Planning a first time trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland for your family or friends? Are you anxiously waiting for Disney trip that is a long way off? Are you looking for ways to get your family (or friends) excited about the trip? There are lots of great ways build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation. I get a lot of questions about keeping family members excited about a Disney vacation that is a long way off. Since many people are planning their Disney vacation for up to 2 years in advance, the long lead time can sometimes seem never ending and frustrating.

When Should You Tell Your Kids They Are Going to Disney?
There are some different ways to approach this. You know your kids better than anyone else does, and what is right for your kids may be different than what is right for someone else. There is no absolutely right or wrong way to do this, no matter what “experts” on Facebook or Instagram might tell you. Follow your instincts—and use what you learn for the next trip.
Option: Tell Your Kids as Soon as You Start Planning
For a lot of us, planning a Disney vacation is a very exciting time. It can absorb a lot of your time and attention, especially if you are doing a lot of the planning yourself. You may find you want to talk about it a lot. You may want to get opinions and find out about wish lists. That can make keeping a secret for any length of time super challenging.
If you have older (teenagers +), I think it often makes a lot of sense to involve them in the planning, or at least some aspects of it.
Sharing the planning process with the whole family can be fun. Having family planning meetings to discuss the trip can help build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation.

However, sharing the planning process can also be stressful. If your family has a lot of strong personalities, planning can turn into arguing very quickly. One person not liking a character or movie that someone else loves can result in hurt feelings or anger.
If you are planning a trip more than one year in advance, which is extremely common, family members, especially younger kids, can get very frustrated with the long wait or vacation.
For this reason, I generally don’t recommend telling little kids about the upcoming trip until you are just a few months out. Kids don’t really understand time yet, and “next year” or “year after next” just aren’t concepts that make sense to them. As a result, they may drive you crazy asking when you are going to visit the Mouse’s House until the actual trip.
Again, you know your family. I just want to give you some things to consider as you make these decisions.
Option: Big Announcement or Gift Presentation
Some parents decide to announce the upcoming Disney vacation with a lot of bells and whistles. There are tons of super cute videos on YouTube of kids being surprised with the news they are going to Disney.
As a scavenger hunt girl, this one is a favorite:
The Ellen show did a cute little montage of suprise reactions to the news:
Another fun idea is to present the trip as a gift for Christmas, birthday or graduation. This isn’t an idea just to surprise your kids with, either! Surprising your spouse or significant other with a Disney trip is super fun and can be very romantic, too!
Here’s a cute Christmas surprise:
Again, the time lag between the big announcement and the actual trip is something to consider. If you get your kids super excited with a big presentation but the trip is a year away, you may find they lose the excitement over time. Of course, there are LOTS of fun things you can do to build excitement every month, or even every week as the trip approaches.
Option: Tell Them Right Before the Trip (Or even ON the trip!)
Some parents prefer to spring the trip on the kids right before they leave. I’ve had clients who told their kids they were going to visit Grandma, and then surprised them in the car with the news they were going to Disney WITH Grandma instead. There are a couple of fun videos on YouTube where parents woke their kids up really early in the morning with the surprise that they were leaving immediately for a trip to Disney. The kids are too sleepy to really understand the surprise at first. Pretty cute.
Here’s a pretty great one where they find out they’re going and leave immediately. The mode of transportation to the airport is part of the surprise. It’s so cute!
What Works Best for Your Family?
As you can see, there are lots of different schools of thought on when to involve your family in the planning. When you tell the family way before the trip, you might run into “it’s NEVER going to be time” frustration or planning fatigue. When you choose to surprise the family right before the trip, you avoid the months of “when are we going?” questions, but you also don’t get to do fun things to get everyone excited. You have to think about your family, the time until your trip and how you want to handle the big news.
Personally, I like to have at least some time before the trip to build excitement. I want everyone to be looking forward to the trip, and I like to have time to build some anticipation and enthusiasm. However, I also tend to mostly plan everything out, based on my knowledge of the people I’m planning for. This can help avoid any planning drama or arguing. Again, you know your family, so involve them as much (or as little) as makes sense for your group.
Build Excitement for Your Upcoming Disney Vacation
Disney Family Movie Night
One of my favorite ideas to build excitement for an upcoming Disney vacation is a Disney Family Movie Night.
Scheduling regular Disney family movie nights where you all sit down together and watch a Disney movie is a terrific way to build excitement and minimize frustration. Because you’re at home, you can plan a mid-movie intermission for bathroom breaks. Before starting the movie back up, you could talk about the first half of the movie as a family. You could talk about what characters you might see at Disney when you visit. You could ask questions about favorite moments that could maybe someday turn into an attraction.
The idea is to have quality family time, good conversation with your family AND to talk Disney!
A Disney Family Movie Night is great Disney vacation preparation, even if your family members don’t know they have a Disney vacation in their future. It’s also a terrific way to pass the time between trips, or to lessen the post vacation blues.
I’ve learned that many of the classic films that are such an integral part of the Disney parks are not that familiar to younger kids today. Many kids under 10 (or even under 20!) have never seen classics like Snow White, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. You may have family members that have never seen Peter Pan, the Jungle Book or Swiss Family Robinson.
Knowledge is Power
While having familiarity with all the movies and animated series featured in the Disney parks is certainly NOT necessary to enjoy the parks, having seen these movies adds an extra layer of fun to any parks (or Disney Cruise Line) visit.
For example, if you have a meal inside Cinderella Castle, you may or may not notice two colorful little mice located high up on one wall, watching Cinderella greet her guests. If you’ve never seen the movie, you might not care about the mice. However, if, like me, you’ve seen the movie, you probably LOVE Gus-Gus and Jacque, those two mice perched up on the wall watching the fun. It’s a fun little detail that adds to the magic.
If you’ve never seen Snow White, you’ll still love Seven Dwarfs Mine Train—but if you HAVE seen the movie, the details in the queue and in the scenes you pass through will be much more fun and interesting. Visiting during Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival? The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs topiaries are really cool, but if you’ve grown attached to them in the movie, you’ll rush to take pictures with them!
If you’re a Star Wars fan, walking into Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is truly mind blowing. You feel like you’ve walked into one of the movies. If you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie, much of the creativity and detail won’t mean as much to you. You will probably think it’s a cool world, but it won’t pack much emotional punch or meaning for you.
The moral of the story is: If you have a few months before your trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland, consider implementing a Disney Family Movie Night. You’ll build some important family time, watch quality family entertainment, and hopefully spark some interesting discussions. Even if you’ve chosen not to let your family in on the secret (upcoming vacation), you will all have fun on Disney Family Movie Night. And as a bonus, when you do take the trip, everyone will have even MORE fun because they’ll recognize characters and themes from the films.

Disney+ and the Public Library
There are a lot of great ways to find classic Disney movies. When I was making the list for my own family, I inventoried my DVD library, and made sure everyone knew they could borrow from Auntie Brooke. You might be surprised how many Disney movies you have in your own library, especially if you love Disney.
Many public libraries will have DVD copies of most Disney films in their collection that you can check out for free.
NetFlix still has some Disney movies in their library, although not as many as they used to. Of course, you can buy Disney movies to your heart’s content, either digitally or on DVD. Amazon, Itunes, the Movies Anywhere app, WalMart, Target and many more are great sources of new copies of Disney DVDs. Like garage sales? Keep your eyes out for used Disney DVDs to pad your collection. You might be surprised at the great deals you can find.
Disney+ is a TREASURE TROVE. I am so happy with Disney+, I can’t even stand it! There is SO MUCH here. Tons of classic movies, lots of Disney channel shows, classic Disney animated shorts and lots of new Pixar and Disney shorts. There’s also ALL the Star Wars movies and animated series, as well as the new Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, which you can ONLY watch on Disney+. (It’s FANTASTIC).

If you’ve been seeing this cute little guy EVERYWHERE and wondered where he came from, he’s in The Mandalorian. Another great reason to watch!😉

Disney+ also includes National Geographic programming. There is just so much on that app, it’s amazing. If you don’t already subscribe, I highly recommend it! Our movie list for Disney Family Night has more than 20 movies on it, and they are ALL on Disney+. In fact, there are some movies that weren’t on my original list that I may add as bonus entries, just because they’re on Disney+ and I want my family to see them.😉
Countdown Calendar
Another terrific way to build excitement for a Disney vacation that is a ways out is a countdown calendar. These can be simple or super detailed.
You can even download monthly calendar templates from the internet, and print them out. Put a giant sticker on the day you leave for vacation, and let the kids cross off each day as you get closer and closer to the trip.

We’re in the midst of planning big family trip for October. My mom made these amazing calendars on Shutterfly, using lots of pictures from our previous family trips. She gave them to us for Christmas, so everyone has a countdown calendar for the time until the trip. It’s super nostalgic and fun, especially because our two littlest vacationers don’t even remember their first trip. The pictures are proof they were there (even if they don’t REALLY believe us!) It’s so fun imagining them on this next trip. They won’t forget this one!

Mom incorporated the Disney Family Movie Night idea into the calendar, and put movie suggestions throughout the calendar, with a different movie suggested every two weeks until our trip. She also highlighted important dates for the grown ups, reminding us when to look for airfare, and when deposits are due, etc. She even included lots of Disney trivia and information about where we are staying.

It’s super fun and colorful, and it’s really fun looking at it every month. The little ones are crossing off days as we get closer, and I know the excitement will build really high when we get into that final few weeks before the trip.
Disney Food Themed Meals
These days, even a trip to the grocery store can help build excitement about your upcoming Disney vacation! There are so many Disney branded foods available in grocery stores now. There is everything from apple slices to ice cream branded with Mickey Mouse or one of his pals! Here’s a couple examples of some of the stuff you can find. You could pack Disney themed snacks in your kids’ lunches one day a week, with a sticky note reminding them how many days until vacation.
(Note: These are Amazon affiliate links. If you choose to click through my link to Amazon, I will earn a small commission on your purchase. This does NOT affect your pricing in anyway. Thank you!)
Here’s another idea: you could incorporate some of these branded items into your meal planning. For example, as your trip approaches, you could have a special Disney Food Themed Meal night. You could have Disney brand hot dogs, Mickey Mouse tater tots and Mickey bars for dessert. If you want to avoid using the Disney branded foods, you could choose a movie, and serve foods inspired by that movie. Alternatively, you could choose a theme park, and serve foods inspired by that theme park. You could even pull recipes from one of the Disney cookbooks and serve something that you might even find at Disney on your trip! There are a lot of Disney cookbooks. Here are a few that I really like.
You could even make foods in the SHAPE of Disney icons. Mickey shaped pancakes or cookies can be a fun addition to breakfast time or snacks. Be sure to talk about the trip during these special themed meals. Talk about some of the fun things you’ve got planned, characters you might see. You can even talk about the food you might eat, haha.
So Many Ideas!!
There are so many great ways to build excitement for your upcoming Disney vacation. In this post, we’ve focused on Disney Family Movie Night, Countdown Calendars, and Disney Food Themed Meals. This article is going to the the first in a series of three, all designed to help you and your family get ready and get excited for your trip. The next article in this series will be out in two weeks. Please comment below with your favorite way to build excitement for an upcoming family or Disney vacation.
Happy Dreaming,