What to do While Waiting in Line
It is time to accept that if you are visiting Walt Disney World or Disneyland, you are GOING to spend some time waiting in line. What’s more, spending some time in lines is NOT the end of the world. Yes, having a Fast Pass+ reservation and bypassing the line is AWESOME. Riding during an After Hours event or Early Morning Magic and having mostly no lines is really, really fun.
However, the reality is that during your average park day, even if you’ve expertly managed your Fast Pass+ reservations and arrived at the park before it opened, you are going to wait in some lines. During busy times, like Spring Break or Christmas week, you are going to wait in a LOT of lines.
Waiting in line for an attraction you love is not a terrible thing. We’ve all gotten a wee bit spoiled by Fast Pass+, and I’m the first to admit I can be a brat if a ride I want to ride has a line longer than I’m willing to wait in. We have skipped Toy Story Mania on a few trips because of the lines and I LOVE that ride. BUT having the right attitude goes a long way in managing the lines.
If the line is too long, skip it
Be honest with yourself. If the line is longer than you are willing to wait, don’t get in it. If the sign says 90 minutes, trust the sign. Yes, Disney does sometimes exaggerate their wait times a few minutes to help improve guest satisfaction. They DON’T exaggerate them by 45 minutes, though. If you are going to be mad that you waited 90 minutes, don’t get in line. Your resulting mood will make it difficult for you to enjoy the ride and might impact the rest of your family.

It is not going to be the most tragic thing ever if you skip a few attractions because the lines are too long. There are so many great attractions and things to do at Disney, you can’t fit everything in, even if all the lines are short. It’s ok if you decide to skip an attraction here or there.
If you’ve got little kids that are going to get hungry while you are waiting in line, don’t get in line unless you have something for them to snack on. Or, take a break before you get in line and grab a snack. If your kids are hungry or thirsty, and you get in a 20 -40 minute line, you’ll end up frustrated. You won’t be happy that your kids are whining or crying, and your fellow line mates may end up annoyed with you and your kids.

Pay attention to the heat
If you are already super hot, and the majority of the line is outside, don’t get in line until you’ve taken a break. Seriously, the Florida heat is no joke. Take a break, sit down and have a cool drink or visit an air conditioned attraction where you can sit for awhile. Cool off and relax a bit for heading into the line.

Use the line as an opportunity to play with your family. Often you will end up playing with your line-neighbors as well. Heads Up!, the popular phone game is a great choice, as long as you have a back up charger for your phone. One person holds the phone up to their forehead, with the screen facing out. A word pops up on the screen. The rest of you try to give the phone holder clues that will help them guess the word on the screen. There are levels and categories for all ages and interests.

There are other phone games that work well in line-but try to stick with group games that include everyone. Again, you are on vacation to enjoy each other and spend time together. Everyone buried in their own phones is not what you are going for.
Hunting for hidden mickeys can also be a fun way to pass the time. Hidden mickeys are elements in the decor around you that are secretly shaped to resemble Mickey’s head (or sometimes hands). There are THOUSANDS of hidden mickeys located throughout the parks and resorts at Disney.
Enjoy each other!
Line is also a good time to regroup. Ask each other questions. Make everyone stop and think about where they are. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in running from attraction to attraction, we miss how much fun we are having. That sounds silly, but you’d be surprised how often it’s actually true!

What have been the favorite attractions of the day so far? Why? What’s one thing each person wants to do tomorrow? Is there one thing they’ll want to tell their friends about when they get home? What is one thing they’d like to do again later in the day (or week)? Is there a character they’d like to meet?
We sometimes will even play with friends or family back at home. I’ll take a picture of some element in the queue area, and text it to a friend, asking them to guess what attraction I’m on. This is also a good time to post an update to social media. However, as I mentioned above, don’t get drawn into surfing social media. Make your post, and get back to spending time with your family.
Try not to mix short line attractions with long line attractions
This can be tough during busy periods when everything seems like it has long lines. However, when it IS possible, try not to stack attractions with long lines. For example, if you just waited 45 minutes to ride Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, don’t head to Peter Pan, where you will likely have a line at least that long, if not longer. Check wait times around you and choose something with a short line, like It’s a Small World, or the Carousel.

Also, if you’ve spend a lot of time in line on your feet, try to fit in a show-type attraction where everyone can sit down for a while and give their legs and feet a break. Alternatively, take a sit down snack break and let everyone rest a bit before heading to the next attraction with a line.
Take a break!
If you find yourself feeling frustrated, overheated or aggravated, it’s time for a break. Trust me, you will enjoy the rest of your day a lot more if you take a few minutes or a few hours and take a break.

We often go back to our resort for 3 – 5 hours in the afternoon. We like to give everyone a chance to cool off or to rest. Sometimes we go to the pool, sometimes we nap, sometimes we just rest for a bit. Over the years, I’ve learned that a break like this ultimately adds a lot of enjoyment to the rest of our day.

If you aren’t staying on property, or if your resort is a long distance from the park you are visiting, returning to your resort for a break may not be practical. However, you can still take a break and rest for a bit. If you are at Magic Kingdom, ride the monorail loop for a while. Or take the ferry over to the ticket and transport center and back. The WDW Railroad is closed until 2021, but once it reopens, it is another great way to sit down, enjoy the breeze and relax.
If you’re at Epcot or Hollywood Studios, you can take the Skyliner for a ride. You can visit the boardwalk. Or just find a shady spot, grab a bottle of water or a drink and relax for a while. This works at Animal Kingdom too! Lots of great places to sit and relax.
Parades and Fireworks can be your friends
Personally, I am a fireworks junkie. I love Disney fireworks and they are often the highlight of any day I spend at Disney. However, I recognize that not everyone feels this way.

If fireworks aren’t your thing (or if you’ve seen them once and don’t need to see them again) you can take advantage of shorter lines during fireworks shows. Unless the fireworks happen after the park closes, you will usually find that so many people go to watch the fireworks, the lines for attractions drop dramatically in the hour leading up to and during the fireworks.
Also, a lot of people leave the parks following the following a fireworks show–which can also lead to shorter lines. This doesn’t always work, but can be helpful when it does. For example, the fireworks shows at Epcot and Hollywood Studios usually take place at park close, so the attractions close as the show starts (in most cases). BUT, if you’re visiting a park that stays open AFTER the fireworks, you should enjoy shorter lines.
Similarly, lines are usually a little shorter leading up to and during parades. Guests claim viewing spots up to one hour before the parade, and take about 15 minutes to disperse after the parade. The difference isn’t as dramatic as during fireworks shows, but it can be a good window to try and ride a popular attraction with a shorter line.

We tend to skip the afternoon parades in favor of returning to our resort for a break, but I’m a sucker for both the Halloween parade and the Christmas parade. If you’re attending a party, and the parade is running twice? Skip the first parade in favor of riding attractions! The second parade will be less congested, and you’ll benefit from slightly shorter lines during the first parade!
VIP Tours
If you are visiting during a very busy time or truly have no patience with lines, you may want to consider a VIP Tour. VIP Tours are pricey, but they offer a luxury experience for the guests and completely or mostly eliminate lines. You won’t ride every attraction, but VIP Tour guides will make sure you ride the attractions that are most important to you and your family. If you would like more information about VIP Tours, email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
Attitude = Happy Vacation
Honestly, the healthier your attitude is about waiting in line, the happier your vacation at Disney will be. It is unavoidable. You will have to wait in some lines, and you will often be surrounded by lots of people.
The choice is yours. You can choose to let the lines make you cranky, or you can appreciate the quality time you are spending with your family. Choose to appreciate that you are seeing families from all over the world, enjoying the same activities that you are and your family are enjoying. You can notice the details in the queues, and enjoy those queues that feature interesting scenes, cooler climates or interactive games.

Some of the memories that stick with me the most are silly moments in line. Playing with the kids, getting the giggles, meeting people from all over the world, people watching-these moments are the real magic! In fact, the moment I realized I was in love with my (then future) husband happened in line for It’s a Small World during our first trip together. Who knows? Maybe if there hadn’t been a line that day, we wouldn’t have ended up here!
Waiting in line isn’t a terrible thing. Yes, I spend a lot of time on this blog and with my clients planning to avoid lines as much as possible. But it’s important to realize that some lines are going to be part of your trip. It’s up to you how you’ll respond to them. Choosing to make the lines you end up in a magical moment of your trip? That is the secret to a truly memorable vacation!

Happy dreaming,