runDisney recently announced that the Walt Disney World Marathon 2021 races and the Princess Half Marthon 2021 races will be transitioned from regular runDisney events to runDisney virtual races.
In our last runDisney post, we discussed the runDisney experience that runDisney racers experience at regular runDisney events. To check out that post, please click here.
Today, we are going to discuss runDisney virtual races. We’re going to explain what virtual races are, and how to participate if you choose to. We’re going to talk about the pros and the cons of virtual races. We are also going to share the pricing for upcoming runDisney virtual races, and share our past experiences with virtual races.
What is a Virtual Race?
Virtual races have been around a long time in the race community, but runDisney didn’t jump on the virtual race bandwagon until a few years ago (2015).
Basically, a virtual race is a race that you agree to complete on or by a certain date. You don’t run this race at a fixed location with hundreds or thousands of other racers, and you don’t have access to common race logistics, like water tables and porta potties. You can complete the distance in your neighborhood, on your favorite trail, or even at home on your treadmill.
A lot of runners and long distance walkers use virtual races as part of their training for other “in person” races.
Virtual Races as Training Events
For example, when I was training for the half marathon and marathon races, I would often sign up for a virtual half marathon or a virtual 10K during my training. This would help incentivize me to complete some of my longer training runs, and bonus, I would get some BLING for my medal collection. In addition, most virtual runs benefit a charity–at least part of your registration fee goes to support a particular charity.
It’s a heck of a lot easier to talk yourself into that final 14 mile training run (or walk) two weeks before the big race if you’ve got a cool medal coming to you at the end of it!
Seasonally-themed virtual races can be fun challenges too. One virtual race that I do every year is A Christmas Story 10K. There is a actual physical race every year in Cleveland, OH to benefit the A Christmas Story house and museum. The physical race is usually the first Saturday in December each year. This race was one of the first races I found to offer a virtual option. Registration for this year’s virtual race is $55, and includes the official A Christmas Story run shirt, a themed medal, a custom bib.
Advantages of a Virtual Race
The biggest advantage of a virtual race versus a “regular” race is that a virtual race is less intimidating. There is less pressure, and less stress associated with a virtual race. Of course, this can also be a negative: it’s really easy to blow off a virtual race, too.
But a virtual race can be a terrific entry into road racing. It’s a way to challenge yourself to train for a specific distance, and to complete that distance on a specific date and within a specific time. It’s really personally satisfying to set a goal and achieve it, and a virtual race is a terrific way to learn to follow through. Training for and completing a challenging distance is a terrific boost to your self esteem, and road races (virtual and otherwise) have inspired thousands of people to get in shape and start walking or running.
A road race with hundreds or thousands of other competitors is exhiliarting and emotional. It’s kind of hard to explain, but there is something really amazing about training for months for an event, and showing up with your fellow racers. A runDisney event takes that to a whole other level, as we discussed in The runDisney Experience.
The Fear Factor
However, a road race with hundreds or thousands of other races is VERY intimidating. Maneuvering a crowded route with lots of other racers can be challenging and even scary if it’s your first time. A virtual race gives you the chance to get your feet wet, so to speak, and do the race without the crowd and the pressure. You can prove to yourself that you CAN DO IT!
And of course, virtual races are SIGNIFICANTLY more economical than road races. Especially big races like runDisney events. With a virtual event, the race organizer doesn’t have to coordinate logistics, like volunteers and water stations and first aid. They don’t have to coordinate with the city or town to close roads or have police officers along the route. They don’t have to provide porta-potties and finish line parties. As a result, a virtual race is usually a fraction of the equivalent BIG race. Again, a good way to test yourself, learn that you CAN do it–without the big price tag. (Or travel expenses, if you would be traveling to the event, as with most runDisney events.)
Race Where You Want
Another HUGE benefit of a virtual race? You race where YOU want to race. Want to complete the race in your local forest preserve? Go for it. Want to do the race by circling your home block while pushing your kid in a stroller? Absolutely. Want to complete the race on your treadmill in your basement? You can do it! The beauty of a virtual race is that it is completely flexible. Indoors, outdoors. On the street, on a sidewalk, on a trail. In your living room or on your local track. However YOU want to complete the distance, it’s completely up to you.
Planning to run your race outside, but on the planned day, it’s pouring rain? Two choices: Put on raingear and run it anyway or postpone your race until tomorrow. In a “real” road race, you don’t have choices like that. Again, you have to be careful that you don’t let virtual race flexibility turn into “forgetting” to do the race altogether–but even when your goal is to complete your race on a certain day, you still have some flexibility. In a regular runDisney race, if you have a family emergency and need to cancel your trip, you miss the race, and lose your money. With a virtual race, you move the race to next weekend.
This can also be helpful if you miss a couple of weeks of training due to illness or injury. With a regular runDisney event, you would just have to suck it up and do the best you could–potentially risking getting pulled from the course because you are unable to finish, or are too slow. With a virtual race, you can just move out your planned race date a couple of weeks, and get right back on track with your training. Be careful not to use excuses or lack of effort as a “back door” escape route. BUT, if you are serious about your race, but an illness or injury sets you back? You can recover sensibly, without overtraining and still complete your race.
How to Find Virtual Races
In years past, finding virtual races with medals was fairly easy. With Covid-19, virtual races have become even MORE popular.
I usewebsites like The Virtual Run Challenge to find races when I want to do a virtual race. I also really like Gone for a Run. Big sites like Runner’s World also now include information about virtual races.
Most virtual races are based on the honor system. They are assuming you are a grown up and that you will complete the distance you say you will when you are supposed to. The medals are not withheld until you can “prove” you completed the race. While I have seen a few exceptions to this, most virtual races are handled using the honor system (including runDisney virtual races).
Some virtual races do require you to report your times, and others require you to report your race finish on social media to qualify for your medal.
Some virtual races also give you flexibility on the “when”. For example, I’ve done quite a few “turkey trot” themed virtual races that needed to be completed sometime during the week of Thanksgiving, or even “anytime” during the month of November.
2020 and Virtual Racing
This year, the Covid-19 has decimated the regular racing season. Most races nationwide have been cancelled completely. Some race vendors, however, have decided to offer their events virtually.
Some big races that are offering virtual events this year include:
- Boston Marathon
- Air Force Half Marathon
- Flying Pig Half Marathon
- NYC Marathon
- San Francisco Marathon and Half Marathon
- runDisney Wine and Dine Half Marathon Weekend
- Run Rock N Roll
- runDisney Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend
- Hot Chocolate Race Series
- runDisney Princess Half Marathon Weekend
And there are a lot more big races choosing to go virtual this year. If there’s a race you normally run, or have been interested in running, check out that race’s website–you might find they have a virtual option this year.
We, of course, have no idea if any of these bigger “mainstream” races will continue to offer virtual races in the future. But if you have always wanted to do one of these big races, this might be your year!
runDisney Virtual Races
runDisney’s initial foray into virtual racing began a few summers ago. runDisney decided to offer a virtual race “series” during the summer months. No doubt this was primarily a financially motivated decision, but it also kept runDisney front and center with its’ audience. In addition, I think these races served to attract a new audience to runDisney, with the hope of migrating them to the onsite runDisney experience in the future.
Each summer there were three virtual 5K races offered–one in June, one in July and one in August. You could register for one, two or all three. If you did all three, you were completing that summer’s race challenge, and would get a fourth medal indicating your had finished the challenge.
This summer’s (2020) races included the Mad Tea Party 5K, the Space Mountain 5K, and the Haunted Mansion 5k. Each race was priced at $40, and included a digital race bib, a digital “toolkit”, a digital finisher’s certificate and a finisher’s medal.
If you wanted to do all three races, you could sign up for the Virtual Challenge for $145. This included digital race bibs for all three races, three finisher’s medals for the three races, plus a fourth “challenge” medal. The challenge racers would also get a downloadable finisher’s certificate and a special Virtual Series keepsake.
I honestly don’t think runDisney ever intended to do anything more with virtual races than these summer “fill-in” virtual races. As with anything else runDisney, the pricing for these summer virtual races was on the high side, compared to other virtual races.
Typical virtual races tend to be priced anywhere from $10 – $30. Large races like Rock N Roll are higher; however, for 5Ks, these runDisney virtual races are a bit overpriced (in my opinion).

Covid-19 and runDisney Virtual Races
In a regular runDisney race year, runDisney fans have the opportunity to participate in four race series at Walt Disney World. These race series include:
- The Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend (January)
- The Princess Half Marathon Weekend (February)
- The Star Wars Rival Run Weekend (April)
- Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend (November)
In 2020, the Star Wars Rival Run Weekend was cancelled completely due to the Disney World closures. The Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend, scheduled for November 5-8, 2020 was switched to a virtual event several months ago.
In past years, runDisney fans also had four opportunities to race at Disneyland. The Disneyland races were stopped after January 2018 due to construction and logistical issues with the City of Anaheim (home of Disneyland and California Adventure.)
Because Disneyland and California Adventure in California do not have the substantial amount of real estate owned by Disney, the Disneyland race routes included a lot of distance through the city of Anaheim itself. Conversely, in Florida, even the full marathon is routed exclusively on Disney property, and all logistics (volunteers, support, porta-potties, water stations, etc.) are managed completely by Disney.
The Disneyland races have been eliminated “until further notice.” At this time, it appears unlikely that the races in California will return any time soon. Hopefully, I am wrong about that as I really want to complete the runDisney Coast to Coast Challenge. This is completing a runDisney half marathon or marathon on both coasts in the same calendar year.
Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris also hosts a runDisney race weekend most year in the fall. These runDisney weekends include a 5K, 10K, kids races, and a half marathon. The 2020 runDisney Paris weekend was originally scheduled for September 24-25,2020. This race weekend has been postponed until Fall 2021. We don’t have exact dates yet, but runDisney has not transitioned to virtual races for these races in France.
Note: There is a Castle to Chateau Challenge for runDisney racers that complete a US runDisney half marathon or marathon and the Disneyland Paris half marathon in the same calendar year. Maybe a future bucket list item?
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend 2021 Virtual Races
runDisney’s premier event every year is the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. For more than 25 years, the first or second weekend each January has meant the WDW Marathon Weekend for runDisney participants and fans.
The 2021 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend was scheduled for January 7-10, 2021. The original schedule included:
- WDW Race Expo Wednesday January 6-10, 2021.
- WDW 5k Race Thursday January 7, 2021
- WDW 10K Race Friday January 8, 2021
- WDW Half Marathon Saturday January 9, 2021
- WDW Marathon Sunday January 10, 2021
Walt Disney Marathon Weekend 2021 also included two multi-race challenges.
- Goofy Challenge: Complete the WDW Half Marathon on Saturday January 9, 2021 AND the WDW Marathon on Sunday January 10, 2021
- Dopey Challenge: This one is a DOOZY. Complete ALL FOUR WDW RACES on consecutive days. The 5k, the 10K, the Half Marathon AND the Marathon–all four races must be finished in order to receive the Dopey Medal.
Disney has converted all the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend 2021 runDisney race events to virtual races. Registration is currently available (as of October 16, 2020) for all WDW Marathon Weekend events and challenges.
If you are interested in registering for one (or more!) of the 2021 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend events or challenges, here is how the pricing works.
Walt Disney World 5K
This virtual 5K (3.1 miles) is promoted as a “fun run” for the whole family. If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $40 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $79 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

As you can see, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. Disney’s race shirts are decent in my opinion. Generally they are of a nice lightweight tech fabric, and stand up to frequent washing. I think the women’s sizes tend to run a little small.
I am all about the bling, so the medal is the main motivator for me personally, but I find I do wear my race shirts fairly frequently, especially when training. Your mileage may vary on this. I think $30 is a bit high for a race shirt; however, it’s not like Disney t-shirts in the parks are any cheaper. It’s pricey because it’s Disney. If you like the race logo (pictured above), and want an orangey-yellow (probably) long sleeved shirt with that logo on the front, you will want the More Magic Option.
Walt Disney World 10K
This virtual 10K (6.2 miles) is a really good distance for the runDisney beginner. Most of us can do 3 miles fairly easily–its a challenge to build up to 6, but not as intimidating as a half or full marathon. If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $49 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $99 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

Again, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. This shirt will likely be a black shirt with the 2021 10K logo on the front. They could go gray with this one, though.
Walt Disney World Half Marathon
The half marathon is 13.1 miles. This is my personal favorite distance. Long enough to be challenging, and to really necessitate that you train for it, but not so long that the training takes over your life. 😉
If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $59 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $118 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

Again, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. This shirt will likely be a blue shirt with the 2021 Half Marathon logo on the front.
Walt Disney World Marathon
The marathon is 26.2 miles. This is a very challenging distance, and will take 5 – 8 hours to complete for most runners or walkers. It requires a LOT of training and commitment. However, it is an achievement that only a very very small population has achieved, and is a major accomplishment for the racer!
If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $65 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $120 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

Again, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. This shirt will likely be a blue shirt with the 2021 Half Marathon logo on the front.
Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge
Show your Goofy side over two days of running (or walking) and 39.3 total miles. Complete both the half marathon and the full marathon on two consecutive days.
If you register for this virtual challenge, you have three options: Magic, More Magic, More Magic Goofy.
Magic Option: $129 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $179 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $275 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- 3 Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (One for each race + the Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge Shirt)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

It’s important to understand that when you register for the Goofy Challenge, you are registering for TWO races, the half marathon and the full marathon. The challenge includes the registration for both races plus the challenge itself. So you will get all three medals: one for each race you finish, plus the medal for the challenge.
The only difference between the three options are the shirts. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you receive one shirt–the Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge shirt. With the More Magic Goofy option, you will receive all three shirts: the half marathon shirt, the full marathon shirt AND the Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge shirt.
Dopey Challenge
Show your Goofy side over two days of running (or walking) and 39.3 total miles. Complete both the half marathon and the full marathon on two consecutive days.
If you register for this virtual challenge, you have three options: Magic, More Magic, More Magic Dopey.
Magic Option: $225 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 5 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $275 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 5 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (Dopey Challenge)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $275 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 5 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- 5 Long Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (One for each race + the Dopey Challenge Shirt)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

It’s important to understand that when you register for the Goofy Challenge, you are registering for FOUR races: the 5K, the 10K, the half marathon and the full marathon. The challenge includes the registration for all four races plus the challenge itself. So you will get all five medals: one for each race you finish, plus the medal for the challenge.
The only difference between the three options are the shirts. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you receive one shirt–the Dopey Challenge shirt. With the More Magic Dopey option, you will receive all five shirts: the 5K shirt, the 10K shirt, the half marathon shirt, the full marathon shirt AND the Dopey Challenge shirt.
Princess Half Marathon Weekend 2021 Virtual Races
runDisney Princess Half Marathon Weekend events have introduced thousands of women to the world of competitive racing. runDisney created the original Princess Half Marathon to attract female racers. In fact, men are not allowed in the first two corrals. The Princess Half Marathon Weekend also welcomes men, but it is definitely skewed more toward women. A lot of women have chosen the runDisney Princess Half Marathon as their very first long distance event.
The 2021 Princess Half Marathon Weekend was scheduled for February 18-21, 2021. The original schedule included:
- Princess Half Marathon Weekend Expo February 18-21, 2021.
- Princess 5k Friday February 19, 2021
- Princess Enchanted 10K Saturday February 20, 2021
- Princess Half Marathon Sunday February 21, 2021
The Princess Half Marathon Weekend 2021 also included one multi-race challenge.
- Fairy Tale Challenge: Complete the Enchanted 10K on Saturday February 20, 2021 AND the Princess Half Marathon on Sunday February 21, 2021
Disney has converted all the Princess Half Marathon Weekend 2021 runDisney race events to virtual races. Registration is currently SOLD OUT (as of October 16, 2020) for all Princess Half Marathon Weekend events and challenges.
If you are interested in registering for one (or more!) of the 2021 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend events or challenges, here is how the pricing works.
Princess 5K
This virtual 5K (3.1 miles) is a great race to do as a family. If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $40 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $75 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Short Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist

The only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. If you like the race logo (pictured above), and want turquoise (probably) short sleeved shirt with that logo on the front, you will want the More Magic Option.
Enchanted 10K
This virtual 10K (6.2 miles) is my recommended distance for the runDisney beginner. Most of us can do 3 miles fairly easily–its a challenge to build up to 6, but not as intimidating as a half or full marathon. If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $49 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $89 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Short Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
Again, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. This shirt will likely be a lavender shirt with the 2021 10K logo on the front.
Princess Half Marathon
The half marathon is 13.1 miles. This is my personal favorite distance. Long enough to be challenging, and to really necessitate that you train for it, but not so long that the training takes over your life. 😉
If you register for this virtual event, you have two options: Magic and More Magic.
Magic Option: $59 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $108 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- Commemorative Finisher Medal
- Short Sleeve Event Tech Shirt
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificate
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
Again, the only difference between the two options is the shirt. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you do. This shirt will likely be a rose colored shirt with the 2021 Half Marathon logo on the front.
Fairy Tale Challenge
Rise to the Royal Challenge with two days of running (or walking) and 19.3 total miles. Complete both the Enchanted 10K and the Princess Half marathon on two consecutive days.
If you register for this virtual challenge, you have three options: Magic, More Magic, More Magic Princess.
Magic Option: $115 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $154 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- Short Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (Fairy Tale Challenge)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
More Magic Option: $232 (plus a 6.6% platform service fee)
- 3 Commemorative Finisher Medals
- 3 Short Sleeve Event Tech Shirt (One for each race + the Fairy Tale Challenge Shirt)
- Digital Bib and Finisher Certificates
- Digital Race Tool Kit featuring printable mile markers
- Digital Goodie Bag
- Virtual Playlist
It’s important to understand that when you register for the Fairy Tale Challenge, you are registering for TWO races, the 10K and the half marathon. The challenge includes the registration for both races plus the challenge itself. So you will get all three medals: one for each race you finish, plus the medal for the challenge.
The only difference between the three options are the shirts. With the Magic Option, you do not receive an event shirt, with More Magic, you receive one shirt–the Fairy Tale Challenge shirt. With the More Magic Princess option, you will receive all three shirts: the 10K shirt, the half marathon shirt, AND the Fairy Tale Challenge shirt.
Join Me for runDisney Virtual Races?

This year, my mom and I decided we wanted to train and complete a runDisney Virtual Race together. Mom is a pretty regular walker, but she’s never participated in a race event. She also hasn’t ever covered a distance of more than 5 miles. I’m an inconsistent walker lately, but I have completed several half marathons, including the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Half Marathon a couple of times. I’ve also done both a 10K and a Half Marathon on consecutive days and really enjoyed that challenge.
So mom and I are registered for the 2021 Virtual Princess Half Marathon Weekend. We will both be completing the Enchanted 10K “Virtually”.
I’m doing the Fairy Tale Challenge, which means that after Mom and I complete our virtual 10K on Saturday, I will go on to do the Half Marathon on Sunday. I’m pretty excited to get back into the training groove and it will be super fun to do it with my mom. She winters in Arizona, while I will be in Chicago, so we’ll be training together “remotely”. Seems pretty appropriate in these Covid times, doesn’t it. I’m hoping we might be able to do the races physically in the same place (Arizona preferably, haha), but it’s too soon to tell.
We will be keeping you posted with updates on our progress both here, on our YouTube Channel and on Instagram. Please make sure you are following us, so you don’t miss any updates! If you’ve registered for any of the WDW Marathon Weekend or Princess Half Marathon Weekend events and would like to connect with us during training, please reach out to brooke@disneycastledreaming.
Training Plans with Weekly Coaching
If you are thinking about completing one of the runDisney virtual races for next year, I have several “Couch to …” training programs that you might be interested in. My programs are designed to take you from sedentary to completing a full 10K, Half Marathon or Marathon. I firmly believe that if you take it slow and give yourself 3 – 4 days per week, anyone can go the distance!

My training programs include weekly email coaching and encouragement. I can also personalize your program with specific dates and additional text or email accountability and coaching. Available programs include:
- Couch to 5K Walking
- Couch to 5K Run/Walk
- Couch to 10K Walking
- Couch to 10K Run/Walk
- Couch to Half Marathon Walking
- Couch to Half Marathon Run/Walk
- Couch to Marathon Walking
- Couch to Marathon Run/Walk
I also have training programs for the various runDisney challenges, including the one I’m doing, the 2021 Virtual Fairy Tale Challenge. If you’d like more information on these programs, please contact me at
Happy Dreaming!

P.S. Did you know that as your Disney travel agent, I can get access to runDisney race registrations as part of a runDisney vacation package as far as 11 months before the race? Contact me at to learn more!