We’ve all been waiting for this announcement. Well, maybe not ALL of us. But many Walt Disney World fans HAVE been waiting and wondering and asking, “When will Splash Mountain Close?” Ever since the announcement in 2020 that Splash Mountain would close and be replaced by a Princess and the Frog themed Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, many fans have wondered WHEN? Today, we have our answer. Splash Mountain will close on January 23, 2023.
Splash Mountain PhotoPass Photo Don’t we all have at least a few of these?
If you want to make sure you ride Splash Mountain one more time before it closes, make your reservations NOW. The last day you will be able to ride is January 22, 2023. Then Splash Mountain will close forever. When the attraction at this location opens in late 2024, it will be as a new attraction, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure.
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Opening 2024
What do we know about the new attraction?
We don’t know a whole lot yet about the new attraction. Here’s what we DO know. It will still be a water ride. It will still (most likely) be the same basic attraction that Splash Mountain was. It will be completely rethemed. The queue will likely get some new theming elements, but will likely remain materially the same. This refurbishment/retheming project will take 18-24 months to complete. Currently, all the promotional materials indicate the new attraction will open in 2024. I suspect it will open sometime in the fourth quarter of 2024, assuming everything goes as expected during the refurbishment/retheming. Any serious setbacks and this attraction opening will likely move to 2025.
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure
The new version of this water ride is going to be themed to feature the Princess and the Frog. I’m very excited about this. I loved this movie, I thought it was very fun. Tiana is a beautiful princess with a lot of spunk, and I loved many of the other characters in the movie. I love that Disney is bringing more diversity into the parks and trying to include more diversity in the attractions as well. There is still a long way to go, but I’m happy to see Disney investing some time and money in an attraction themed to this movie.
Concept Art for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure
Disney has not yet released much concept art for this attraction. I think we will see more concept art after Splash Mountain closes. Once he actual project to refurbish and retheme the attraction has begun, Disney will want us to start getting excited about the new attraction.
One piece of concept art I’ve seen so far, above, shows Tiana in hiking clothes, across the water from her jazz loving alligator friend, Louis. From what I’m hearing this attraction will be filled jazz music and the fun of New Orleans and Mardi Gras!
Concept Art for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure
It sounds like Disney wants to make Tiana’s Bayou Adventure an immersive experience for guest and a tribute to the warmth, the music and the people of Louisiana. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they’re going to do with this attraction.
What about Splash Mountain at Disneyland?
Disney has not yet announced when Splash Mountain at Disneyland will close, but I don’t think it will be far behind its Florida brother. Again, if you want to make sure to get “one last ride” in on Splash Mountain before it is gone for good, make a plan to do that VERY soon.
Are you ready for Splash Mountain to Close?
You’ve had almost three years to prepare yourself. Are you ready for Splash Mountain to close forever? Remember, we’re not losing a great water ride–we will still have that. In fact, the new version MIGHT even be better. It’s always a possibility.
How do you feel? Are you excited about Tiana’s Bayou Adventure? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
And if you want to plan that last minute trip for January to go ride Splash Mountain one more time? Remember, I’m here for you. Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com for a no obligation quote.
Great news, Disney fans! At long last, traditional character greetings are returning to Disney parks in the U.S.. Character greetings are also returning to Disney cruise ships and the Aulani Resort in Hawaii.
Russell has a little crush on Linda! Brooke and Linda with Russell and Dug from UP! Photo: Disney Photo Pass
For many Disney guests, character greetings have long been a highlight of their Disney vacations. Family vacation photo albums are full of pictures of children of all ages getting autographs and hugs from their favorite characters. Since Disney parks opened in the United States post pandemic closure, character greetings have been missing from the Disney vacation experience.
Socially Distanced Characters
To their credit, Disney tried to give guests opportunity to see their favorite characters, and to take photos with the characters in the background. Disney introduced Character cavalcades—mini parades in each park featuring favorite characters on floats, in cars, or on boats. The common denominator for all these character cavalcades was “social distancing”. You could see the characters, you could even take photos of them, or of yourself with the character in the background, but you couldn’t get up close to the characters.
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In addition to the character cavalcades, certain characters would pop up in various areas around the parks. Always in areas that guests couldn’t physically get to, but in locations where they could interact with guests and pose for photos with guests–at a distance.
For example, during our October family vacation, we took pictures of the kids with Buzz Lightyear and some Stormtroopers.
Anna and Elsa also popped up in Norway in Epcot as well, chatting with guests and posing for pictures. Guests were not able to get close enough for autographs, but they at least got to have some sort of “one on one” interactions.
Socially Distanced Elsa Photo: Brooke Hudson
Mary Poppins often appeared in the UK from a distance. You could find Belle in France, and Snow White in Germany.
Linda with a socially distanced Mary Poppins Photo: Brooke Hudson
Character Greetings Returning!
Beginning April 18, traditional character greetings and character meals are returning to Disney parks in the U.S. Character greetings are also returning to Disney cruise ships and to Disney’s Aulani resort in Hawaii.
I expect this will be a gentle rollout–probably a few character greetings will return at first, followed by more over time. I think by mid-Summer, we should be able to count on all the regular character greetings and character meals to be back to their pre-pandemic levels.
Disney released this video in celebration of character greetings returning to Disney parks.
Which Character are You Most Excited to See?
My mom and I are visiting in May for our annual mother/daughter Flower & Garden Festival trip to celebrate Mother’s Day and our May/June birthdays. We will definitely be checking out what character greetings are available by then. I’ll be sure to report back with what (and who!) we find.
One of my favorite character greetings is this moment with Minnie and Mickey Mouse at Animal Kingdom. When I went to hug Mickey, I somehow dislodged his belt, and both characters made a BIG deal out of it. Mom and I laughed so hard we cried! I’m excited the character greetings are returning to Disney parks so that guests have their own special moments like this one.
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Which character do you want to hug first?
Happy Dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
Great news today, everyone. runDisney races are back at Walt Disney World. Even more exciting? runDisney in-park races are starting THIS YEAR!
While many runDisney fans have been speculating that an announcement from runDisney would like come soon, most of us assumed that runDisney races would be back NEXT YEAR. Today’s announcement is exciting news for runDisney fans everywhere and indicates a more accelerated return to normalcy for runDisney races at Walt Disney World.
runDisney Races are back in 2021
A big surprise for many runDisney fans, the first race to return to Walt Disney World is the 2021 Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend. The Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend is November 4 – 7, 2021.
This year’s theme is Wickedly Delicious, focusing on popular Disney villains. The weekend will feature a 5K, a 10K, and a half marathon. In addition, the weekend will also offer a Disney Two Course Challenge for those participants that want the challenge of completing both the 10K and the half marathon. I’m a big fan of the 10K/Half Marathon challenges, and am very excited to see this challenge as a part of the Wine & Dine weekend.
Photo: runDisney
The weekend will wrap up with a Post Race Party for participants and their families at EPCOT. The party will feature exclusive after hours access to the park and the International Food and Wine Festival.
If you’re interested in planning a trip to Disney for the runDisney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend, I recommend taking action QUICKLY. Email me at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com and I’d be happy to put together a no obligation quote for you.
Disney’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend
Registration opens for the general public on July 13, 2021 at 10 am EST.
Club runDisney Gold and Platinum registration opens July 6, 2021 at 10 am EST.
While we haven’t received confirmation yet, we expect that DVC members and Annual Passholders will also have access for early registration. We will update with a specific date and time as soon as we have it.
5K $95
10K $135
Half Marathon $215
Two Course Challenge $360
Post Race Party $89
*Note: These are early registration prices. Prices will increase by $10 on August 10, 2021.
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend
Many runDisney fans had high hopes that in park races would be returning to Walt Disney World for January 2022’s Marathon Weekend. I’m so happy to report that Walt Disney World’s Marathon Weekend has been officially confirmed for January 5 – 9, 2022.
Fans can expect Marathon Weekend to focus on the 50th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Resort. I’m hopeful there will be lots of special entertainment and merchandise celebrating the big 50th!
Marathon Weekend will include a 5K, a 10K, a half marathon, and a full marathon. Also back is the Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge, for those participants that want to do the half marathon AND the full marathon (and MUST be Goofy to do so!). And for the REALLY committed (or maybe they need to be committed? Just kidding!) the Dopey Challenge is back. The Dopey Challenge includes the 5K, the 10K, the half marathon AND the full marathon.
runDisney Goofy Challenge
We are already seeing a TON of reservations for 2022–so many Disney fans have been eagerly awaiting Disney World’s return to normal. With runDisney races back, we expect Marathon Weekend reservations to pour in. If you’d like a no obligation quote for your runDisney Marathon Weekend, please reach out to brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
Registration opens for the general public on July 27, 2021 at 10 am EST.
Club runDisney Gold and Platinum registration opens July 20, 2021 at 10 am EST.
While we haven’t received confirmation yet, we expect that DVC members and Annual Passholders will also have access for early registration. We will update with a specific date and time as soon as we have it.
5K $95
10K $135
Half Marathon $195
Marathon $195
Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge $390
Dopey Challenge $600
Disney’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend 2022
It’s no surprise that the race weekend built for Disney princesses from all over the world will return once again to Walt Disney World now that runDisney races are BACK live in the parks. A great entry point for beginner runDisney participants, Disney’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend is scheduled for February 24 – 27, 2021.
New for 2022: the first morning will feature Disney Princess Sunrise Yoga in front of Cinderella Castle, before the theme park opens. How fun does THAT sound?
The theme for the 2022 Princess Half Marathon Weekend will be courage and kindness. Men are welcome to participate, but the Princess Half Marathon Weekend focuses more fully on women, girls and the female experience. The Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend will feature a 5k, a 10k, and a half marathon. The Weekend also features the Disney Fairy Tale Challenge (my favorite!) for those participants that want to do both the 10K and the half marathon.
runDisney Princess Half Marathon Finish Line
It’s a great opportunity for a girls’ weekend, a sisters weekend, a mom/daughter weekend. If you’d like help planning your Disney Half Marathon weekend, please email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
Registration opens for the general public on August 24, 2021 at 10 am EST.
Club runDisney Gold and Platinum registration opens August 17, 2021 at 10 am EST.
While we haven’t received confirmation yet, we expect that DVC members and Annual Passholders will also have access for early registration. We will update with a specific date and time as soon as we have it.
Sunrise Yoga $95
5K $95
Enchanted 10K $135
Half Marathon $210
Disney Fairy Tale Challenge $355
Surprise! runDisney has a NEW Race in the Family
All the big runDisney announcements from this morning included a new race in the lineup. runDisney Springtime Surprise Weekend is scheduled for March 31 – April 3, 2022. Disney has stated that each race season, the fourth weekend will be the Springtime Surprise Weekend. Each year, the race themes and distances will be different.
So essentially, this weekend is replacing the Star Wars race weekend? Perhaps they are planning to rotate several different themes through this particular race weekend, depending on what film or theme park properties they want to promote in a particular year? I guess we will find out.
They tell us that this weekend will be “as much about the smiles as it is about the miles” and beginner racers and veteran racers alike will be welcome.
We have no other information about this event at this time. Hmmm. Very mysterious. Registration will like open in the fall, but we have no dates, distances, prices or themes yet.
Health and Safety
With runDisney races back in our lives, an obvious first question for many is, “What will the health and safety protocols be?”
The answer to this question is evolving. Disney is saying that they will defer to the information they receive from scientists, vendors and sponsors, and will make decisions in the best interest of their guests, vendors, park guests, and cast members as each race weekend approaches.
It is possible that face coverings MAY be required or that other health and safety protocol measures may be in place at race time.
As more information becomes available for each race weekend, I will share it with you.
Virtual Races are Sticking Around
In the not-so-surprising news category, Disney has announced that Virtual Races are NOT going away. Racers from all over the world will still be able to participate in runDisney races from wherever they are, even if they can’t come to the parks to join in the fun.
The in-person runDisney races generate millions of dollars in revenue for Disney, and they have learned from the Covid runDisney experience that they can make even MORE money by opening the races up to a virtual audience. I fully expect Disney to continue offering the virtual races, and to perhaps even expand their virtual offerings as time goes on. They can operate the virtual races with much less overhead and get a lot of fan participation. Races like these build additional fan loyalty, and of course, can lead to additional in park race participation, which adds to to resort revenues overall, in addition to runDisney dollars.
I think the virtual races are brilliant, and since runDisney is not foolish and they want ALL my money, they will continue for every runDisney in park race for the forseeable future.
If you’d like to learn more about Virtual Races (and why I love them), please read runDisney Virtual Races.
Registration Dates for Virtual Races
Disney’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend: July 16, 2021 at 10am EST
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend: July 30, 2021 at 10 am EST
Disney’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend: August 27, 2021 at 10am EST
It’s True. runDisney races are BACK at Walt Disney World.
I’m so excited I can’t hardly stand it. runDisney races are truly exceptional experiences for runners and walkers alike. The race course is filled with themed mile markers, race entertainment, characters and photo opps. Logistically, no one does it better. There are SO MANY portapotties! (Ok, I don’t love the portapotty experience, but when ya gotta go, you are so grateful they are there). I can’t even put into words racing through the theme parks themselves. It’s AMAZING. Fast runners will be in the parks at sunrise (or even before) and that’s a heart stopping, never forget it moment. Slower runners or walkers (like me!) will enter the parks much later and find their paths lined with park goers cheering them on (also a heart stopping never forget it moment.
runDisney WDW Marathon, January 2013 (Photo: MarathonPhoto)
The adrenaline rush that comes from lining up at the starting line with thousands of other races is amazing for any big race…but for a runDisney race, it’s magnified somehow. The energy just crackles through the air. There are fireworks and Mickey Mouse for goodness sakes! And whenever your energy is flagging, there will be something or someone on the course to boost your spirits and get you going again.
runDisney It’s All About the Bling photo: Vicki and David Arndt Photography
How about you? Are you excited that runDisney races are back in the Walt Disney World parks? What race or races are YOU registering for?
I may need to partner with a venture capitalist to support my runDisney addiction. {sigh}.
Hope to see you on the runDisney race course!
Happy Dreaming,
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
If you prefer to read this information, keep reading!
Disney PhotoPass and Disney Memory Maker
One question I get asked a lot from my clients and friends and family is “Should we purchase the Memory Maker?” The short answer? It depends.
Ok, for me, it’s pretty much always YES. BUT, I’m a HUGE photo nerd.
For more NORMAL people, there are several things to consider, and I will get to those in tomorrow’s video. Today we are going to start with the basics: What is Disney PhotoPass and how does it work? In tomorrow’s video (Part 2 in this series), we will focus on the memory maker product, and will answer the question of whether or not to buy.
But first for those of you that DON’T know, let’s start with:
What is Disney PhotoPass?
Disney PhotoPass is a service that Disney added years ago, and I think it’s absolute GENIUS. Basically, they have photographers stationed at numerous locations around each park to take pictures of you and your group.
This completely solves the “Did Mom even GO on that vacation? She’s not in ANY of the pictures” dilemma. For many families, there is always one person that takes all the pictures and they are never in any of the shots. Or, people rotate who takes the pictures, but there are never any pictures of EVERYONE together, because one person always steps out to take the picture. Most people don’t carry around tripods and take the time to set up timed tripod shots on vacation. For some, Selfies have helped to address this problem, but with a Selfie, it’s still really tough to get a group or to include people AND a landmark in the picture.
Photo: Disney PhotoPass
With PhotoPass, Disney has solved that problem. Basically, the PhotoPass photographer will take your group’s picture, usually with a park icon or landmark in the background, and then they will either scan your magic band (the easiest) or give you a PhotoPass card with a 16-digit number on the back. Note: If you are given a Photopass card, immediately take a picture of the back of the card just in case. If you lose the card, but have the number, you can still locate your pictures.
Not All PhotoPass Photos are Created Equal
A couple of caveats: The skill of the various photopass photographers varies. Some are very experienced, fun to work with, and very talented. Others are more point and click—with varying degrees of success. Therefore I always recommend that you get a LOT of photopass photos taken. Take advantage of the opportunities whenever they present themselves. Odds are, if you take a BUNCH of photopass pictures, you end up with at least a few you really like. Here are a couple examples of PhotoPass pictures that didn’t really work out so well.
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In NON COVID times, you could also ask the photographer to take a picture of your group with your phone or camera. This is not an option currently due to Covid related restrictions, but I’m assuming this option will return at some point in the future—but current rules prohibit the photographers from touching your phone or camera.
Disney PhotoPass and Special Moments
If you look on Facebook or the internet, you will see THOUSANDS of PhotoPass pictures that people have posted. There are tons of examples of people using PhotoPass to announce they have a baby on the way, the sex of the baby, that they got engaged or married.
In our case, my husband proposed to me at the Magic Kingdom after the fireworks. Because he’s brilliant, he surprised me with the proposal when we went to take a PhotoPass picture, so we have the moment captured forever.
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Are they great pictures? No, it was very crowded, and I at first thought he fell (he’d done the marathon the day before and was in a lot of pain), and then there was lots of crying and laughing. But I feel so lucky that I have that moment forever captured by that PhotoPass photographer. And the next day, we found another PhotoPass photographer that was SO excited about our engagement, she spent TONS of time with us (there was no line,I promise) and took a gazillion pictures of the ring, and the two of us. It was really fun.
Disney PhotoPass and Group Attractions
There are normally even photopass photographers at big group attractions (Enchanted Tales with Belle, for example). These attractions aren’t operating right now, but once they return, I’m sure the PhotoPass photographer will return with them.
The PhotoPass photographer takes lots of pictures of the group and they will hand out PhotoPass cards at the end; once you enter the number on your computer, you’ll have access to ALL the pictures they took during that particular event. If your kid had a role in the show, you do NOT want to lose that number! So take a picture of the back of the card, just in case!
Disney PhotoPass and Attraction Photos!
Lots of Disney rides take your picture at some point during the ride, some rides even take video! These pictures and videos are now PhotoPass pictures, and can be attached to your Magic Band or PhotoPass card. The RFID technology in your MagicBand communicates with the reader at the attraction and automatically adds the photos or videos to your account.
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Character Dining and PhotoPass?
Character dining can also (sometimes) include PhotoPass. Granted, right now, character dining isn’t happening, but it WILL return eventually, I promise! Some character dining meals offer PhotoPass pictures, but not all of them. Also IF there is a PhotoPass photographer at a character meal, it will usually just be for a picture you take before you enter the restaurant. For example, if you are dining at a Character Meal at Cinderella’s Royal Table, there is usually a Photopass photographer in the lobby with Cinderella waiting to take your picture before you head upstairs for your meal. (Please note that Cinderella’s Royal Table HAS reopened for lunch and dinner, however, Cinderella has NOT yet returned.)
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PhotoPass photographers do not go around with the characters as they visit your table at ANY character meal, so ALWAYS bring your camera to character meals.
Customize your Photos!
After your trip, you will be able to visit the PhotoPass website to view all your pictures. You can add borders and stickers to the photos, and you can make products like Photobooks, calendars and mugs featuring your pictures on the Disney PhotoPass website. One picture can easily turn into 10 or 15 by the time you are done playing with borders, cropping, black and white, etc. Some borders are unique to particular locations, seasons, or events, adding a little extra magic to those photos.
NOTE: Pictures are only available on the PhotoPass site for 30 days (unless you are an Annual Passholder.) Right now, if you are visiting this fall between October 15 and November 30, Disney is extending that 30 days through the end of the year. So you’ll have a little extra time to play with your pictures.
Magic Shots
Lets talk about Magic Shot. Magic Shots are pictures taken by a PhotoPass photographer with a little something extra magical added later. The most common Magic Shots feature TinkerBell standing on the palm of your hand, or a bunch of balloons added to your upstretched arm.
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There are a variety of Magic Shots available at different times. During Star Wars Weekend a few years ago, we got Magic Shots with light sabers added. Recently, they added some pirate themed Magic Shots near the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.
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During the Halloween season, you might find Magic Shots with ghosts near the haunted mansion, or Flaming jack o lanterns throughout the Magic Kingdom. During the Winter holiday season, you may find snow or Wooden Soldiers added to your photos.
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Over at Hollywood Studios, we’ve learned there’s a new special magic shot that includes the child (frequently called baby Yoda, although he isn’t in fact Yoda) from the Mandolorian. Here’s a look at this one from Disney Parks and Resorts.
Disney PhotoPass Magic Shot – The Child, Mandalorian
Special holiday themed magic shots become available November 6.
Disney PhotoPass Photos and the My Disney Experience App
Disney PhotoPass pictures are available in the My Disney Experience app, so you’ll be able to look at them as your trip goes along. Most photos and videos appear in your app within 20 minutes.
Unless you’ve purchased the Memory Maker product, the pictures will have a watermark on them, preventing you from having a sharable, downloadable image without paying for it. If you’ve already purchased Memory Maker, your pictures will appear completely clear and fabulous.
One of the highlights of my last trip was overhearing a young family showing their daughter a picture they had just taken on Main Street. She was AMAZED to see that Tinkerbell had joined them in the picture and she was so dazzled by the magic!
Tips for Getting that “Magic” Shot
Disney changes what Magic Shots are available from time to time, and not all PhotoPass photographers will offer to do them. Your odds are better if there’s no line and if you’re nice and friendly. PhotoPass photographers work very hard, and are on their feet for many hours a day, usually in pretty hot temperatures and sometimes not treated very well by guests. In my experience, if you are nice and there’s not a line, they’re more likely to spend a few extra minutes with you, and that can often result in some Magic Shots. To see what Magic Shots are currently available, visit the albums at the Disney Photo Pass Facebook Page.
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Coming Up in the Next Video (And Post!)
In tomorrow’s video, we’ll talk about Memory Maker, and how you can have PhotoPass without Memory Maker, but you can’t have Memory Maker without PhotoPass.
Thank you for watching, and please tune in Monday for the second video (and blog post) in this series, discussing Disney’s Memory Maker product.
In this week’s Disney Parks News, we have big changes coming for the virtual queue at Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. We also have Disneyland Paris closure news, and Disney’s official statement on the entertainment layoffs we saw last week. For these stories and more, please check out our YouTube video below.
For those of you that prefer reading to watching, the written version is provided below. Last week’s Disney Parks News can be found here.
Disney Parks News
The Holidays have Arrived at Disney World!
Halloween is over and the Holidays have arrived at Walt Disney World! It’s amazing how quickly Disney makes the transition from Fall and Halloween décor to winter holiday décor.
Here is the full statement from Disney:
“Walt Disney World Resort offers a treasure trove of experiences for guests of all ages. We recognize that part of the magic of visiting any Disney park is seeing favorite Disney friends and discovering one-of-a-kind shows and performances. Since reopening, we’ve continued to offer modified character experiences and entertainment throughout our resort, while also taking the appropriate steps for the health and safety of our guests and cast members.
Recently, we’ve had to make some difficult decisions to reduce our workforce as the business impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic have become more long-lasting than anyone could have predicted. As a result, we’ve had to pause many live shows and entertainment experiences at our resort for longer than originally anticipated.
While it’s impossible at this time to fully replace the incredible entertainment that existed throughout our parks before the pandemic, we are offering live entertainment in new ways wherever possible, including character cavalcades in all four parks and pop-up appearances, like discovering Joy from “Inside Out” frolicking on the lawn near the Imagination! pavilion in EPCOT.
Additionally, we’re featuring modified shows such as the popular “For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and live musical performances like the Main Street Philharmonic in Magic Kingdom or the Discovery Island Drummers at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. This extends to our seasonal offerings, with Halloween underway and the holidays right around the corner. In fact, the fan-favorite Voices of Liberty are set to make their return and join the JAMMitors and Mariachi Cobre at the American Gardens Theatre during the upcoming Taste of EPCOT International Festival of the Holidays, beginning on Nov. 27.
Determining which shows can return and when is a complex process. As with the rest of our phased reopening, we will also consider the guidance of health officials and government agencies in determining when the time will be right to adjust capacity, and as soon as it is appropriate, we will start to bring additional entertainment back.
Like most of our fans, we know that our beloved entertainment cast are an incredibly special and essential part of the Disney experience. We look forward to the day when we can welcome back more live entertainment to our parks, and we will share more news about these announcements as we’re able to do so.”
I find this statement both disappointing and frustrating. Do I understand that Disney feels they cannot allow most shows to resume due to social distancing requirements? Honestly? Yes and no. They have been able to re-introduce the Frozen Sing Along Celebration successfully, and that’s a show. And many of the theatres in the parks are outdoor venues. It seems that some shows could return, with seating clearly marked and restricted to provide proper social distancing.
Beauty and the Beast – Live on Stage (Photo: Disney Parks & Resorts)
To me, it seems almost convenient to blame the ongoing (and perhaps escalating) Covid-19 crisis as the reason there is almost no entertainment, rather than the more probably budget cuts. Why are the JAMMitors ok to perform in EPCOT on the Mill Stage in Canada, but not the amazing Taiko Matsuriza drummers in Japan?
Disney has also made a very important, very helpful change to the virtual queue situation. Now, guests who hope to ride Rise of the Resistance can request to enter the virtual queue at 7 am from their hotel room (or breakfast or wherever). The only thing that is required is a park reservation for Hollywood Studios that day (which of course requires a ticket).
Why does this change to the required location to join the virtual queue matter? Here’s why: OPTIONS. For example, let’s say you really want to ride Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. You have a park reservation for today, and you are planning to visit Hollywood Studios. Let’s say you try, but are unable to join the virtual queue and get a boarding group at 7am. Now, you have some OPTIONS.
You can go back to bed. You don’t need to make sure you are in Hollywood Studios by 10am.
Based on reservation availability, you could decide to save Hollywood Studios for a different day. In that scenario, you would cancel your Hollywood Studios park reservation. Then, you could book a new park reservation at a different park. (Note: I highly recommend you check park reservation availability before you pull this trigger.)
You might decide NOT to visit Hollywood Studios until the afternoon.
Spend the morning playing at the pool
Enjoy a round of golf
Ride the Skyliner for a while
Relax at your resort
Visit Disney Springs
The 2 pm virtual queue does still exist. That virtual queue DOES require guests to be physically inside the park to join the queue.
Star Wars Rise of the Resistance (Photo: Disney Parks)
It is my hope that these changes will loosen up the stranglehold that Rise of the Resistance has been having on visitors for months. With these changes, perhaps more guests will be able to ride. If that happens, theoretically fewer guests will crowd into Hollywood Studios in the hopes of riding that one attraction.
Our Upcoming Disney Vacation
Next week, we will be at Walt Disney World ourselves, and will be able to test out the new system. I will update you on our success (or lack thereof) with Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.
Next week’s Disney Parks News Update will be filmed while we are on site at Walt Disney World. As a result, the video may end up a little on the rough side. However, we will do our best to still get the video posted on Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your patience. We are really looking forward to updating you with our in person, on the ground experiences in the parks.
Happy dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
In this week’s Disney Parks News Update, we learn that Disneyland may be forced to stay closed until next summer! We also talk new Disney world discounts for 2021, attraction refurbishments, the value resort that is reopening early next year and much more. Please check out this week’s video below.
If you missed last week’s news, you can get it here.
For those of you that would rather read your news, please continue on.
Disney Parks News Update 10.21.20
This week’s top story is DISNEYLAND. We’ve all been waiting for months to find out when Disneyland in California would be allowed to reopen. Originally, Disney planned to reopen Disneyland and California Adventure in July, right after Walt Disney World reopened. However, those plans were not approved by Orange County or the State of California, and Disney had to push pause. Ever since, it’s been a waiting game for Disney fans, and a frustrating battle for Disney and Disney cast members that want to get back to work!
Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland (Photo: Disney Parks)
Yesterday, the state of California announced (finally) their guidelines for theme park re-openings in their state. The important part for Disney fans? Large theme parks cannot reopen until their home county (Orange County, for Disneyland and California Adventure) are in California’s YELLOW TIER.
Table: covid19.ca.gov
To be in the yellow tier, the county must see less than 1 new Covid-19 case per 100,000 residents, and less than 2% positivity rate for tests. Right now, Orange County is in the red tier, reporting between 4 -7 new cases per day per 100,000 residents and a 5-8% positivity rate.
Orange County as of 10/21/20 (Information: covid19.ca.gov)
There is a long way to go for Orange county to get from the Red Tier to the Yellow Tier. Dr. Clayton Chau, Director of the Orange County Health Care Agency said, “…I think that we can look forward to a yellow tier by next summer, hopefully. Hopefully.”
Disneyland Monorail (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
What does this mean for Disneyland?
Based on current information, state policies, and recent Covid-19 trends in Orange County, CA, it appears that the soonest we can hope to see Disneyland and California Adventure reopen is sometime NEXT SUMMER (2021). This is obviously devastating news for the thousands of people employed by Disney to work in the two theme parks, as well as in the Disney owned hotels in the Disneyland area. However, there are COUNTLESS other business that are completely dependent on the tourist traffic that Disneyland brings to Anaheim. If Disneyland and California Adventure remain closed through next summer (or later), many of those businesses are doomed to fail. This will no doubt have a huge impact on the Anaheim economy, and by extension, on Orange County and Southern California.
Disneyland Hotel (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
Many Southern California officials, including Anaheim mayor Harry Sidhu and Disneyland President Ken Potrock have come out publicly against the new guidelines. I don’t think Disneyland or the other large California theme parks are likely to let these new guidelines go uncontested. I suspect we will be hearing a lot more about this in the coming weeks. For now, unfortunately, it appears impossible for Disneyland to reopen this year.
Walt Disney World
Moving over to Walt Disney World news, let’s talk about attractions.
Tomorrowland Transit Authority
One of my favorite attractions, the PeopleMover (Tomorrowland Transit Authority) over at the Magic Kingdom is definitely NOT going back online this year. The attraction was originally scheduled to be reopening in late October, which then got pushed back to late November. This week, that got pushed back AGAIN to early January. That is as far out as the current refurbishment schedule goes right now, so I suspect this particular attraction will not be open until sometime next spring. BUMMER.
Tomorrowland Transit Authority (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
The PeopleMover is a great attraction for many reasons: it absorbs a TON of people every hour as it is a constantly moving loading and unloading attraction. It’s also a TERRIFIC ride to sit and relax and give tired legs and feet a little break. On hot days, it’s also a great place to get some rest out of the sun and moves fast enough that you have a cooling breeze as you ride. Alas, no people mover for us anytime soon. {Sigh}
Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure
Over at Epcot, we’ve been anxiously awaiting news on an opening date for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure, along with the expanded France pavilion in World Showcase. Originally planned to open this Summer, Ratatouille’s opening got pushed back along with everything else when the parks closed this Spring. Disney has been completely MUM on when we can expect this attraction to open.
Ride Vehicle for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure (Photo: Disney Parks)
Personally, I suspect Disney will hold off on opening this attraction until sometime next spring, when crowds are more likely to be at normal capacity (we hope) and Disney can get some good publicity (and hopefully guest reservations) in response to opening a new attraction. I’m disappointed, as I’d originally thought they would try to bring the attraction online in time for the holiday crowds, but with the parks still operating at such a big loss, I think it makes sense to hold off until the opening can be celebrated.
Gustaeau’s Sign Installed in France Pavilion (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
You can see progress on the France pavilion expansion from the Skyliner—It’s looking really good. The Gusteau’s sign (from Ratatouille) has been installed. We’ve heard reports that it lights up at night, which is definitely progress. I’ll give you an update on this project with pictures from Epcot when we are there next month.
Tron Lightcycle/Run
It seems that this week’s Disney Parks News Update has more bad news for us. Another “under construction” project we’ve been keeping an eye on is the Tron Lightcycle Coaster in progress at the Magic Kingdom. This GIANT project has already been underway for a couple of years, and was long planned to be ready in time for next year’s big 50th Anniversary of Walt Disney World.
Disney Tron Attraction Coming to Magic Kingdom: Artist Rendering
Unfortunately, we are now hearing lots of rumors that construction is going to be suspended on this project later this year, and that it is extremely unlikely that this attraction will be ready in time for October 2021 and the big anniversary.
Tron Lightcycle/Run Grid Installed at Magic Kingdom (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
No official confirmation from Disney; however, if the rumors are true, I have to assume this is financially based decision. I’m not sure it’s a wise decision, as new attractions always bring in big crowds, but I think maybe they were hoping to see Disneyland reopened and increased crowds in Florida before Disney continues investing in this project. Just speculation at this point though. I will keep you posted as I learn more.
Winter/Summerland and Fantasia Mini Golf
In the category of non-theme park attractions, Disney’s Winter Summerland Miniature Golf is reopening for a limited time: November 6, 2020 – January 30, 2021. Winter Summerland features 2 18 hole miniature golf courses, each one themed to a season, either Winter or Summer. Adults are $14, Kids are $10.
Winter Summerland is reopening primarily to offset Fantasia Gardens closing for the season (primarily for cleaning and maintenance). Fantasia Gardens closes November 5, 2020 and will reopen January 31, 2021. These fun themed mini golf courses are a popular destination for families to visit on non-theme park days, or even during a break on a theme park day.
Walt Disney World License Plate
Here’s a fun Disney Parks News Update for Florida Residents. For the first time, the Walt Disney World Resort is going to be releasing a license plate in honor of their 50th anniversary. The best part? Proceeds will go to the Make a Wish Foundation of Central and Northern Florida. Disney’s been working with Make a Wish for 40 years now, with more than 140,000 Disney inspired wishes granted since 1980. An average of 8,000 wishes are granted at Disney World every year.
Disney hasn’t shown us the design of the license plate just yet; however interested Florida car owners can purchase a presale voucher now for $25+state admin fees by appointment at local County Tax Collections or license plate facilities (DMVs). Online presale for the plates will be available soon!
Friendship Boats
In the good news category, Disney has been testing the Friendship boats over on Crescent lake. These are the boats that provide Disney resort guests in the boardwalk area with water transportation to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. While the Friendship boats have been operating in the World Showcase Lagoon at Epcot, shuttling guests across the Lagoon, the boats have not been operating in the resort areas. It looks like that is changing very soon. No word yet on the boats that travel from various resorts to Disney Springs—we’re watching for updates on all the water transportation—and will keep you posted! Water transportation is one of my favorite ways to get around Walt Disney World. So relaxing, and terrific scenery. Can’t wait until ALL Disney transportation is back to normal!
Disney Parks Reservation System
Last week, we discussed that Disney vacation packages are now available for booking through the end of 2021 and into January 2022. A couple of additional details related to this news: The Disney Parks Reservation System is available for reservations well into 2022—So this new system, requiring guests to decide which parks they will visit on each day of their Disney vacation is NOT going away. The system does not yet accommodate park hopping; however packages for 2021 do offer park hopping as an option, so we have to assume this functionality is on the way?
Magic Bands: Are They Being Phased Out?
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Also: in 2021, many of the functions currently performed by your magic band (hotel room key, park admission, payment for food and merchandise) will also be able to be performed by your smartphone. As a result, Magic Bands for Disney vacations beginning in January 2021 will no longer be provided to all guests free of charge. Magic Bands will be available for purchase if guests prefer to continue to use their Magic Bands.
I’m not loving this new development. I love the convenience of the magic bands, and we have quite the collection at our house (they make a really nice chain for the Christmas tree!)—and I love choosing new ones for each trip. For our upcoming trip, we upgraded from the “free” solid color magic bands and each picked “special” bands. Aren’t they fun?
Brooke and Frank’s November 2020 Magic Bands (Photo: Brooke Hudson)
The ones we ordered were $10.99 each. There are at least 20 different designs, and they change fairly often. There are also special “limited edition” bands. $10.99 – $24.99 is the current price range for upgraded Magic Bands.
Is Putting EVERYTHING on our Smart Phones the Best Idea?
I don’t really like increasing the dependence and draw on our cell phones. As it is, I already need to carry portable battery packs to charge our phones a couple of times a day when we are in the parks. I’m not super thrilled with needing to use the phones even more. And I’m not convinced that there won’t be glitches that will render guests unable to access their rooms or enter the parks. Makes me nervous. And what about other family members?
Magic Band as Park Ticket (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
A lot of kids don’t have cell phones. Also, I like the Magic Band’s ability to help identify kids if they get lost. I don’t know. Not loving this idea. Anyways, guest that want to continue to use magic bands will be able to purchase them. They just won’t automatically receive the solid color ones for free.
All Star Movies
We have good news this week for those of you that prefer to stay in Disney’s Value Resorts. So far, since Walt Disney World reopened, the only Value Resort that has reopened was Pop Century. Disney’s Art of Animation Resort is reopening on November 1, but that’s mostly family suites and more expensive than the regular Value Reorts. Until now, we’d heard nothing about the three All Star resorts. At last, we have confirmation that one of the All Star Resorts, All Star Movies, is reopening on February 9, 2021. This is great news for Spring Breakers. They tend to prefer the cost savings of the All Star Resorts. All Star Movies is now available for booking for dates on or after February 9, 2021.
All Star Movies Value Resort (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
First Discount of 2021
And there’s more good news. Disney has released it’s first discount for 2021. You can save up to 35% on rooms at select Walt Disney World resorts from January 3 – April 17, 2021. Reservation must be booked before March 15, 2021. The amount of the discount is dependent on which resort you book. Rooms allocated for this offer are limited, and length of stay requirements may apply. If you’d like a free no obligation quote, please drop me an email at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
That’s it for this week’s news. I hope you found it helpful!
Happy dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
We have breaking news this morning. At last, Disney has opened up reservations for next fall. Disney fall 2021 vacation packages are now available.
Winter Icicle Castle (Photo: Brooke Hudson)
As you may already be aware, next October will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Resort. There are many refurbishment projects currently underway, intended to spruce up the parks and resorts for Disney’s big 50th Anniversary. We are all hopeful that by next fall, many of the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 will be lifted, and we’ll all be able to fully enjoy the complete Disney experience.
Spaceship Earth (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)
Many guests have been waiting for Disney fall 2021 vacation packages to book their 2021 Disney vacations because they want to be on Disney property during the celebration. There are also thousands of Disney fans (my family included!) that had to cancel their 2020 vacation plans due to the impact of Covid-19. These fans have been anxiously waiting for Disney to open up fall 2021 vacation packages.
Enjoy Animal Kingdom at Night (Photo: Disney Parks)
Disney Fall 2021 Vacation Packages Available NOW
Today is the day. Vacation packages and resort reservations are now available from September 27, 2021 through December 31, 2021. If you are interested in booking your Disney fall 2021 vacation, please contact me at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com for a free, no obligation quote.
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge (Photo: Disney Parks)
If you think you might want to visit Disney next fall, I highly encourage you to book sooner rather than later! Disney is going to be applying the full court marketing press, and doing their best to make sure that EVERYONE wants to be at Disney World next fall.
I was at Disney for the 45th Anniversary and it was PACKED! Hotels were at full capacity for most of that fall, and dining reservations were super tough to get. It’s better to lock in your plan early–even if you may need to make changes later.
Work with a Travel Agent
One of the (many!) benefits of working with an authorized Disney vacation planner is that we have direct access into the Disney systems. We often have access to unpublished or limited discounts not available to the general public. If you book your vacation through an authorized Disney vacation planner, and Disney releases a discount later that would save you money, we can go in to their system and apply that discount to your package. (As long as final payment has not been made.)
Linda and Brooke with Mickey and Minnie at Animal Kingdom
Working with a Disney vacation planner does not cost you ANYTHING. We are paid by Disney. But by working with me, you have my expertise, Disney love, and hundreds of amazing vacations on your team. This can be a challenging time to navigate planning a Disney vacation. Let me help make it magical!
Have a wonderful week!
Happy Dreaming,
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
P.S. Did you get this week’s Disney Parks News Update? Check it out here.
In this week’s Disney Parks News Update, we have GUNS confiscated on Disney property, refurbishment updates, LOTS of food news, scary clowns and more! Please watch this week’s Disney Parks News Update video below.
EPCOT currently looks a little bit like a construction zone, as EPCOT Future World is in the midst of a major overhaul. There are a number of projects in progress around EPCOT’s Entrance and throughout Future World. Among these projects is the Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster, scheduled to open sometime next year. We are happy to report that construction appears to be moving ahead on all these projects. We don’t have completion dates or opening dates for any of the work going on, but we are hopeful that Disney is on track with their plans to have this work complete in time for Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary next October.
Frozen Ever After
Frozen Ever After (Photo: Disney Parks)
A VERY popular attraction, Frozen Ever After, is closing for refurbishment in a couple of weeks. Don’t worry—it’s only for a few days. The attraction will be closed from November 2 – 6, 2020. This is likely just for cleaning and general maintenance; this is not enough time for Disney to do any major overhauls. Not to mention, this is still a fairly new attraction. It really shouldn’t need any major refurbishment yet.
We’ll be in the park the following week, and will let you know how the attraction looks when it reopens!
Disney’s Art of Animation Resort
Art of Animation Resort (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
Disney’s Art of Animation Resort is reopening at long last on November 1, 2020. If you aren’t familiar with the Art of Animation resort, it is a very popular Value Resort, and one of our favorites. Check out our blog post about this resort here.
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During the shutdown, Art of Animation got some minor refurbishments, including new flooring and updates in the lobby area. The rooms themselves got minor updates to furnishings and room details.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out Art of Animation, it is located on the Skyliner line, and it’s a worthwhile stop to check it out. All the themed icons from Cars, The Lion King, Finding Nemo and the Little Mermaid make terrific backdrops and props for unique family pictures.
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The Big Blue Pool, Art of Animation’s largest pool, did not get it’s refurbishment done during the closure, however. As a result, the Big Blue Pool will be closed for refurbishment from January 1, 2021 through early April 2021.
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
Guests are encouraged to use the Flippin’ Fins Pool (Little mermaid area) or the Cozy cone Pool (in the Cars area) during the closure. The Schoolyard Sprayground play area is NOT being affected by the closure.
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
Guests staying at Art of Animation during this time should expect to see or hear construction during their stay; however, construction does not occur between dusk and 9 am, so your rest time should not be impacted.
If you have a reservation during this time and are concerned about this refurbishment, please reach out to your travel agent (or me!).
Boardwalk Inn: Luna Pool
A highlight for me personally in this week’s Disney Parks News Update is about the CLOWN over at the Luna Pool at the Boardwalk Inn.
The pool at the Boardwalk Inn, the Luna Pool is currently being refurbished while the Boardwalk Inn is closed. The pool area at the Boardwalk Inn is themed to the turn of the 20th century Coney island. The area has a sort of “Circus-y/Old timey amusement park” vibe.
Boardwalk Inn Luna Pool Area (Photo: Disney Parks)
The centerpiece of the pool area has always been a giant clown face. The mouth of the clown is a waterslide. I’m not a giant fan of clowns to begin with but this clown? Totally creeps me out. In fact, I’ve avoided booking there for my family because of the creepy clown.
Boardwalk Inn Luna Pool (Photo: Disney Parks)
I mean, look at that thing. Don’t you think it’s a little creepy? (OR A LOT CREEPY???!!!)
Here’s the big news: locals have reported that the giant clown head has been REMOVED as part of the Luna Pool refurbishment!!! It has been seen being taken away from the pool area (although no one actually saw it dismantled, thrown in the trash or burned in a ceremonial cleansing so we do not know for sure it is not coming back). The area where the clowns head WAS is still covered with tarps, but work is continuing.
Dare we hope that the clown is gone for good? Could the Imagineers have something new and creative for that area that doesn’t terrorize small children (or ME)??? I do not know, unfortunately. We will definitely scope out the pool area when we visit next month; hopefully we will be able to give you a more definitive update then. But for now? I’m happily booking a reservation for my mom and I at Boardwalk for May, assuming the clown will be GONE.
Food News
We have lots of FOOD NEWS in this week’s Disney Parks News Update!
ABC Commissary
Over at Hollywood Studios, the ABC Commissary has reopened with a brand new menu. Some old favorites are still there, but the menu has had a major overhaul. Tacos and curry rice bowls have taken center stage. New items include Pork carnitas tacos, Shrimp tacos, curry rice bowl with shrimp and a plant based curry rice bowl with tofu. Two new chicken sandwiches also join the lineup. Kids can choose from a Pork taco, grilled cheese sandwich, a turkey sandwich or their old favorite, uncrustables.
ABC Commissary (Photo: Disney Parks)
Minnie’s Halloween Dine
Also at Hollywood Studios, we have a new menu for Minnie’s Halloween Dine over at Hollywood and Vine.
Photo: Disney Parks
This meal does feature character appearances. The characters will parade through the dining area and wave and let you take pictures. However, they won’t be stopping at your table for individual pictures as you are probably used to from character meals pre Covid.
This is a fixed price, three course meal, featuring a salad, entrée and dessert.
Photo: Disney Parks
Entrée choices include prime rib, roasted turkey breast, macaroni and cheese with shrimp, Salmon, Pork osso bucco and plant based pan seared king trumpet mushrooms.
Photo: Disney Parks
Desserts include your choice of apple blueberry pie, banana crème pie, chocolate smores pie, vanilla crème brulee and a plant based cherry lemon pie.
Photo: Disney Parks
Cocktails, wine and beer are available for an additional price. Beer starts at $7.50, Wine by the glass starts at $10, and cocktails start at $13.
In the past I have NOT enjoyed Hollywood & Vine, however, I have to admit this sounds pretty good. We may have to check this out for ourselves!
Chef Mickey’s
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
Next up in Food news: Chef Mickey’s Character Dining is coming back! One of the most popular character meals on property, Chef Mickey’s will soon be visited by Chef Mickey himself (and a few of his friends!).
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
Starting on December 16, 2020, Mickey and Minnie and their friends will be back at Chef Mickey’s at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. It’s not quite the same—this is NOT a buffet at the moment, and the characters will not be coming to your table. However, the characters will “pop up” at surprise intervals and parade through the dining rooms, waving at guests for pictures. Reservations for Chef mickey’s character dining open up October 17.
Photo: Disney Parks
Its important to note that Chef Mickey’s IS currently open. Right now, it’s an all you care to eat family feast WITHOUT characters. Pricing for adults is $25 and kids are $14 (plus tax). However, once the characters return, pricing will jump to $42 for adults and $27 for kids (plus tax).
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
In addition to the characters joining diners, there are three new entrees being added to the menu. Mickey’s celebration pancakes, a loaded potato cheese casserole with smoked bacon crumbles and chives and finally, Goofy’s Banana Bread French Toast—which looks and sounds like a heart attack on a plate.
Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts
It will probably taste AMAZING though. If you plan to check out this very popular character dining experience, reservations are HIGHLY recommended (really, required).
Updated Mask Warnings
New mask warning signs appeared throughout the Walt Disney World theme parks last week. These signs more specifically state that guests must wear their masks properly, at all times, and further state that guests who do not wear their masks will be asked to leave the parks.
In addition to the new signs located throughout the parks, Disney has added an audio announcement about the mask policy that plays in the parks several times each day. Finally, they’ve added the message to the My Disney Experience phone app. Disney is very serious that guests understand this policy.
I know there has been some confusion on this: Florida was recently moved to Phase 3, which means the Florida state government is no longer requiring masks in all public places, and the state has rescinded the fines for not wearing a mask. HOWEVER, it is important to recognize that each business has the right to establish and follow their own protocols, based on what they believe is safest for their guests or customers.
Disney is SERIOUS about their Mask Policy
Completely separate from what the state dictates, Disney has their OWN policies. Disney has determined, based on their research and advice from scientific advisors and guidelines from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) that masks help prevent the spread of Covid-19 (and other airborne spread diseases). Disney is requiring all guests over the age of 2 to wear masks at all times while in the theme parks, and while in public areas of Disney resorts.
Photo: Disney Parks
I understand this is a hot button topic for some people. Bottom line: If you aren’t willing to wear a mask during your Disney visit, do not visit Disney.
If you don’t wear a mask, you will not be permitted entry to the theme parks. If you remove your mask (other than while dining), you will be asked to leave the theme park. It’s very simple. If your aren’t comfortable wearing a mask during your Disney theme park visit, do not visit Disney until masks are no longer required. Hopefully, sometime next year. Disney has a very good refund policy right now, due to the challenges raised by Covid-19, and I am confident they will work with you to cancel or reschedule your trip.
Walt Disney World Theme Parks Capacity
In last week’s Disney Parks News Update, we talked about capacity at the theme parks. We expressed our belief that Disney has been quietly increasing capacity at the theme parks. This belief is based on anecdotal and observational evidence. The theme parks are feeling more crowded. We are seeing much longer lines for attractions. It’s getting more difficult to social distance in main traffic areas throughout the parks. Park reservations are fully booked up, and then Disney releases more availability for certain days, especially weekends. In general, it just “feels” like the parks are getting more crowded every week.
Bob Chapek, Disney CEO
However, Bob Chapek, Disney’s CEO told CNBC this week that Walt Disney World theme parks are still capped at 25% capacity. He also stated that the parks will remain capped at 25% capacity until the CDC guidelines change.
We have to assume that Bob Chapek knows what he’s talking about. He’s the boss of all the bosses, and while he’s not in the trenches admitting guests into the park, we figure he’s heavily involved with the decisions related to capacity. Especially as those decisions will affect the overall profitability of the theme parks dramatically, right?
We’re NOT at 25% Capacity?
So what could explain the discrepancy between what we (and many others who have visited over the last few weeks) are feeling and what Bob Chapek tells us must be true?
1) It’s likely that when the parks first opened, they were not any where near 25% capacity. Perhaps they opened at 5 or 10% and hovered there for a while. We saw lots of pictures and comments that the parks were like ghost towns, and all the attractions were walk-ons during the first couple of months. That has certainly changed. So perhaps what we are seeing now is truly 25% capacity?
2) Another factor in longer lines could be staffing related. If Disney is staffing fewer cast members on attractions, perhaps some “lanes” are closed in attractions? This could slow down the movement of guests through those rides, resulting in longer lines and more congestion?
I’m not sure. It sure seems like the crowds we are seeing, especially in Hollywood Studios and the Magic Kingdom, are higher than 25% capacity. But we don’t work at the parks, and Disney is fairly tightlipped about what they consider FULL capacity to be. So the short answer right now? We don’t know. We will update you next month with our perspective when we are actually there ourselves.
Assault Weapons at Disney World?
Our final story this week is a troubling one. We have learned, courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel as well as several other news outlets, that a Disney guest brought an AR-15 rifle and 9 mm handgun with him on his Disney vacation!
The guest, a 43 year old man from Palm Beach Gardens, checked into the Polynesian Villages Resort over Labor Day Weekend. When the guns were discovered in his luggage, Disney contacted the local sheriff. The man had a concealed weapons permit, and therefore was not arrested.
However, Disney does not allow weapons of any kind on property, so Disney confiscated and held the man’s arsenal for him until the end of his vacation. He stated he brought the weapons because he was worried about his family’s safety during the social justice protests in the Orlando area last month.
Personally, I think if you are worried enough about the safety of your family that you need to bring an assault rifle, a hand gun and more than 100 rounds of ammunition with you to DISNEY WORLD where there are THOUSANDS of unarmed adults and children, perhaps you should postpone your vacation until a time when it feels safer for you to visit.
Again, Disney is being extremely flexible with cancellations, refunds and rescheduling. I would never want anyone to feel unsafe, but we can’t have assault rifles and other deadly weapons making their way onto Disney property.
To be clear: Disney does not allow guests to bring weapons of any kind onto its property. If you have issues with this policy, please contact Disney directly.
Disney Parks News Update: Final Thoughts
That’s it for this week’s Disney Parks News Update. It’s good to see that in some ways, things at the parks are starting to look a little more normal. However, it is a sign of the times that we are seeing stronger mask warnings from Disney, and that we had a story this week that included the word “assault rifle”. I’m hopeful that we will have more stories about things getting back to normal as time goes on.
Thank you for reading!
Happy dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
This week’s Disney Parks News Update includes more information about Disney’s recent announcement that 28,000 cast members from the theme parks division will be laid off. Critics and analysts weigh in on Disney’s decision. Also featured this week: Disney resort news from Hawaii, Walt Disney World Discounts, and runDisney virtual race updates. Please watch this week’s video below.
For those of you that would rather read than watch the video, today’s Disney Parks News Update is detailed below.
Disney Layoffs
This week’s top story continues to be Disney laying off more than 25% of its 100,000 theme park employees. We have learned that 67% of the 28,000 theme park employees being laid off are part time employees. Also, 6,700 of the employees being laid off are Walt Disney World non union employees.
Disney is still negotiating the terms of the layoffs with the various unions. Therefore, we don’t yet have numbers for union employees being impacted by the layoffs.
However, we are hearing that all departments and all levels within the theme park division are being affected. From Imagineers to Janitorial staff, every department is being impacted. Of the employees so far that have gotten the call, it seems that December 4, 2020 is the effective date for most of the layoffs so far.
We won’t know the impact on the guest experience until after December 4. However it seems pretty obvious that the guest experience WILL be significantly impacted.
Orlando Sentinel’s Scott Maxwell Weighs In
Scott Maxwell at the Orlando Sentinel had a terrific commentary piece this week addressing the Orlando area’s dependence on tourism as the primary economic driver and primary source of employment. Maxwell included information about many of the other tourism related layoffs happening in and around the Orlando area, including 1,900 Sea World employees, 2,300 Universal Studios employees, and thousands of employees from various hotel employers. It’s a really interesting commentary and I encourage you to check it out.
Abigail Disney Chastises Disney
Also weighing in on Disney’s decision to layoff 28,000 employees was Abigail Disney. Abigail Disney is the granddaughter of Disney co-founder Roy Disney. She took to twitter to make her feelings about the layoffs known. In her Twitter thread about the layoffs, Abigail Disney chastised Disney for underpaying its theme park employees. She also emphasized the impact these layoffs will have on employees and their families.
She went on to say “If Disney had not spent down every penny of its cash on share buy-backs in 2019 (11.5 billion worth), perhaps there’d have been some dough on hand to ensure that even at a partial level they could continue to keep some of these workers on until things return to normal.”
Strong words, to be sure. However, it is important to realize that her words are likely to have little effect on Disney, a giant publicly traded company. Ms. Disney does not currently hold a position of power or influence at Disney. She is, nonetheless, a member of the Disney family and is expressing her personal opinions.
Disney Cast Member (Photo: Disney Parks)
October Hours
In more optimistic news, Disney has recently been increasing park hours here and there. Most weekends in October now feature extended hours, with each park staying open about one hour later than the rest of the week. I think this is a result of increased capacity as well as Disney’s attempt to drive more guests to quick service and table service restaurants open later in the day.
We are hopeful that we will continue to see this happen into November and December. Keep in mind that Disney always reserves their right to change park hours, at their discretion, based on anticipated crowds, staffing levels and other parameters.
Crowd Levels
As we mentioned last week, Disney has been quietly increasing capacity levels and adding park reservation availability for both annual passholders, resort guests and ticket holders. We are seeing longer lines, especially on the weekends. This trend is expected to continue as Disney moves closer and closer to normal.
We can pretty confidently say that we do not expect crowd levels to return to the extremely low levels we were seeing in the first couple months the parks reopened. Guests are gaining more confidence both in traveling in general, and in Disney’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic specifically. I think Disney will continue gradually increasing capacity in response both to the State of Florida’s movement to Phase 3 and to guest reservations and demand.
We don’t yet know when (or even IF) we can expect Fast Pass+ to return. For now, the lack of Fast Pass+ actually helps the overall speed of the stand by lines. This is the result of cast members not needing to merge Fast Pass+ holders into the standby lines.
Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa
While this is not theme park news, this is a Disney resorts news story. Disney has announced that Disney’s Hawaiian resort, Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa will begin gradually reopening on November 1, 2020.
Disney is working with the State of Hawaii to coordinate their reopening plans. Potential guests are encouraged to check with the Hawaiian tourism board for specific travel restrictions that may include mandated quarantines or pre travel testing. Visit gohawaii.com/travel-restrictions to learn more.
Aulani Flexible Cancellation Policy
To encourage guests to visit Aulani, Disney has some new policies and discounts in place.
First, there is a flexible cancelation policy in place for Aulani guests through May 20, 2021. This policy enables guests to cancel their Aulani reservations up to 24 hours before arrival without penalty!
If you have been thinking about planning a Hawaiian vacation, but have been concerned about future Covid-19 developments, this flex policy is terrific. You can plan with confidence, knowing that if you need to reschedule or even cancel your trip you can do so without worry about losing money.
Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa (Photo: Disney Parks and Resorts)
Aulani Discounts
Also in place to encourage guests to visit Aulani are discounts of up to 35%, depending on your dates and room types. This resort is truly extraordinary, and is an amazing vacation destination. If you’d like more information on planning an Aulani vacation, please contact me at Brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.
Walt Disney World Vacation Package Discounts
Staying on the topic of discounts but returning to the theme parks, Walt Disney World is currently offering a few discounts I wanted to make you aware of.
First up, Vacation package discounts. These are room and ticket packages, and require a minimum 4 night stay/4 day ticket package. You can save up to $500 over the non discounted prices of room & tickets for the same dates.
Discounts vary by resort type, and are good for stays through December 25, 2020. As we’ve discussed before, the Disney theme park experience is limited right now. Much of the entertainment is not happening. Character meals and character greetings are not happening. Fireworks and parades are not happening.
While this is a decent discount, it’s not outstanding. Especially when you consider the given the current limited hours and entertainment offerings. However, if you really want to visit between now and December 25, I want to make sure you save as much money as possible. This discount may make a winter trip possible for some of you.
Southern State Disney Discounts
Disney is actively wooing guests from “southern” states. I think the game plan here is to appeal to guests within driving distance. Especially since so many travelers are still not comfortable flying right now.
To take advantage of this discounts, you must have residency in one of the following states:
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
These discounts are room only packages. Discounts are up to 30% for guests staying in a deluxe resort, and up to 20% for guests staying in a value resort. If you want to price out a potential trip for your family, please contact me at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com or by commenting below.
Florida Resident Discounts
The biggest discounts at the moment are for Florida residents, which makes a lot of sense. Florida residents are most likely to be able to visit in the immediate short term.
If you are a Florida resident (note: they do make you prove residency), there are some really terrific discounts right now. The big win: you are eligible for a four day flex ticket at $49/day, which is a savings of about 50% over a regular priced four day ticket.
Florida residents are also eligible for room only hotel discounts of up to 35% for deluxe resorts and up to 25% for Art of Animation (a Value resort, but value Plus in my opinion.) These Florida resident discounts are really good, even with the current limitations of hours, entertainment, character greetings etc.
runDisney Virtual Races
In runDisney news, the virtual races for both the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend and the Princess Half Marathon Weekend for 2021 are still available to for registration. Race dates are:
Walt Disney World 2021 Marathon Weekend: January 7 – January 10, 2021
Princess Half Marathon 2021 Weekend: February 20 – 21, 2021
If you choose to do a virtual runDisney event, you are still going to train for your event. You will still complete the distance of the race you register for. Ideally, on the date the original runDisney onsite race was planned. The big difference? You will complete the race at home, on a route of your choosing or on your treadmill.
Your completion of the race is “required” for you to receive your finisher’s medal, which will be mailed out by Disney after the race weekends are complete. However, these virtual races are essentially done on the “honor system”. So if you do the race on a different day, or take more than 16 minutes per mile to complete the race, that will be ok.
Prices range from $49 – $500, depending on the race and/or the challenge you want to do, and whether you want to include the race tech shirts with your purchase.
Mom/Daughter Challenge
My mom and I have decided to do the Princess 10k virtual race together; I am also doing the Princess half marathon to complete the Fairy Tale Challenge. We’ll be posting our training updates both here and on the blog.
If you want to follow along, please make sure you subscribe both to our YouTube channel and to this blog.
If you’re considering a runDisney event, I offer “Couch to 10K”, “Couch to Half Marathon” and “Couch to runDisney Challenge” training programs that include weekly email coaching, training schedules and personalized support. Contact me to learn more. (Brooke@disneycastledreaming.com)
If you want to learn more about the runDisney experience, please check out this post.
And that’s it for this week’s Disney Parks News Update. If you have a topic you would like us to cover in the blog or on YouTube, please let us know by commenting below. You can also send an email to brooke@disneycastledreaming.com with your suggestions.
Happy Dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
It’s time for another Disney Parks News Update. In this week’s report, we discuss Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to move the State of Florida to Phase 3. This removes capacity restrictions on theme parks, restaurants and bars throughout Florida. We also discuss Disney’s announcement that they are laying off 28,000 employees from their theme parks division.
We also report on changes to entertainment at Walt Disney World in the coming weeks. In addition, there was fireworks testing going on after hours and the ongoing refurbishment at the Polynesian Villages Resort. Finally, we give you an update on runDisney’s virtual race registrations and report a parade sighting on this week’s Dancing With the Stars.
Please check out this weeks Disney Parks News Update below.
For those of you that prefer reading, here’s the written version of this week’s Disney Parks News Update.
Disney Parks News Update
Florida moves to Phase 3
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially moved Florida to Phase 3, effectively lifting Covid-19 restrictions on theme parks, restaurants and bars. The state is no longer issuing fines for failure to comply with mask regulations, and is no longer restricting capacity.
Disney released a statement, essentially stating that they will continue to adhere to their reopening plans, and continue to exercise caution and above and beyond safety protocols. As we mentioned last week, Disney has been quietly increasing capacity in its theme parks; however I would not expect any drastic or sudden changes in response to the Governor’s actions.
Disney Lays Off 28,000 Employees
Yesterday, Disney announced upcoming layoffs of 28,000 employees from its theme parks division. While many Disney theme park employees were furloughed following the closure in April due to the Pandemic, this announcement is a major blow to theme park employees both hoping to be brought back to work soon, and those currently working in the parks.
Disney’s official statement cites California’s failure to allow Disneyland to reopen as a major factor; however, the travel industry as a whole has been VERY hard hit this year, and it may take years for it to fully recover. Sea World, Universal and other Florida theme parks have also been announcing layoffs, just not quite this large.
Our hearts go out to all the employees that will soon learn they are among the 28,000. This has been such a difficult year for so many, and this giant layoff by one of the worlds largest corporations is certainly an indicator that no one is immune from the pain, not even the happiest places on Earth.
Fireworks Testing
In the “good news” category, there was some after hours testing of Fireworks over at EPCOT a few nights ago. The testing went on for several hours. Most likely, this is Disney testing the new nighttime show for EPCOT, Harmonious. Harmonious was originally scheduled to be added to EPCOT this summer or fall; however, it is more likely that it will be added in the spring. This new show is supposed to be the biggest and most technical of any of the nighttime Epcot spectaculars, and it is likely that months of testing lie ahead before the show is released to guests.
When fireworks DO return to Disney, I do think EPCOT is a great candidate for the first shows as it is more spread out and will allow for more disbursement of crowds and less congestion. However, fireworks shows like Disney does are very expensive and I highly doubt they will resume until the parks are returned to normal capacity and the hotels are all back open and full of guests.
Magic Kingdom Attraction Closures
Magic Kingdom announced a couple attraction closures this week. The Liberty Square Riverboat and Tom Sawyer island will be closed from October 5 through at least Jan 21 2021 for refurbishment. This may mean that the Rivers of America will be drained during that period, although that is not confirmed.
Liberty Square Riverboat (Photo: Disney Parks)
Polynesian Villages Resort Refurbishment
Last week we discussed that the Polynesian Villages Resort will be closed until next year as it is getting refurbishment. At that time Disney had not released any concept art.
Disney has now released this concept art for the new entrance and Port Cochere for the Polynesian Villages Resort. Further, Disney stated the resort will reopen in Summer 2021. The Polynesian’s 50th anniversary is October 1 2021, and it seems the refurbishment is designed to coincide with that anniversary as well as with Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary, also October 2021.
Concept Art: Polynesian Villages Resort (Concept Art: Disney Parks and Resorts)
The statement released by Disney with the new art stated that the new entrance will feature a bold new facade that will complement the longhouses throughout the resort. Disney also stated that the gardens and fountains are getting refurbished as well, with new dramatic lighting elements, and new chandeliers, inspired by glass floats, fishing nets and bamboo. The new outdoor chandeliers will match the existing chandelier in the resort lobby and bridge the two spaces.
Disney World guests can still access the Grand Ceremonial House and its operating retail and dining venues during the refurbishment project.
I think this is preliminary art is a good sign. The Polynesian’s ground entrance has always been a little underwhelming, and it looks like Disney is finally fixing that, and making it more worth of this beautiful resort.
The Grand Floridian Orchestra
After 32 years, Disney has ended the run of the Grand Floridian Orchestra. This six piece orchestra has entertained guests at the Grand Floridian from high above the lobby for years, and is beloved by many.
Grand Floridian Orchestra (Photo: Disney Parks)
While the Grand Floridian remained closed to guests when the parks reopened, the Grand Floridian Orchestra was performing several times per day over at Hollywood Studios in the Beauty and the Beast theater as the Disney Society Orchestra.
The Grand Floridian Orchestra announced a few days ago that their final Walt Disney World performance will be at Disney’s Hollywood Studios on Saturday October 3, 2020. Disney’s official statement was pretty brief and vague, but seemed to indicate that it was time for a change at the Grand Floridian.
Grand Floridian Orchestra (Photo: Disney Parks)
More likely, the cut is budget related, and is a troubling indicator of things to come. In March, many of the entertainment acts featured throughout EPCOT World Showcase found their contracts canceled. I am very concerned that we are losing, perhaps permanently, that “extra” entertainment that is part of what makes Disney parks so very special.
Entertainment Coming to Hollywood Studios
However, there is some good news on the entertainment front. At Hollywood Studios, we have some entertainment coming back very soon. For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing A Long Celebration is returning to Hollywood Studios on October 5, 2020.
For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-a-long Celebration (Photo: Disney Parks)
Disney has stated that there are no changes to the show, other than minor staging and audience seating to allow for social distancing.
Also coming soon to the animation courtyard is Disney Junior Play and Dance. These dance parties will feature a DJ playing songs and encouraging kids to dance. Disney Junior stars like Mickey Mouse and Vampirina will appear on stage during the dance party.
Pop Up Motorcades at Hollywood Studios
Pop up motorcades are coming to Hollywood Studios. These motorcades will allow guests to see their favorite characters safely, and provide photo opportunities. Much like the character cavalcades we’ve been seeing at Magic Kingdom, these themed motorcades will not appear on the daily schedule. This will discourage crowds from gathering to see a motorcade. These motorcades will pop up throughout the day.
Pixar Pals Character Motorcade (Photo: Disney Parks)
There are three different motorcades, all featuring custom colorful convertibles, powered by Chevrolet. Gotta love those sponsorships. The Mickey and Friends motorcade will feature Minnie, Mickey, Pluto and Chip and Dale. The Pixar Pals Motorcade will feature the Incredibles, Woody, Buzz lightyear and others. The Disney junior stars motorcade will feature Fancy Nancy, Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.
Disney Junior Character Motorcade (Photo: Disney Parks)
runDisney Virtual Race Registration Update
Last week we shared runDisney’s announcement that the 2021 Marathon Weekend and 2021 Princess Half Marathon weekend were both transitioning to virtual races, and that registration for the races was opening up for those races for a limited time.
Registration is currently still open for all the virtual races for both weekends, if you are interested. I don’t know how long registration will remain open, so I wouldn’t wait too long.
If you’re not familiar with a “virtual” race, basically you will run the race on the scheduled date, but you will run it in a location of your choosing, not on Disney property and without the porta-potties and water stations we rely on for major races. For marathon weekend, prices range from $40-79 for the 5K, $49-$99 for the 10k, $59-$118 for the half, and $65-$120 for the full marathon. The lower price includes a digital bib, digital race tool kit including mile markers, digital goody bag, virtual playlist. The higher price adds an event tech shirt.
The challenges are also available: Goofy (the half and full completed on consecutive days) is $129 – $275, and Dopey (all four races completed on consecutive days) is $225 – $480.
Pricing for the Princess half marathon weekend is very similar. We are posting a more detailed post about the runDisney virtual races tomorrow. Please check back to visit that post.
Disney and Dancing with the Stars
Finally, loosely tied to Parks news, it was Disney week on Dancing with the Stars. Host Tyra Banks sported Minnie ears and a Minnie inspired dress throughout the show, and every dance featured Disney songs.
Disney Week on Dancing with the Stars. Host Tyra Banks (Screenshot: Hulu)
The highlight for me was the inclusion of elements from the Main Street Electrical Parade during the beginning segment of the show. The “floats” were displayed and the little snail even drove around the dance floor.
The Main Street Electrical Parade Visits Disney Week on Dancing with the Stars (Screenshot: Hulu)
I’ve always loved this little parade, and was happy to see the floats and elements still exist. Hopefully we will all get a chance to see this beloved nighttime parade at a Disney park sometime soon!
Tune in Next Week for More Disney Parks News Updates!
We hope you have enjoyed this week’s Disney Parks News Update. Please join us next Wednesday for next week’s news!
Happy Dreaming!
Ready to Plan Your Next Disney Vacation? I’m ready to help! Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com
P.S. Looking for last week’s Disney Parks News Updates? Please visit our YouTube video here.