalcy across the country and the world; not just for Disney but for all of us.

What are your thoughts about Disney World and Disneyland closing due to the coronavirus?  Do you have any vacation plans impacted by these closures?  Please comment with your thoughts below.

Please take care of yourselves and those you love!

Happy Dreaming!


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway Now Open!

There’s great news for all of us that love new attractions at Walt Disney World.  Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is now open!  On Wednesday, March 4, 2020, Disney officially opened Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway to visitors–human and cartoons alike!

Early Reactions

Predictably, kids that watch Mickey Mouse shorts on the Disney Channel right now are the biggest fans of this new attraction.  However, I think this attraction will find big fans of all ages.  But let’s face:  when you base an attraction on Mickey and his friends, you’re going after the kids in a big way.  And it looks like it worked!

I could just die from the cuteness.  Check out the video below from Disney.

I think you’ll agree that these kids are very excited that Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is now open!!

What to Expect?

FUN!  This is a FUN attraction.  It’s filled with bright colors, tons of animation and crazy antics from Mickey and his friends.  Basically, as you move through the queue, you are leaving the human world and entering the cartoon world.  The attraction does a great job submerging you in that cartoon world.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

Mickey and Minnie are going on a picnic.  But Goofy is the train conductor.  As you might imagine, things go a little bit wonky!  The ride then leads us through various scenes inspired by Disney’s Emmy winning Mickey shorts series.

Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is a trackless dark ride. Your car is not actually linked to the cars in front of and behind you.  It moves independently.  This enables the attraction to feature some surprises, and adds to the repeatability of the attraction.

Disney released this video “Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway Now Open”.  See what you think!

There is a LOT going on in this attraction, and I think you’d have to ride it a few times to take everything in.  It’s a little frantic at times in the way it moves through scenes, but that’s kind of how cartoons work, isn’t it?

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

The Imagineers have done their best to make two dimensional cartoons feel like they are three dimensional.  I think they are mostly successful.  There are scenes with a lot of physical depth to them, and you definitely feel surrounded on all sides by the particular scene you are in.

This is the first ride in Disney Parks history to feature Mickey Mouse.  It’s also the first ride to feature Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Pluto or Donald Duck.

Will I Still Miss The Great Movie Ride?

That depends on how much you loved it.   In a perfect world, perhaps we would have both the old beloved attractions as well as all the new attractions.  New attractions are vital to any theme park’s long term growth and survival.  Mickey and Minnie have long deserved to be the stars of an attraction, and now finally, they are.  I think the new attraction is a great addition to Hollywood Studios, and I think guests are really going to enjoy it.  It’s a lot of fun, and I think there are lots of hidden gems in the scenes that it will take many rides to find.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

Having said that, I personally still miss The Great Movie Ride.  I love movies, and I always loved being able to “ride through the movies”.  I loved the tributes to classic films, and I loved the cheesy live-action elements with the cast member taking us on our tour.  Many people felt that it needed updating, and perhaps they were right.  However, I think The Great Movie Ride was unique and really a integral part of what Disney’s Hollywood Studios (originally Disney MGM Studios) was trying to be.  There really isn’t anything left at Hollywood Studios that feels like it’s a part of the movies or a tribute to movie history.

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is an immersive experience that makes you feel like you are in those movies, true.  You can feel like part of the story in Galaxy’s Edge, and it is both nostalgic and mind blowing.  But it’s a different experience that what you got from The Great Movie Ride.  That was more typical dark ride–riding through classic scenes, taking them in.  The nostalgia factor was there, certainly.  There was a little bit of camp and silliness. But for all the things I loved about The Great Movie Ride, I know lots of people were bored by or didn’t enjoy.

Change HAS to Happen

Walt Disney always said that the theme park has to change and grow with its audience.  He said the park was not a museum.  (Although wouldn’t a museum where you could go ride attractions that have been replaced be a fun place to go? Horizons, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Timekeeper…so many attractions in the attic of my memory.  Sheesh, maybe I really am getting old!)

I recognize that today’s audience is different from the audience I grew up with.  Today’s audience has a shorter attention span and require more activity and stimulation.  To that end, I think Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway accomplishes what the Imagineers were going for.  It’s a fast attraction with a lot going on.  There’s a lot to look at, and there is a lot of stimulation.  I think young audiences and fans of the Mickey shorts are going to LOVE this attraction.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Mickey Shorts Posters
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway Posters (Disney Parks)

Personally, I don’t love the Mickey shorts, but I suspect that’s also my age showing.  I grew up watching more traditional Mickey Mouse cartoons, and today’s Mickey shorts don’t look “right” to me.  However, even though I’m not a fan of the current Mickey shorts, I still find a lot to love in this new attraction.  It’s a lot of fun.  I definitely think its an attraction you can joyfully ride many times without getting bored.

But I still miss The Great Movie Ride.

Fast Pass Reservations

Now that Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is open, you can of course make Fast Pass+ reservations.  Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is in Tier One of the Hollywood Studios Fast Pass+ reservation system.  Basically, this means you have to choose between three of the park’s most popular attractions for one of your Fast Pass+ reservations.  Your other two Fast Pass+ selections will come from Tier Two.  (To learn more about the Fast Pass+ reservation structure, read this post.)

If you are in the midst of vacation planning for a trip this year, I would definitely plan on using your Tier One Fast Pass+ at Hollywood Studios for this attraction, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway.  The newest attractions are ALWAYS the most popular, which automatically means long lines.  And when a new attraction gets good reviews?  That just makes it even more popular.  If there isn’t any availability for this attraction, Slinky Dog Roller Coaster is probably your next priority, followed by Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run.  While Slinky Dog is the oldest of these three Tier One attractions, it’s still barely 2 year old, and remains incredibly popular.  Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run is also extremely popular; however, most afternoons, you can ride with waits under 30 minutes.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway is Now Open
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo Disney Parks)

Booking a Fast Pass+ Reservation

Given that this is Disney’s newest attraction at Walt Disney World, I anticipate that Fast Pass+ reservations will continue to go very fast for several months to come.  The only thing that MIGHT slow down demand will be if Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance moves over to Fast Pass+ system and is a Tier One attraction. (Currently, Rise of the Resistance is using a virtual queue system that assigns visitors to boarding groups.  Learn more here.)

When booking Fast Passes for your vacation, I always recommend you book the hardest to get Fast Passes on your list FIRST, rather than working through your list day by day.  [This is assuming you are staying on Disney property, and can book Fast Pass+ reservations for your entire stay (up to 10 days) sixty days prior to your vacation.  If you are NOT staying on Disney property, you can book Fast Pass+ reservations, one day at a time, 30 days prior to the date of your visit.]

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

For example, if you are planning to visit Magic Kingdom on Monday, Hollywood Studios on Tuesday, Animal Kingdom on Wednesday and Epcot on Thursday, you might not necessarily book your Magic Kingdom Fast Pass+ reservations first, even though that is the first day you’ll be visiting the parks.  You’ll want to take advantage of your full window, and book the hardest to get Fast Pass+ reservations first.  Think about each park, and the attractions you want to make sure you get Fast Pass+ reservations for, if at all possible.  Then consider which Fast Pass+ reservations disappear the fastest.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

If Minnie and Mickey’s Runaway Railway is high on your list of must-ride attractions, you may want to book that Fast Pass+ reservation first or second as you work on your Fast Pass+ reservations.  (For me personally, Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom is almost always the first Fast Pass+ reservation I book, followed by Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Magic Kingdom.  I will have to think about moving this new attraction in front of Seven Dwarfs as I plan our next trip.)

To visit Disney’s webpage for this attraction or to book your Fast Pass+ reservations (if you are in the window), click here.

What if I Can’t Get a Fast Pass+ Reservation?

Whenever you book your Fast Pass+ reservations, it’s very likely that you will be disappointed with at least one reservation you wanted.  With so many guests visiting Disney every day and using the Fast Pass+ system, it’s impossible that we all get exactly what we want!

Don’t panic!  Yes, it’s a bummer when you can’t get a Fast Pass+ reservation for a ride you really want to to ride. However, if you don’t get a Fast Pass+ reservation, it doesn’t mean you won’t get to ride the ride.  It just means you will have to rely on the standby queue for your ride.  (Side note: you should ride this attraction at least once via the standby queue as the Fast Pass line bypasses some really cute elements that are part of the standby queue.)

Start Early

As always, getting an early start is one of my top recommendations for shorter standby lines.  So many guests like to sleep in during their vacations, or have a leisurely breakfast prior to heading to the parks.  I love a good breakfast as much as the next person, but I like being in the parks with lighter crowds MORE.

Getting to the park early doesn’t mean NO line at your favorite attractions; however, it almost always means a shorter line than you’ll find later in the day.  You will notice a surge in traffic as the park opens and guests head to the attraction they’ve chosen for their first ride.

At Magic Kingdom, the surge usually either heads towards Seven Dwarfs Mine Train in Fantasyland or Space Mountain in Tomorrowland.  At Hollywood Studios, the surge usually headed towards Toy Story Land and Toy Story Mania and Slinky Dog Coaster.  Thrill seekers head towards the Rock n Roller Coaster or the Tower of Terror.  Now that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge has opened, a large portion of the morning “surge” heads directly towards Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge when the park opens.

If you can enter the line for your chosen attraction during the first 10 – 15 minutes the park is open, your lines (generally) will be fairly short, and you can move on to your next attraction.  However, don’t run and please don’t run over small children to get to that first attraction.  Sometimes in their enthusiasm, people forget to be kind–don’t be one of those people!

Ride at Night

Another tip for riding popular attractions?  The end of the night.  If you are in line before the park closes for the night, you WILL be able to ride the attraction.  You may still have to wait in a fairly long line, but usually the lines at the very end of the night are much shorter than they’ve been the rest of the day.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (Photo: Disney Parks)

Pay Attention to the App

I’m of two minds when it comes to the My Disney Experience App.  I LOVE having access to my PhotoPass pictures right away.  It’s really cool to book Fast Pass+ reservations on the fly via the app after you’ve used your first three of the day.  I really like being able to take advantage of Mobile Ordering for Quick Service Restaurants via the app.  And I really like being able to see wait times in the App.

However, I am also not a fan of seeing people with their heads buried in their phones while on vacation at one of the most magical places they could possibly be! Don’t let “checking the app” become your favorite past time.   If you find yourself spending more time checking attraction wait times than talking to your kids, maybe turn off the phone for awhile.

Know How Long You’re Willing to Wait

Monitoring the wait times for one – three attractions you really want to ride can help you plan your park touring though.  Briefly checking on those one – three attractions while you are waiting in line or taking a short break?  That can show you when the lines have gotten shorter.  Decide in advance what your threshold is.

For example, I am usually willing to wait 20 – 25 minutes for an attraction I really want to ride.  10 minutes if I’ve already ridden, but would like to ride again.  If I check the app, and wait times have dropped below 20 minutes, I would probably adjust my plan to head to that attraction.  For some attractions, you might be willing to wait longer, even up to an hour.  (Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom is TOTALLY worth it!)  Just know your threshold. If not riding a particular  attraction is going to “ruin” your vacation, your threshold should be a lot higher than 10-30 minutes.

Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway Now Open
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway                                                                    (Photo Disney Parks)

Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is Now Open!

What do you think?  Are you excited that Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway is now open?  Do you love the Mickey shorts?  How soon will you take your first ride?  Are you ready for Goofy to be your train conductor?  Please comment below with your thoughts!

Happy Dreaming,


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Disney and the Coronavirus

I know that many people are very concerned about COVID-19, commonly referred to as the novel coronavirus.  If you are planning a Disney vacation and/or a Disney Cruise Line vacation in the coming months, no doubt Disney and their response to the coronavirus are weighing on your mind.

Disney has released formal statements regarding COVID-19 for both Disney Parks and Resorts and the Disney Cruise Line.

It is important to remember that while the novel coronavirus can be very serious for those with health issues that compromise their immune system and make them more vulnerable, for most of us the impact of contracting the novel coronavirus will be similar to the flu.  Taking care of our personal hygiene per the guidelines released by the CDC (link in the statement below) will significantly reduce our vulnerability to COVID-19, as well as other contagious diseases.

Disney has a well earned reputation for cleanliness and sanitation, and I am confident they are taking every necessary precaution to ensure the safety of all guests.

Disney and the Coronavirus – Parks and Resorts

Dr. Pamela Hymel, Disney’s Chief Medical Officer released a statement a few days ago.  We have included an excerpt from this statement below:

“As part of our commitment to the health and well-being of our cast, guests and the larger community, we are carefully monitoring the evolving coronavirus situation and are in regular contact with health agencies for information and guidance. Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort, are welcoming guests as usual and we continue to implement preventive measures in line with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health agencies.

Walt Disney World, Disneyland and all of our parks and resorts around the world have high standards of cleanliness, which assists with illness prevention, and we have health and safety protocols in place, such as:

      • Training for cast members, with ongoing reinforcement on a regular basis
      • Defined cycles for frequent cleaning and disinfection of targeted areas
      • Easy access to handwashing facilities and hand sanitizers
      • Quick response to spills, trash and other situations
      • End of day sanitation procedures for restroom, kitchen, and other facilities
      • Frequent cleaning and “wash down” of outdoor locations, including walkways and queues

Additionally, our onsite health teams and leaders are communicating with our cast members about illness prevention, including the guidance of the CDC. The CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs, such as staying home when sick, washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, following proper respiratory cough etiquette, avoiding close contact with people who are sick and avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.”

Disney Cruise Line and the Coronavirus

In response to concerns specifically related to cruise travel, Disney has released the following statement and update to Disney Cruise Line policies.

“Information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 continues to evolve quickly and Disney Cruise Line is closely following guidance from health officials and authorities in the ports of call we visit. We are also committed to keeping our Guests informed and updated, and are happy to address any questions our Guests have in advance of their cruise vacations and once they’re onboard.

The health and safety of our Guests, as well as that of our Crew Members, is our primary focus. We are taking precautionary steps and have implemented the following guidelines, which will likely continue to evolve as more information becomes available:

      • Currently, any Guest or Crew Member who has traveled from, to or through China, including Hong Kong and Macau, South Korea, Italy, Iran or Japan, within 14 days of departure will not be able to board our ships.
      • Any Guest or Crew Member who has been in contact with someone from these areas, including Guests with connecting flights in these locations, also will not be able to board, nor will anyone who has helped care for someone suspected of having or diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19), or who is currently subject to health monitoring for possible exposure. Guests who have air travel booked through Disney Cruise Line will automatically have their flights rebooked on an alternate route. Guests who booked their own air travel arrangements should contact their airlines directly to make the appropriate changes.
      • As is always our practice, we screen all Guests and Crew Members before they board, and anyone who feels unwell with gastrointestinal or flu-like symptoms (fever over 100.4º F, chills, cough or difficulty breathing) will not be permitted to sail.
      • In addition, all Guests and Crew Members will have their temperature checked by a nurse with a no touch thermometer prior to boarding, regardless if they are symptomatic or feel unwell. Additional medical screening will be required for anyone with a temperature of 100.4º F or greater, and they along with their travel party may be unable to sail.
      • For cruises that include a stop in Nassau or Castaway Cay, please note that The Bahamas will not allow anyone to disembark in any Bahamian port if they have been to China, South Korea, Italy or Iran in the past 20 days prior to arrival. These Guests may be able to sail but will be unable to visit The Bahamas.
      • For cruises that include a stop in Jamaica, please note that in addition to the locations noted above, officials there also will not allow Guests who have traveled from, to or through Singapore within 14 days of arrival to come ashore. These Guests will be unable to sail.

Temporary Cancellation Policy Update

Given the current situation, we are offering temporary adjustments to our cancellation policy to provide more flexibility for our guests. These adjustments may continue to evolve as more information becomes available.”

“Disney Cruise Line Coronavirus (COVID-19) Additional Information

Disney Cruise Line consistently receives among the highest public health inspection scores and has health and safety protocols in place. We also have a comprehensive plan that outlines protocols for managing illness and closely follow the guidance of public health officials. Some of these procedures include:

      • Training for all of our Crew Members on how best to prevent the spread of illness onboard.
      • A health screening completed by all Guests and Crew Members to check for illness before they board the ship.
      • Extensive cleaning and sanitation of high-traffic areas (e.g., handrails, doorknobs and elevator buttons) and children’s facilities.
      • Cleaning of all staterooms twice a day, and additional disinfection when necessary.
      • Medical clinics on our ships staffed with experienced doctors and nurses and stocked with supplies and medications to treat a variety of illnesses.

According to public health authorities, Guests can also help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and many other illnesses by frequently washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom and before eating. Parents can supervise their children to ensure they wash their hands thoroughly. In addition, Disney Cruise Line has hand sanitizer wipes and sanitation stations conveniently available in multiple places on its ships. Guests can also cover their nose and mouth with a tissue (or upper sleeve) when sneezing, and avoid sneezing or coughing into their hands or without covering their nose and mouth.”

Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands

Because concern about the coronavirus is widespread, I felt it was important to include Disney’s statements verbatim, rather than to paraphrase them.  As Disney releases new statements or amends these statements, I will release updates.

Disney and the coronavirus update

Bottom line: Disney is doing everything they can to combat the spread of COVID-19 or any other disease in their theme parks and cruise line.  They have an excellent reputation for cleanliness and training cast members on strict policies and procedures. I have no doubt that Disney has gotten even more aggressive in these areas due to the concerns regarding the coronavirus.

If you have a Disney Parks or a Disney Cruise Line vacation planned for the next 60 days, and are concerned about Disney and the coronavirus, Disney has implemented temporary cancellation policies.  If you would like my help with determining your recourse and/or rescheduling your trip, please contact me at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

As long as you feel comfortable with Disney’s policies and are in reasonably good health, I don’t think it is necessary to cancel or reschedule your trip.  However, if you are worried and don’t think you’d be comfortable, I can certainly understand if you wish to cancel or reschedule.

I will keep you updated as news regarding Disney and the coronavirus evolves.

Happy Dreaming,


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Spaceship Earth is Closing For Refurbishments

We’ve been expecting this for a long time.  Spaceship Earth was last updated in 2007, when new scenes and props were added to the attraction and Dame Judi Dench recorded a new narration.  The 2007 refurbishment was the result of a six month closure of the attraction.  This new refurbishment is going to be much more significant.  Disney has announced that Spaceship Earth is closing for refurbishments on May 26, 2020.

Disney has not given us a firm timeline for this refurbishment; however, they have indicated a window of 18 – 30 months.  I feel pretty comfortable predicting that this Spaceship Earth refurbishment will take at least 2 years.

Spaceship Earth Reimagining

Disney is calling this latest refurbishment of Spaceship Earth a “reimagining”.  They are also telling us that it is going to be the most extensive refurbishment of the attraction since it opened in October 1982.  The details, however, are sparse.

At last year’s D23 Expo, Disney announced the planned reimagining of Spaceship Earth.  At that announcement, Disney shared that the new version of Spaceship Earth would focus on the journey of humanity through the ages.  We were told that some scenes will be updated with new Disney magic, while some new scenes will be added.

It looks like the new iteration of this attraction will include new narration, telling a new story.  The limited information we have indicates that light will be an important part of the new story.  We will learn how light plays a role in our shared human journey, and what is possible when we all come together.

Disney has released this concept art for the updated Egypt scene in the attraction.  This is a scene that is currently part of the attraction, but it is being updated and transformed to show the power of light.

Spaceship Earth Closing for Refurbishments
Spaceship Earth Reimagining: Egypt (Concept Art: Disney Parks)

The Bad News: Spaceship Earth is Closing

There’s no getting around it.  Major attraction refurbishments are a bummer.  Spaceship Earth is going to close for a long time–at least 18 months, according to Disney.

Spaceship Earth is a popular dark ride, with ride vehicles constantly moving.  It’s an attraction that absorbs a LOT of people per hour, and the line moves fairly quickly, when there is a line.  Often, the lines are very short.  Again, because the attraction is constantly moving and so many guests can be riding the attraction at once.  It’s a nice break from the Florida heat, and is a fairly long attraction, so your feet and legs get a nice break.

The attraction also provides a unique souvenir: the little game at the end of the attraction results in an image that you can email to yourself (or others) featuring animation and your face(s).

Spaceship Earth being closed for such a long time is definitely bad news.  However, there are some good things about this closure, too.

Disney Epcot Flower and Garden Festival Vacation Planning Disney Travel Agent
Photo: Brooke Hudson

The Good News

The most obvious good news is that Spaceship Earth is getting a necessary refurbishment.  This attraction has needed an update for many years now.  Some of the scenes are looking tired and worn and many of the vehicles have shown signs of wear for years.  In addition, Disney has done so much with technology in the years since the last refurbishment, I’m excited to see what they integrate into Spaceship Earth.  I’m looking forward to updated scenes, a new story and new narration.  We may even get new vehicles (not confirmed).

October 2022 will be the 40th Anniversary of Epcot.  I’m hopeful that the new iteration of Spaceship Earth will be open by then, if not sooner.  I suspect the Imagineers are very cognizant of that anniversary date, and would really like to have the attraction completed and to be a cornerstone of that celebration.

More Good News

This is not necessarily directly related, but I have a theory.  I suspect the opening of the new Ratatouille themed attraction in the France pavilion will dovetail pretty closely with the closure of Spaceship Earth for refurbishments.  As I mentioned above, Spaceship Earth currently absorbs a LOT of people each hour.  When it closes, those people will join the queues for other attractions, potentially making lines longer all over Epcot.  However, there is a new attraction opening “this summer” that will potentially be able to absorb a lot of those people.  Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure is a new dark ride that will feature trackless vehicles.

Spaceship Earth is Closing for Refurbishments
Ride Vehicle for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure (Photo: Disney Parks)

Disney has not given us a firm opening date for this attraction yet; however, I believe that it will closely coincide with the closing of Spaceship Earth.  While I doubt that Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure will move as many people through it per hour as Spaceship Earth does, a new attraction in the park will definitely help offset the loss of Spaceship Earth.

Currently, there is so much construction happening in the front of the park, the more Disney can move people through to World Showcase, the better.  Getting Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure ready to open has to be a pretty big priority for them right now, I believe.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I think Spaceship Earth closing for refurbishment is a good thing.  I think the ride needs updating and an infusion of new technology.  I am disappointed that I won’t get to ride it one last time before it closes, though.  I’m worried about the impact of this attraction closing on the lines and crowds in the park.  I’m hopeful that new attractions and activities in other areas of the park will help offset the closing of Spaceship Earth.

What do you think about this announcement?  Are you excited about the changes to Spaceship Earth or do you wish they’d just leave it alone?  Please let me know in the comments below!

Happy Dreaming,


Brooke Epcot Flower and Garden Festival Ears
email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com today to start planning your next Disney adventure!


The Regal Eagle Smokehouse: EPCOT’s Newest Restaurant

Today we have exciting news from Epcot.  There’s a brand new restaurant open at Epcot.  The Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Craft Drafts & Barbecue has opened at Epcot’s American Adventure pavilion.  The Regal Eagle Smokehouse is named after Sam the Eagle of the The Muppets.  Epcot’s newest quick service restaurant is themed to a barbecue cook-off, featuring competitors from across America.

New restaurant open at Epcot Regal Eagle Smokehouse
Restaurant Logo, Disney Parks

Perhaps best of all?  Mobile Ordering IS an option for the Regal Eagle Smokehouse through your My Disney Experience app, helping to minimize your time spent in LINE.

Liberty Inn Closed June 2019

For years, the food at the American Adventure pavilion was an embarrassment!  It always amazed me how bad the food was at the American pavilion.  It was such basic theme park food.  Cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, and [watery] pulled pork sandwiches.   None of these items stood out, and all were disappointing (especially the pulled pork!).  There was no theming to speak of, in my opinion.  It just felt like a big fast food restaurant.

There is so much great food in the United States; the abysmal food at Liberty Inn aggravated me for years.  It made me sad that visitors from all over the world could come to Disney and think THIS represented America.  But that’s all old news, thank goodness.  The Liberty Inn closed in June 2019 to make way for a new quick service restaurant.  Finally, we have our new restaurant: The Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Craft Drafts & Barbecue hosted by Coca-Cola.

The Regal Eagle Smokehouse

At long last, the American Adventure pavilion has an American themed restaurant to be proud of.  I think the choice to include the Muppets in the theming for this restaurant is genius.  It’s subtle, but it iso great to see the Muppets in Epcot!  Sam the Eagle is atop the logo and featured on the menu.  We see other Muppet characters in sketches around the restaurant.  The Muppet presence isn’t super overt, and of course, as a big Muppets fan, I wish there were more of it.  However, these days ANY sign of the Muppets at Walt Disney World is a good thing, as far as I’m concerned.

The theming throughout the interior space is sprinkled with classic Americana.  It’s got a little bit of a retro feel.  The walls feature lots of brick and tile.  There is red, white and blue bunting on the ceiling, and even the condiment station features Americana decor.  There’s a tin ceiling, and there are lots of copper pots and old timey accessories throughout.  The tables are flanked by backless benches, and the indoor seating area feels very large, bright and open.  The overall look is really sharp.

New Restaurant open at Epcot Regal Eagle Smokehouse
Regal Eagle Smokehouse                                                                                                       (Photo: Disney Parks)

Outdoors, the large seating area is all classic picnic tables with umbrellas to help protect guests from the Florida sun.  There’s also a large classic smoker on display in the outdoor seating area.  I’m not sure if this is just for show, or if we may see it in use during busy periods.

Barbecue Flavors From Across the United States

I think the Regal Eagle Smokehouse’s approach to “American” by using barbecue flavors found in different parts of the country is really smart.  Since summer cook-offs are such a big part of festivals throughout the country, I thought choosing to theme the restaurant as “Sam’s Centennial Cook-Off” was also a terrific idea!

New restaurant open at Epcot Regal Eagle Smokehouse
Source, Disney Parks

Entrees are themed to Texas, South Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee and North Carolina.  Meats are smoked for 14 hours, and the quality of the meats and sides are very high, especially for a theme park quick service restaurant.

Menu Options

There are a lot of options on this quick service menu!  There are a variety of sandwiches and platters.  All sandwiches and platters include a side.

New Restaurant Open at Epcot Regal Eagle Smokehouse
Great food can be found at the new Regal Eagle Smokehouse at the American Adventure Pavilion at EPCOT (Photo: Disney Parks)

The American Platter is $18.99, and I suspect it will be VERY popular, especially for first time visitors.  It includes three choices from the meat options, one side of your choice and a piece of garlic toast.   The meat options include Sliced Texas Beef Brisket, Kansas City Smoked Half Chicken, Memphis Dry-Rub Port Ribs, North Carolina Chopped Smoked Port Butt, and South Carolina Smoked Sausage.  The brisket and smoked sausage are available as sandwiches, and the other three meat options are available as single meat platters.  There is also a BBQ Burger, which is a burger topped with pulled BBQ pork and an onion ring.  A Power Greens Salad is on the menu, and includes chilled pulled chicken and fresh citrus.  For those that prefer plant based sandwiches, there is a BBQ Jackfruit Burger.  This is a plant based burger topped with BBQ Jackfruit.

Regal Eagle Smokehouse
Regal Eagle Smokehouse, The American Adventure Pavilion at EPCOT (Photo: Disney Parks)

Side options include House Made Pickles, French Fries, Beer-Battered Onion Rings, Creamy Coleslaw, Macaroni and Cheese, Garlic Toast, and Baked Beans with Burnt Ends.

For dessert, you can choose from the Fresh Watermelon Cup (But WHY?  Just kidding!), the S’mores Brownie and Banana Pudding.  The banana pudding even has vanilla wafer cookies in it.  So classic!

The kids menu features a cheeseburger, chicken salad, BBQ chicken leg and BBQ rib platter as options.  Most of these come with one or two sides, and a choice of Chocolate Milk, Apple Juice or small fountain beverage.


Inside you’ll find the traditional quick service restaurant Coca-Cola fountain beverage station, featuring the same Coca-Cola beverage options you find all over the parks.  But at the Regal Eagle Smokehouse, you’ll also find Iced Unsweetened Tea, Sweet Tea and a few varieties of flavored iced teas that I think are a nice inclusion.

The menu inside also features a variety of American draft beers and ciders, wine and some specialty cocktails.  There are more beverage options at the outdoor bar as well.  (Read on for more about the outdoor bar!).

Meat Lovers Paradise

While there is a plant based option on the menu, the Regal Eagle Smokehouse is primarily for those of us that eat meat.  If you are vegan or vegetarian, you will be happier at one of the other pavilions around World Showcase.  If, however, you are a meat lover, you will most likely find at least one item on this menu that you’ll love.

The other thing that makes me happy is that the entrees are not drenched in sauces.  Regal Eagle Smokehouse offers a variety of sauces on the side at the condiment bar, and you can add as much or as little sauce to your meats as you want to.  I think this will appeal to a wide range of customers.


The condiment bar features a variety of bbq sauces for you to try with your entree.  There are four sauces, plus ketchup on the condiment bar.  Sauce options include:

      • Mustard Guild “Old Glory” Sweet Mustard Sauce
      • Blue Ridge Vinegar League
      • Blue Ribbon Brisket Sauce
      • Sizzlin’ Pit Dry Rub Coalition Classic Smokehouse Sauce

Options for Those With Allergies

There are options available for those with gluten or wheat allergies, egg allergies, milk allergies, peanut or tree nut allergies, and soy allergies.  To review the complete menu, along with the allergy related options, please visit here.

Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Outdoor Bar

One of the highlights of the new outdoor area at the Regal Eagle Smokehouse is the new outdoor bar.  Many of the beverages offered at the outdoor bar can also be found inside the restaurant; however, I suspect the outdoor bar will satisfy a lot of patrons that aren’t interested in a meal.

The menu features a variety of American draft beers and ciders.  There is also a selection of California wines on the menu, as well as a few “specialty cocktails”.  Specialty cocktails include a Frozen Mint Julep, a Tennessee Lemonade (featuring Jack Daniels), a Texas Mule, a Frozen Strawberry Daquiri and a Moonshine Sour.  There are two non alcoholic options on the outdoor bar menu as well: Berry Sparkler and Frozen Iced Tea Lemonade.  Prices range from $4.50 (non alcoholic specialty beverages) to $14.00 (specialty cocktails).  While anyone who knows me well knows I’m am very partial to the Grand Marnier slushie available at the Champagne Kiosk in the France pavilion, I am eager to try the Tennessee Lemonade at the Regal Eagle Smokehouse!

At Last, Good American Food at the American Adventure Pavilion

I am happy to report that at long last, we have good food available at the American Adventure pavilion at EPCOT.  Of course, if you prefer table service, or eat good old American barbecue fairly frequently, the Regal Eagle Smokehouse might not be high on your list.  Also, I suspect it won’t be a preferred stop for vegans or vegetarians.

However, if you want a good quality quick service option, you can’t go wrong with the Regal Eagle Smokehouse.  The food is flavorful and the environment is fun and well themed.  And hey, there are some Muppets touches.  Good pulled pork, beef brisket, ribs and old fashioned banana pudding?  Count me in!

Muppets Sam the Eagle
Sam the Eagle, The Muppets (Photo: Disney Parks)

What do you think?  Are you going to check out the Regal Eagle Smokehouse?  Please comment below.  If you’ve already had a chance to try it, please share your thoughts!

Happy Dreaming,


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

P.S. There are lots of updates coming to EPCOT this year and next.  Have you heard about  EPCOT’s space themed restaurant coming later this year?  Check out this post to learn more.



Cinderella Castle is Getting a Makeover

In preparation for next year’s big 50th Anniversary celebration, construction projects are ongoing throughout Walt Disney World.  I’ve been wondering what Disney had in store for my beloved Cinderella Castle.  Honestly, I’ve been worried.  In previous years, they have done some questionable things to the castle.  But now the mystery is over.  Disney has officially announced that Cinderella Castle is getting a makeover.

25th Anniversary: Cinderella Castle Becomes a Giant Birthday Cake

Here’s one of the reasons I was worried.  Does anyone else remember (with horror) the “birthday cake” Cinderella Castle that Disney did for the 25th Anniversary? If they’d done if for a day or a week, I probably wouldn’t cry every time I think about it, but it stayed like this for more than a year!!!  They painted the castle bright PINK.  Now I like pink as much as the next girl, but not on Cinderella Castle for goodness sake!  As if the pink wasn’t bad enough, they attached all these inflatable things.  It was AWFUL.  I mean, the concept was cute I guess.  But the beautiful Cinderella Castle looked like this for more than a year.  1996 was NOT a good year for Cinderella.  I think maybe she let her Fairy Godmother decorate after a few too many nightcaps!

Cinderella Castle is Getting a Makeover Disney 25th Anniversary
Cinderella Castle as a giant birthday cake for the 25th Anniversary of the Magic Kingdom (Photo: Disney Parks)

50th Anniversary: Cinderella Castle is Getting a Makeover

Fortunately, it looks like I didn’t need to worry.  For this anniversary, Disney has decided to go classy instead of tacky.  Disney announced this week that Cinderella Castle is getting a makeover.  The castle is going to be repainted and additional gold accents are being added.  I’m assuming all the gold is in recognition of the golden anniversary.  If you aren’t already familiar, a 50th anniversary is the golden anniversary.  Magic Kingdom opened in October 1971.  October 2021 will be the 50th (golden) Anniversary for the Magic Kingdom, and by extension, Walt Disney World.  Magic Kingdom was the only park at Walt Disney World until Epcot opened in 1982.

Here’s the concept art that Disney has released showing what Cinderella Castle will look like after its makeover.

Cinderella Castle is Getting a Makeover
Concept Art – Disney Parks

What do you think?  I think it looks pretty good.  This is pink, but it is not the hideous BRIGHT pink of the 25th anniversary.  I think the gold accents and trip pieces look pretty, and will likely be sparkly in the Florida sunshine.  There are a lot of scary things Disney could have done to the Castle for the big anniversary.  I am relieved that they have chosen to go classy.

The Downside of Cinderella Castle Getting a Makeover

Unfortunately, there is a downside to Cinderella Castle getting a makeover.  In all likelihood, this repair work is will last all summer and possibly into the fall.  This will mean scaffolding around the castle.  It could mean crane work.  I’m not sure exactly what will be involved, or how dramatic the equipment and workers around the Castle will be.

I know everybody always complains when the crane is out for a couple of weeks in the fall to put the icicle lights on the castle for Christmas.  People often get upset about the crane being in their pictures.  I know I have a series of crane Castle pictures that I don’t love.

Cinderella Castle Getting a Makeover

Nonetheless, I expected Disney was going to do something with Cinderella Castle for the big 50th Anniversary.  If they’re going to do something, this is about the least offensive thing they could do.  I also don’t think it’s gonna take a super long time to complete.  Hopefully by the end of the summer, this will be a completed project.  It’s likely they will do the work in phases.  For example, they will have scaffolding on one area of the Castle at a time, so the whole Castle won’t be covered.  This way, guests will be able to get pictures from certain angles without scaffolding in their photos.

It’s All About the Attitude

I recommend that if you are visiting Walt Disney World this summer, know that you are likely to see scaffolding on the castle.  I understand that is disappointing.  Cinderella Castle is a beautiful icon and I completely understand that you want great pictures from your vacation.  Mostly likely, you were not planning to have scaffolding or other construction equipment or workers in your photos.  I get it.  However, keep in mind there are a TON of other locations around the parks where you will get fabulous pictures that won’t feature scaffolding.

Additionally, I suspect there will be some angles of the Castle that will still be lovely and without scaffolding.  Perhaps from the rear of the Castle.  The Castle is actually very lovely from the back.  The Castle is also very lovely from each side.   I believe there will be angles for photos where the scaffolding won’t be an issue.  However, I don’t know that for sure.  Disney hasn’t shared how they’re going to approach this project.  They also haven’t given us a firm end date for the project.  So far, they’ve just indicated the work will begin soon, and will continue throughout the summer.  So, if you are visiting this summer, you are going to probably going to see the Castle in process of being painted.

Cinderella Castle is getting a makeover
Cinderella Castle at Dawn                                                                                                     (Photo: Disney Parks)

Look on the Bright Side

On the other hand, if you have Castle scaffolding in your pictures, you are getting a very unique picture.  This isn’t a common occurrence, and not many guests will see this project while its underway.  So if you ARE visiting this summer, try to have as positive an attitude as possible about the project, and manage your expectations.  If you expect there to be a lot of scaffolding, and when you arrive, there’s only a small amount, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.  I’m a big believer in your attitude determining how terrific (or not) your vacation is.  Read this post for more on this topic.

The Good News

There is some good news here.  Of course, first and foremost, Cinderella Castle is going to look beautiful when it’s finished.  The popular daytime show, Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire, that takes place multiple times each day on the Castle Forecourt Stage, will not be disrupted according to Disney. It’s a cute show that features the Fab 5 and has a little fireworks at the end.  This show will go on, which I think implies Disney is not doing major construction.  They’re just putting up scaffolding and painting, primarily.  This will be a relatively minor incursion into the public Castle spaces.

Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire
Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire                                                                                      (Photo: Disney Parks)

Disney also stated that Cinderella’s Royal Table and the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo Boutique will not be affected.  This should mean you will still be able to walk through the Castle throughout the day to access Cinderella’s Royal Table and the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo Boutique.

Happily Ever After

Disney has also promised that Happily Ever After will not be affected by the makeover for Cinderella Castle.  Happily Ever After is the nighttime fireworks spectacular choreographed to music.  The show is filled with lots of intensely colorful projections of scenes and animation onto Cinderella Castle.   I interpret this statement from Disney to mean that all of the projections currently shown on the Castle during the show will continue to be shown.  I’m guessing that we won’t even notice any scaffolding during the show.  The projections are so bright and so detailed and play such clever tricks on our eyes, I suspect they will obscure any actual construction materials.  The nightly fireworks show is an integral part of any visit to the Magic Kingdom for many guests, so I am happy that the show will not be affected by the makeover project.

Disney Happily Ever After Cinderella Castle
Happily Ever After                                                                                                                   (Photo: Disney Parks)

Final Thoughts

Overall, I think Cinderella Castle getting a makeover is a good thing.  I’m very happy that Disney is taking the 50th Anniversary so seriously.  They’ve been sprucing up all over the parks and throughout Walt Disney World property in preparation.  Epcot is getting a major update, some of which has been needed for a very long time.  A number of new attractions are coming over the next year, too.  The new Tron coaster at Magic Kingdom, the Guardians of the Galaxy Coaster at Epcot.  We getting the Ratatouille attraction in Epcot this summer, as well as a new quick service restaurant in France.  Almost every country in Epcot that has a film in their pavilion has gotten or is getting a new film.  Hollywood Studios is practically bursting at the seams now with all the new stuff that has come on line in the last year!

There are a lot of really positive things going on right now.  There have been some years that pretty big anniversaries were not recognized or celebrated at all.  I’m happy that the 50th is a really big deal for Disney.  I think the park next year, 2021, especially in the fall is going to be amazing.  I really think if you can come in the fall of 2021 you’re going to see all four parks and in general Disney property in the most beautiful condition it’s ever been in.  It’s all very exciting.

What Do YOU Think?

Please comment below with your thoughts.  What do you think?  Are are you looking forward to this makeover?  Do you think the project is necessary?  Were you hoping they were going to do another birthday cake? (I know there are some of you out there!)

If you haven’t started planning or 2021 trip yet, it’s time!  I’d love to help you have a magical Disney vacation.  Please reach out to brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

Happy Dreaming!


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Private Photo Session Inside Magic Kingdom from Disney PhotoPass

Have you ever wanted to have a private photo session inside the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World?  Have you wished you had a photographer with you to capture a special moment or event?  Disney has a new offering that might be what you are looking for.  With the new PhotoPass offering “Capture Your Moment”, Disney has made it possible for you to schedule a private photo session inside Magic Kingdom.

Private Photo Session Inside Magic Kingdom?

Disney, forever on the lookout for ways to make us spend our money, has come up with a new PhotoPass offering. The new PhotoPass offering is called “Capture Your Moment”.  When you book Capture Your Moment, you are booking 20 minutes of time with a Disney PhotoPass photographer inside the Magic Kingdom theme park during regular park hours.

Sometimes, you want a PhotoPass photographer to be focused exclusively on you and or your family for longer than the one – three pictures most PhotoPass photographers have time to take.  Examples include baby announcements, birthdays, proposals, anniversaries, baby gender reveals, and family reunions.

Disney PhotoPass Private Photo Shoot Inside Magic Kingdom Capture Your Moment
Disney PhotoPass Capture Your Moment                                              (Photo: Disney Parks)

Disney has obviously seen the professional photographers roaming around the parks with their clients, taking pictures.  They’ve also seen the gorgeous pictures online taken by professional photographers to commemorate engagements, baby announcements, girls’ weekends, and many other events.  Since, as we know, Disney wants ALL our money, they certainly don’t want us hiring outside photographers to capture our special moments!

Private Photo Session Inside Magic Kingdom: The Basics

      • Available in the Magic Kingdom only.  (At least right now!)
      • $50 for a 20-minute session; $100 for a 40-minute session.
      • During regular park hours.
      • Limit of 8 people per shoot.
      • Photos are NOT included in session price.
      • Advance reservations recommended. Call 407-939-7758.

Could We Use This For Wedding Photos?

The short answer? No.  Disney wants to be very clear that is NOT for wedding photos.

Disney also made it very clear this will NOT replace the private Bridal Photo Session available for both Disney and non Disney brides and grooms.  These pricey sessions happen in the early morning hours before the park opens, and are truly private.

Disney Bridal Portrait Shoot
Our Animal Kingdom Bridal Portrait Shoot (Photo: Disney Fine Art Photography)

Bridal and wedding attire is specifically prohibited for the PhotoPass sessions, so if you’re going to do a Capture Your Moment Disney PhotoPass photo shoot, plan to avoid the floor length gown, the glamorous white dress or the tuxedo.

If you want to learn more about a Disney Bridal Portrait photo session, check out this post and this post.

What Locations Are Available?

Disney is not releasing location information or options for these sessions.  At least, not yet.  Current policy dictates that your photographer will review the location options with you when you meet for your session.  Once your photographer has given you the options, you will be able to choose your location.

Disney is doing this for a couple of reasons.  One, they want the flexibility to adapt to park events, crowds and activities.  Two, they want the flexibility to schedule sessions at the same time in different areas of the park.  Three (and this is totally my own suspicious nature), Disney may not want guests to focus on particular locations.  For example, I suspect Cinderella Castle may be a preferred backdrop for many guests.  However, stage shows, parades and Castle projection shows will make that challenging many times each day.  So perhaps Disney hopes to dissuade guests from assuming they can take photos at the Castle.

Many of the marketing pictures Disney has released with this announcement do include the Castle in the background. Perhaps I’m being too cynical.

Disney PhotoPass Private Photo Shoot Inside Magic Kingdom
Disney PhotoPass Capture Your Moment                                                     (Photo: Disney Parks)

I can envision a scenario where Castle locations are available initially as a test balloon.  Once Disney sees which locations are the most popular, I suspect pricing will be revised.  Maybe a tier structure will be introduced for certain locations.  I suspect we will eventually see a tier structure at some point, based on my observations of Disney business practices over many years.

Can I Request a Particular PhotoPass Photographer?

At the moment, it does not sound like you can request your photographer but you could certainly try.  If you have a particular PhotoPass photographer that works at the Magic Kingdom that you like, you could request them for your Capture Your Moment session.  It’s not clear how many PhotoPass photographers are available for this offering.  It is also not clear if the pool is limited to the most experienced PhotoPass photographers.

If you do request a particular photographer for your Capture Your Moment session, please let me know how it goes.  Those of us that live out of state probably don’t have a favorite PhotoPass photographer.  However, I bet  local residents that visit the parks often have favorites.

Are the Photos Going to Be Digital or Print?

All pictures taken by your PhotoPass photographer during your session will be digital.  As with all PhotoPass pictures, you can visit a PhotoPass center in one of the parks, and purchase physical prints of the digital pictures if you want to.  Generally, if you have the downloaded digital files, you will be happier with printing the photos from somewhere like Shutterfly or MPix.  More options are available, and prices are almost always better.

The price of your Capture Your Moment session does not include the actual pictures taken during your session.  Let me say that again:  the digital files of the photos taken during your session are NOT included in the session price of $50.  The good news is that if you already planned to purchase Memory Maker (which I highly recommend for all visitors!), or if you are an Annual Passholder, you will have access to these pictures, along with any other PhotoPass photos or attraction photos.

Disney Parks Attraction Photos Haunted Mansion
Haunted Mansion Attraction Photo                    (Photo: Disney Parks)

Memory Maker

With Memory Maker you have up to 30 days after your trip to download all pictures and videos attached to your My Disney Experience account.  Because individual downloads start at $14.50 per photo, it doesn’t take long for Memory Maker (at $169 for advance purchase) to be a reasonably good deal.  There are currently 13 attractions that take picture or video during the ride, and as long as you have a Magic Band (or scan your ticket at the end of the ride on your picture), all those videos and photos WILL be on your account.  For more information on Memory Maker, please visit this post.

Disney does offer a one-day Memory Maker for $69.  If you’re doing a super short trip, or you really aren’t interested in any of your ride photos or PhotoPass pictures from any of your other park days, this option is worth considering.  As long as you schedule your PhotoPass Capture Your Moment session on the day you have your one-day Memory Maker on your account, all the pictures from your session will be available in your Memory Maker.  Alternatively, you’ll have the ability to view the pictures and purchase the downloads on an individual basis.

Scheduling Your Private Photo Session Inside Magic Kingdom

It is recommended that you schedule your session in advance (Call 407-939-7758) to guarantee availability.  However, there are currently some same-day sessions are available.

You cannot be late for your session.  Once you have reserved your session, you’ll be told where to meet your photographer.  Disney states that if you are late, your session will not be extended.  As an example:  If you have a 20 minute session that is supposed to start at 3:30 pm, you arrive at 3:45 pm, your session will last 5 minutes.  Disney says under no circumstances will the sessions be extended.

Things to Consider

If you’ve always wanted to do a private photo session inside Magic Kingdom, the Capture Your Moment session may be a perfect solution for you.  However, there are a few things you want to consider before booking your session.

      • The Capture Your Moment sessions will occur during regular park hours.  This means you will likely have other guests in the background of your pictures.
      • You have the option to book 2 sessions back to back.  This would give you 40 minutes of time with your PhotoPass photographer.  Again, this whole session will be inside Magic Kingdom during regular park hours.  BUT this does mean you (and your family) are sacrificing park time.  This could frustrate kids eager to go ride rides and have fun.
      • The skill and talent of the in-park PhotoPass photographer varies from photographer to photographer.  Some PhotoPass photographers are pretty good, and are able to adapt to changes in light and shadows.  Others are basically able to push the button and maybe notice if you’re in focus or not.  There there are varying levels of quality amongst the PhotoPass photographers, so that’s an important consideration for readers considering one of these sessions.
      • The cost of the individual pictures are likely to be high.  Of course, if you have Memory Maker or are an Annual Passholder, your photos are included.  If you have to purchase the pictures individually, they will likely start at $14.50 per photo download.  If you end up really liking all your pictures, the pricing can add up really quickly.  (Note: You CAN add Memory Maker during your trip. It costs more to do it this way, $199 versus the $169 advance purchase.  So if you like at least 10-14 pictures, you’ll want to add memory maker.  Then you’ll get all  pictures through Memory Maker.  This will save money over purchasing individually).
      • This could be tough to do as a surprise.  Since you are meeting your photographer at the start time of your session, and THEN choosing a location, it could be challenging to set up a surprise for the photographer to capture.  (A proposal, for instance.)  I suspect PhotoPass will find a way to help you, but I don’t know for sure.  This could add unnecessary stress to your big moment.
Disney Photopass Private Photo Shoot Inside Magic Kingdom Capture Your Moment
Disney PhotoPass Capture Your Moment                                                    (Photo: Disney Parks)

Potential Quality Issues

Let’s talk a little more about the potential quality issue. One would assume that the photographers used for the Capture Your Moment sessions will be skilled and/or Senior PhotoPass photographers.  There are definitely very good PhotoPass photographers out there.  There are many stories of PhotoPass photographers that really loved their job and got really good.  They emerged as very skilled photographers that eventually joined the Disney Fine Art Photography team or went out on their own.  However, my PhotoPass library can testify that there are also some not-so-great PhotoPass photographers out there.

Again, I am assuming that Disney will choose its best PhotoPass photographers for these sessions.  However, I can also envision a universe where these are popular and in high demand and require all hands on deck.  This could result in a situation where you pay $50 for your session and end up with pictures you’re not happy.  I think initially, these are a little bit of book at your own risk.  Especially right now while this is a new offering.

Once we’ve had a chance to get reports back from people that have booked these sessions, I’ll feel more comfortable recommending them strongly.  I want to know how it went, where they took photos, what locations were offered, etc.  I will keep my ear to the ground on this one and let you know what I hear.

Capture YOUR Moment

Right now, I am cautiously optimistic about this new offering from PhotoPass.  $50 for 20 minutes is quite a bit of money.  However, if it’s a once in a lifetime or a very rarely in lifetime occasion, I could see it being a fun and special experience.

For example, if you’re at Disney World to celebrate your grandma’s 90th birthday and you want to have a lot of pictures of the whole family, this could be your solution.  A group of pictures of Grandma with all the grandkids; just Grandma by herself; the girls with Grandma; Grandma with her children; the boys with Grandma –you guys know what I mean.  You just can’t hold up a regular PhotoPass photographer for very long and take a bunch of different groupings.  So this might be a great solution for you!

Another scenario:  If you’re planning a special “in the moment” event and you want lots of pictures, this could also be a perfect session for you.  For example, if you are planning to propose or tell your whole family you’re expecting a baby.  This could be terrific for that.  When my husband proposed to me, he did it at a regular PhotoPass photographer. We got lucky because he didn’t have a line, and he got pictures of the whole thing.  (Of course, it was a pretty quick moment.  It was following our first marathon, and I initially thought he’d fallen!).

Photopass Proposal
Moments after Frank Proposed                                       (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)

Private Photo Session Inside Magic Kingdom: Final Thoughts

Your mileage may vary on whether you find value in this package or not.  If you really want a private photo session inside Magic Kingdom, and don’t mind the presence of other guests in the background, this might be for you.  Also, if these are talented photographers and you get a bunch of good pictures out of it, you might want to schedule this.  Finally, if you already planned on buying memory maker, you may find this has value for you.

If you’ve been reading my blog for any period of time, you probably know that  I am a huge proponent of PhotoPass.  Mainly because I love pictures.  Before PhotoPass, I always came home from vacation with tons of pictures.  Unfortunately, I was almost never in any of them.  PhotoPass makes it possible for your entire family to get into many pictures.  My favorite souvenir from vacation is almost always the photo book I make after our trip, filled with pictures we took and pictures taken of us by PhotoPass photographers.

So, for someone like me, Capture Your Moment might be something I will consider at some point.  Maybe for an anniversary or another special event.  However, I still think $50 is a lot of money for 20 minutes.  Who knows what the future holds?  One of the few regrets I have from our Disney Fairy Tale Wedding trip is that we were unable to do a Bridal Portrait shoot at the Magic Kingdom.  I really wanted that darn picture with Frank and I in our wedding clothes in front of Cinderella Castle.  With the rules and schedules in place at the time, we just weren’t able to make it happen.  So, perhaps a more casual private photo shoot inside Magic Kingdom with PhotoPass photographers might be worth the cost?  I’m not sure.

What are your thoughts on this offering?  Is this something you think you might want to take advantage of?  What occasion would you consider “worth it”?  Please comment below with your thoughts.

Happy Dreaming!


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

How to Build Excitement for Your Upcoming Disney Vacation

Planning a first time trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland for your family or friends?  Are you anxiously waiting for Disney trip that is a long way off?  Are you looking for ways to get your family (or friends) excited about the trip?  There are lots of great ways build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation.  I get a lot of questions about keeping family members excited about a Disney vacation that is a long way off.  Since many people are planning their Disney vacation for up to 2 years in advance, the long lead time can sometimes seem never ending and frustrating.

Toy Story Mania Disney Vacation
Super Patient Kids Waiting in Line                                  (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

When Should You Tell Your Kids They Are Going to Disney?

There are some different ways to approach this.  You know your kids better than anyone else does, and what is right for your kids may be different than what is right for someone else.  There is no absolutely right or wrong way to do this, no matter what “experts” on Facebook or Instagram might tell you.  Follow your instincts—and use what you learn for the next trip.

Option: Tell Your Kids as Soon as You Start Planning

For a lot of us, planning a Disney vacation is a very exciting time.  It can absorb a lot of your time and attention, especially if you are doing a lot of the planning  yourself.  You may find you want to talk about it a lot.  You may want to get opinions and find out about wish lists.  That can make keeping a secret for any length of time super challenging.

If you have older (teenagers +), I think it often makes a lot of sense to involve them in the planning, or at least some aspects of it.

Sharing the planning process with the whole family can be fun.  Having family planning meetings to discuss the trip can help build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation.

Fast Pass Planning Build Excitement
Fast Pass+ Planning (Photo: Brooke Hudson

However, sharing the planning process can also be stressful.  If your family has a lot of strong personalities, planning can turn into arguing very quickly.  One person not liking a character or movie that someone else loves can result in hurt feelings or anger.

If you are planning a trip more than one year in advance, which is extremely common, family members, especially younger kids, can get very frustrated with the long wait or vacation.

For this reason, I generally don’t recommend telling little kids about the upcoming trip until you are just a few months out.  Kids don’t really understand time yet, and “next year” or “year after next” just aren’t concepts that make sense to them.  As a result, they may drive you crazy asking when you are going to visit the Mouse’s House until the actual trip.

Again, you know your family.  I just want to give you some things to consider as you make these decisions.

Option: Big Announcement or Gift Presentation

Some parents decide to announce the upcoming Disney vacation with a lot of bells and whistles.  There are tons of super cute videos on YouTube of kids being surprised with the news they are going to Disney.

As a scavenger hunt girl, this one is a favorite:

The Ellen show did a cute little montage of suprise reactions to the news:

Another fun idea is to present the trip as a gift for Christmas, birthday or graduation.  This isn’t an idea just to surprise your kids with, either!  Surprising your spouse or significant other with a Disney trip is super fun and can be very romantic, too!

Here’s a cute Christmas surprise:

Again, the time lag between the big announcement and the actual trip is something to consider.  If you get your kids super excited with a big presentation but the trip is a year away, you may find they lose the excitement over time.   Of course, there are LOTS of fun things you can do to build excitement every month, or even every week as the trip approaches.

Option: Tell Them Right Before the Trip (Or even ON the trip!)

Some parents prefer to spring the trip on the kids right before they leave.  I’ve had clients who told their kids they were going to visit Grandma, and then surprised them in the car with the news they were going to Disney WITH Grandma instead.  There are a couple of fun videos on YouTube where parents woke their kids up really early in the morning with the surprise that they were leaving immediately for a trip to Disney.  The kids are too sleepy to really understand the surprise at first.  Pretty cute.

Here’s a pretty great one where they find out they’re going and leave immediately.  The mode of transportation to the airport is part of the surprise. It’s so cute!

What Works Best for Your Family?

As you can see, there are lots of different schools of thought on when to involve your family in the planning.  When you tell the family way before the trip, you might run into “it’s NEVER going to be time” frustration or planning fatigue.  When you choose to surprise the family right before the trip, you avoid the months of “when are we going?” questions, but you also don’t get to do fun things to get everyone excited.   You have to think about your family, the time until your trip and how you want to handle the big news.

Personally, I like to have at least some time before the trip to build excitement.  I want everyone to be looking forward to the trip, and I like to have time to build some anticipation and enthusiasm.  However, I also tend to mostly plan everything out, based on my knowledge of the people I’m planning for.  This can help avoid any planning drama or arguing.  Again, you know your family, so involve them as much (or as little) as makes sense for your group.

Build Excitement for Your Upcoming Disney Vacation

Disney Family Movie Night

One of my favorite ideas to build excitement for an upcoming Disney vacation is a Disney Family Movie Night.

Build Excitement for your upcoming Disney Vacation Star Wars Movie Poster

Scheduling regular Disney family movie nights where you all sit down together and watch a Disney movie is a terrific way to build excitement and minimize frustration.  Because you’re at home, you can plan a mid-movie intermission for bathroom breaks.  Before starting the movie back up, you could talk about the first half of the movie as a family.  You could talk about what characters you might see at Disney when you visit.  You could ask questions about favorite moments that could maybe someday turn into an attraction.

The idea is to have quality family time, good conversation with your family AND to talk Disney!

A Disney Family Movie Night is great Disney vacation preparation, even if your family members don’t know they have a Disney vacation in their future.  It’s also a terrific way to pass the time between trips, or to lessen the post vacation blues.

Build excitement for your upcoming disney vacation disney family movie night toy story

I’ve learned that many of the classic films that are such an integral part of the Disney parks are not that familiar to younger kids today.  Many kids under 10 (or even under 20!) have never seen classics like Snow White, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty.  You may have family members  that have never seen Peter Pan, the Jungle Book or Swiss Family Robinson.

Knowledge is Power

While having familiarity with all the movies and animated series featured in the Disney parks is certainly NOT necessary to enjoy the parks, having seen these movies adds an extra layer of fun to any parks (or Disney Cruise Line) visit.

For example, if you have a meal inside Cinderella Castle, you may or may not notice two colorful little mice located high up on one wall, watching Cinderella greet her guests.  If you’ve never seen the movie, you might not care about the mice.  However, if, like me, you’ve seen the movie, you probably LOVE Gus-Gus and Jacque, those two mice perched up on the wall watching the fun.  It’s a fun little detail that adds to the magic.

Cinderella build excitement for your upcoming disney vacation disney family movie night

If you’ve never seen Snow White, you’ll still love Seven Dwarfs Mine Train—but if you HAVE seen the movie, the details in the queue and in the scenes you pass through will be much more fun and interesting.  Visiting during Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival?  The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs topiaries are really cool, but if you’ve grown attached to them in the movie, you’ll rush to take pictures with them!

Snow White Build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation Disney family movie night

If you’re a Star Wars fan, walking into Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is truly mind blowing.  You feel like you’ve walked into one of the movies.  If you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie, much of the creativity and detail won’t mean as much to you.  You will probably think it’s a cool world, but it won’t pack much emotional punch or meaning for you.

The Force Awakens Disney Family Movie Night Star Wars

The moral of the story is: If you have a few months before your trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland, consider implementing a Disney Family Movie Night.  You’ll build some important family time, watch quality family entertainment, and hopefully spark some interesting discussions.  Even if you’ve chosen not to let your family in on the secret (upcoming vacation), you will all have fun on Disney Family Movie Night.  And as a bonus, when you do take the trip, everyone will have even MORE fun because they’ll recognize characters and themes from the films.

Build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation Disney Movie Night
Rey and BB-8                                                                                                                               (Photo: Lucasfilm)

Disney+ and the Public Library

There are a lot of great ways to find classic Disney movies.  When I was making the list for my own family, I inventoried my DVD library, and made sure everyone knew they could borrow from Auntie Brooke.  You might be surprised how many Disney movies you have in your own library, especially if you love Disney.

Many public libraries will have DVD copies of most Disney films in their collection that you can check out for free.

NetFlix still has some Disney movies in their library, although not as many as they used to.  Of course, you can buy Disney movies to your heart’s content, either digitally or on DVD.  Amazon, Itunes, the Movies Anywhere app, WalMart, Target and many more are great sources of new copies of Disney DVDs.  Like garage sales?  Keep your eyes out for used Disney DVDs to pad your collection.  You might be surprised at the great deals you can find.


Disney+ is a TREASURE TROVE.  I am so happy with Disney+, I can’t even stand it!  There is SO MUCH here.  Tons of classic movies, lots of Disney channel shows, classic Disney animated shorts and lots of new Pixar and Disney shorts.  There’s also ALL the Star Wars movies and animated series, as well as the new Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, which you can ONLY watch on Disney+. (It’s FANTASTIC).

Disney Family Movie Night
The Mandalorian                                                                                                              Photo: LucasFilm/Disney

If you’ve been seeing this cute little guy EVERYWHERE and wondered where he came from, he’s in The Mandalorian.  Another great reason to watch!😉

The Mandalorian                                                                  (Photo: LucasFilm/Disney)

Disney+ also includes National Geographic programming.   There is just so much on that app, it’s amazing.  If you don’t already subscribe, I highly recommend it!   Our movie list for Disney Family Night has more than 20 movies on it, and they are ALL on Disney+.  In fact, there are some movies that weren’t on my original list that I may add as bonus entries, just because they’re on Disney+ and I want my family to see them.😉

Countdown Calendar

Another terrific way to build excitement for a Disney vacation that is a ways out is a countdown calendar.  These can be simple or super detailed.

You can even download monthly calendar templates from the internet, and print them out.  Put a giant sticker on the day you leave for vacation, and let the kids cross off each day as you get closer and closer to the trip.

Countdown Calendar Build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation
Calendar designed by Linda Harkness                                      (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

We’re in the midst of planning big family trip for October.  My mom made these amazing calendars on Shutterfly, using lots of pictures from our previous family trips.  She gave them to us for Christmas, so everyone has a countdown calendar for the time until the trip.  It’s super nostalgic and fun, especially because our two littlest vacationers don’t even remember their first trip.  The pictures are proof they were there (even if they don’t REALLY believe us!)  It’s so fun imagining them on this next trip.  They won’t forget this one!

Countdown Calendar Build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation
Calendar designed by Linda Harkness (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

Mom incorporated the Disney Family Movie Night idea into the calendar, and put movie suggestions throughout the calendar, with a different movie suggested every two weeks until our trip.  She also highlighted important dates for the grown ups, reminding us when to look for airfare, and when deposits are due, etc.  She even included lots of Disney trivia and information about where we are staying.

Countdown Calendar build excitement for your upcoming disney vacation
Calendar designed by Linda Harkness (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

It’s super fun and colorful, and it’s really fun looking at it every month.  The little ones are crossing off days as we get closer, and I know the excitement will build really high when we get into that final few weeks before the trip.

Disney Food Themed Meals

These days, even a trip to the grocery store can help build excitement about your upcoming Disney vacation!  There are so many Disney branded foods available in grocery stores now.  There is everything from apple slices to ice cream branded with Mickey Mouse or one of his pals!  Here’s a couple examples of some of the stuff you can find.  You could pack Disney themed snacks in your kids’ lunches one day a week, with a sticky note reminding them how many days until vacation.

(Note: These are Amazon affiliate links.  If you choose to click through my link to Amazon, I will earn a small commission on your purchase.  This does NOT affect your pricing in anyway.  Thank you!)

Here’s another idea: you could  incorporate some of these branded items into your meal planning.  For example, as your trip approaches, you could have a special Disney Food Themed Meal night.  You could have Disney brand hot dogs, Mickey Mouse tater tots and Mickey bars for dessert.  If you want to avoid using the Disney branded foods, you could choose a movie, and serve foods inspired by that movie.  Alternatively, you could choose a theme park, and serve foods inspired by that theme park.   You could even pull recipes from one of the Disney cookbooks and serve something that you might even find at Disney on your trip!  There are a lot of Disney cookbooks. Here are a few that I really like.

You could even make foods in the SHAPE of Disney icons.  Mickey shaped pancakes or cookies can be a fun addition to breakfast time or snacks.  Be sure to talk about the trip during these special themed meals.  Talk about some of the fun things you’ve got planned, characters you might see.  You can even talk about the food you might eat, haha.

So Many Ideas!!

There are so many great ways to build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation.  In this post, we’ve focused on Disney Family Movie Night, Countdown Calendars, and Disney Food Themed Meals.  This article is going to the the first in a series of three, all designed to help you and your family get ready and get excited for your trip.  The next article in this series will be out in two weeks.  Please comment below with your favorite way to build excitement for an upcoming family or Disney vacation.

Happy Dreaming,


Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!