If you’ve ever stayed at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel, you probably know about Extra Magic Hours. Extra Magic Hours (EMH) are just one of the benefits of staying on Disney property. EMH are a HUGE advantage for guests who want to minimize their time waiting in lines. With regular Extra Magic Hours, there are certain days each week when Disney resort guests can enter the EMH park one hour earlier than all other guests. Alternatively, EMH may mean staying up to three hours later than all non-resort guests at the EMH park.
This fall, Disney is taking Extra Magic Hours to a whole new level with Extra EXTRA Magic Hours!

DAILY Extra Magic Hours
Beginning August 29, 2019 and running through November 2, 2019, Disney will begin offering DAILY Extra Extra Magic Hours. Extra Extra Magic Hours (EEMH) will be offered in three of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World.
Magic Kingdom: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 7 am to 8 am at the Magic Kingdom for resort guests. Just like with regular Extra Magic Hours, not all attractions are open during Extra Extra Magic Hours. Extra Magic Hours and Extra Extra Magic Hours feature the same attractions–favorite rides in both Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.

Animal Kingdom: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 7 am to 8 am at the Animal Kingdom. Pandora – The World of Avatar attractions ARE included. Also included are other attractions throughout Animal Kingdom. (The same attractions currently open during regular Extra Magic Hours).

Hollywood Studios: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 6 am to 9 am (That’s THREE HOURS PEOPLE!!!). The EEMH WILL include Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Toy Story Land and select other attractions. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and its experiences are subject to capacity. NOTE: From August 29 – 31, Disney’s Hollywood Studios will open at 6 am to ALL guests, not just resort guests. The Extra Extra Magic Hours for Hollywood Studios for Resort Guests will begin September 1.

Wait, What About Epcot?
Epcot absorbs crowds better than any of the other three theme parks. In addition, Extra Magic Hours are not as necessary or popular at Epcot as they are at the other three parks. Also, at Epcot, Future World opens at 9 am (usually) and then World Showcase opens at 11 am. Morning Extra Magic Hours may frustrate Epcot visitors that wanted to visit World Showcase during EMH but World Showcase is not part of morning EMH.
Epcot will continue to have regular Extra Magic Hours on select days, just like it does now. Epcot will NOT be getting Extra Extra Magic Hours. Note: Of course this policy COULD change later in the summer, but I don’t expect it to.
Also, keep in mind that the popular Epcot Food and Wine Festival will be running during this time, and that’s the big attraction at Epcot in the fall. Opening at 7 am wouldn’t be very beneficial as I don’t think they want to open all those wine and food kiosks that early! 😉

Disney has introduced these new Extra Extra Magic Hours in anticipation of record crowd levels this fall. With the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios coming August 29, interest in a Walt Disney World vacation has never been higher! Disney is anticipating very high guest demand for its most popular attractions throughout Walt Disney World, but most especially at Hollywood Studios, for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
Disney is trying to ensure the satisfaction of resort guests by guaranteeing them more opportunities to access the parks with smaller crowds, before the parks open to the public each day. Theoretically, if guests are early risers and willing to be up and at the parks early in the morning, they are more likely to be able to visit more of the attractions they’ll want to visit.
This policy also helps add more value to staying on Disney property. Disney is always looking for ways to get more guests to stay on Disney property and these new Extra Extra Magic Hours are a great step in that direction. All those extra available hours EVERY DAY add a lot of value to your theme park tickets!
The Fine Print
Extra Extra Magic Hours require a valid theme park admission and hotel ID. Note: If you are using your Magic Bands as your room keys and your theme park tickets, your Magic Band will serve as both theme park admission and hotel ID.
If you do NOT have the Park Hopper or Park Hopper Plus option on your tickets, you will be spending the day in whichever park you choose for Extra Extra Magic Hours. In other words, if you DON’T have Park Hopper, and start your day at 6 am at Hollywood Studios, you will be in Hollywood Studios for the entire day (unless you leave the park and go back to your resort, of course). You will NOT be able to visit a different park after Extra Extra Magic Hours are over.
If you DO Have Park Hopper, you can “hop” to any other park you choose throughout the day, regardless of where you go for Extra Extra Magic Hours.
All Attractions are NOT Part of Extra Extra Magic
Not all Walt Disney World attractions are available with Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours. Park hours and participating attractions for Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours are subject to change without notice. All participating attractions and experiences are subject to capacity limitations and cancellation.
Fast Passes are NOT available during Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours.
Will Extra Extra Magic Hours Be Extended After November 2?
I don’t know. This is the first time Disney has offered DAILY extended hours for resort guests. Obviously, this will significantly impact Disney’s daily operating costs–a lot will depend on how successful this program is during its initial offering. Guest response and feedback will also significantly impact whether Disney either extends Extra Extra Magic Hours, or ever offers it again during busy periods.

If it has a major impact on guest satisfaction and crowd flow AND they see profits from people staying longer in the parks and spending more money, I think its very likely that we could see something like this again in the future.
Until Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is actually open, and we see the way Disney manages crowds in and around that new “Land”, it’s difficult to anticipate WHAT will happen from a crowd flow capacity in ALL the parks, once Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is finally open.
What do YOU think?
What do you think of this new policy? As someone who almost always stays on property, I’m pretty excited! We are early risers on vacation, and always take advantage of EMH. However, we often park hop later in the day if the “chosen” park gets too crowded. It will be interesting to see what happens when three parks are the “chosen” park, won’t it?
Please like this post and comment below. Does this new Extra Extra Magic Hours policy have you planning a visit for this fall to take advantage? I can help! brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
Happy Dreaming!

P.S. There is still time to book reservations for YOUR fall vacation to Disney World. You can check out the amazing new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and take advantage of all these extra park hours through Extra Extra Magic Hours. Contact me today to get started: brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
P.P.S If you don’t want to wait for fall, there are still some great promotions running for Summer Vacations. Check out these posts for more information: