Update from the Dark Side: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and Coca-Cola

We probably should have expected this, but somehow I didn’t.  Disney, Lucasfilm and Coca-Cola have worked together to create specially themed beverage packaging for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  I have to admit, I really love this.  I can’t shake the feeling that the Dark Side is DEEPLY involved, but I still really love this!

Coca-Cola has been partnered with Disney Parks since the grand opening of Disneyland Park in 1955.  That partnership has worked really well for both Empires, I mean corporations 😉.  Disney and Coca-Cola have both made lots of money from this relationship, and I think we can fully expect that to continue WELL into the future.

Disney Springs Coca-Cola Store
Coca Cola Store, Disney Springs (Photo Credit: elisfkc, Orlando, FL)

Total Immersion in EVERY Area

For months we have been talking about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  We’ve talked at length about how much farther Disney Imagineering is going with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in terms of details and guest immersion in the Star Wars experience.

Disney Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Millennium Falcon- Smuggler’s Run (Photo: Disney Parks)

We’ve seen pictures of cast costumes that enable cast members to build characters and make themselves part of the story, and we’ve seen photos and videos that show us that Galaxy’s Edge will truly be unlike anything Disney has done before.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Costumes
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Costumes              Photo Credit: Disney Parks

We’ve learned there will be beverage stations selling the famed blue milk from Star Wars, and we’ve seen pictures of specially themed drinks and cocktails–all designed to keep guests fully immersed in the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge experience.

Marketing for a New Galaxy

But the Imagineers and marketing gurus planning all the magic for us in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge knew there was one area that was a glaring “meanwhile, back on earth” disruption.  Coca-Cola and other coke products for sale in the parks.  Guests want their bottled water and their cokes, but can you imagine those bright red paper cups with the Coca-Cola logo on them?  Or all those blue Dasani water bottles everywhere.  Not exactly what Resistance fighters would expect to see, that is for sure.

Fortunately for us, Disney, LucasFilm and Coca-Cola were two steps ahead.  They worked together to create a solution that fits right in to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Even better, it WON’T immediately remind you that you’re at a theme park.

Check these out!

Disney Star Wars Coca Cola Products
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Coca-Cola Products                                                     Photo Credit: Disney Parks

Are these creative or what??  I am honestly blown away with the detail and the look and feel for these.  These bottles are PERFECT for Black Spire Outpost merchants to be selling on the streets and in the restaurants.  I love that Disney and Coca-Cola planned for this.  You just KNOW people are going to be collecting these.  I bet there will be special editions for special events or years or something.  And of course I noticed that the soft drink bottles look a little on the small side.  Which means we will all be buying LOTS of them.  Yes, the Empire will be getting ALL our money.  But we already knew that, didn’t we?

This is a relatively small detail, but it shows just how far Disney is going to make sure that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is truly exceptional.  Every single piece of information we get just further demonstrates that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be like no other land that Disney has ever given us before.

Disney Imagineering is known for creating magic with details, but with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge looks like the details are just the beginning.  I truly believe that we are all going to absolutely lose our minds when we finally get to be inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  At least those of us that are Star Wars fans, that is.

I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke

I know it’s only soft drinks and water.  But to me, it feels like really fabulous frosting on a truly amazing chocolate cake.  The cake is really, really good, even without the frosting.  Oh my goodness, that frosting adds that extra YUM.

What do YOU think?  Is this a detail that gets you excited to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge?  Or is it one step too far for the Dark Side?  Please like this post and comment below.  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!

Happy Dreaming!


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P.S. If you’d like to check out some of my other Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge updates, here are some links:

HUGE NEWS: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge OPENING May 31st and August 29th!!!!

March 2019: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Updates: March 2019 PART I

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Update January 2019

November 2018: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge UPDATE

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Updates: March 2019 PART I

Oh my goodness!!! You can tell we are getting closer to the opening for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland because suddenly we are getting lots of new information and Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge updates.

Last week, a limited group of press were taken on construction tours of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Ever since, I’ve been combing their stories for updates and information to share with all of you.  I’m working on pulling together information from those stories and more.

We still don’t have official opening dates but Bob Iger has said June for Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  For Florida?  All we are hearing is “Fall” for Hollywood Studios.  Anything more specific as far as actual hard opening dates we do not have.   I think once Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge opens, we’ll get more concrete information for Florida’s planned opening.

While I’m organizing all the updates from the press tour, I have a quick cast member costume update.  Disney has released information about what the cast members that work in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be wearing.

Planet Batuu Cast Member Costumes

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Costumes
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Costumes (Photo: DisneyParks)

With Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Disney is creating a world unlike any other it’s ever created before.  Disney has promised us it will be more immersive than anything else we’ve ever seen, and while the set pieces and attractions are of course a big part of that–true immersion for the guest begins and ends with the cast members.  If the cast members make you believe you are part of Black Spire Outpost, you will be part of Black Spire Outpost!

To that end, Disney has created a wider variety of cast member costumes with more accessories and opportunity for cast member creativity than ever before, especially for the villagers, “living” and working at Black Spire Outpost.  Costume designers took inspiration from all the Star Wars films, as well as the animated series when coming up with designs.   Unlike costumes for films that only have to survive a few weeks or months, however, these costumes have to be durable, breathable and comfortable.  These costumes will be worn in the Florida and California climates for many hours at a time, possibly for years!

This week, Disney released the first images of the costumes we will seen worn by cast members on Black Spire Outpost.

Disney Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Updates Cast Member Costumes
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Cast Member Costumes: The Resistance and The First Order (Photo: Disney Parks)
First Order

Members of the First Order will of course be wearing military style uniforms reminiscent of those we’ve seen on film–very pristine, polished and orderly.  The uniforms are dark and very structured, and imply stern authority.  This group of cast members will NOT have the flexibility with their costumes that other cast members working in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will have.  The First Order does not really tolerate creativity or freedom of expression, do they?

The Resistance

The members of the Resistance wear costumes that are also military inspired, but they have a more well-worn, well used look and feel.  They have a more rugged look to them.  The vests and jackets feature patches inspired by the communicators worn by members of the Resistance in the Films.  Members of the Resistance will have different pants, shirts, vests and jackets to keep the Resistance members looking less regimented, and more like the Resistance we saw in the films.  Cast members will also have hats they can wear when needed to protect them from the elements (or to help them hide from the First Order?).

Outpost Villagers

Cast members that are Black Spire Outpost Villagers have the most variety and creativity with their costumes.  The villager costume collection features different shirts, bottoms, and vests for lots of mix and match options.  Cast members will be able to choose their combinations depending on their character, preference and personality.  There are also a lot of accessories like scarves, belts, hats, necklaces and pouches to allow cast members to further individualize their looks.

Disney Star Wars Disney Hollywood Studios Disney Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge updates
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Artist’s Rendering
Inspiration and Creativity = Immersive Fun for ALL!

I’m really loving the idea that these cast member costumes won’t all look the same, and that Disney is giving the cast members a little freedom to really create their characters (within established parameters, of course).  It sounds like the cast members are all getting a little improv training to be able to interact with guests “in character”.  They’re also learning how to “help” move certain story lines along that we may be interacting with as we move around the park.  This sounds unlike anything we’ve ever seen from Disney before.  I think this is going to help make Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge a truly immersive experience.  I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait to check it out.

How about you?  Are you getting excited?  With every new piece of news, I get even MORE anxious for it to open.  I really think this new world is going to knock our socks off!

That’s all for PART I of the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge updates for March.  There’s lots more on the way!  Stay tuned!

Happy Dreaming!


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P.S. To review previous Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Updates, please check out the following stories:

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge (March 2018)

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge (May 2018)

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge UPDATE (November 2018)

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Update January 2019