Disney TRON Construction Update

It’s time for another Disney TRON construction update!  If you missed our previous post on the new TRON attraction coming to the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, click here to check it out.

The First Vertical Columns Are Going UP!

While construction began on the TRON “coaster” style attraction began more than a year ago, there wasn’t a whole lot of VISIBLE progress.  So much has to happen to prepare the ground to support the weight of the attraction, and even more has to happen to support the electrical needs of the attraction and the technology the ride will require.  To the casual observer,  the early phases of any attraction construction project often look like there’s not a whole lot going on.

Luckily, we’re not casual observers, right?  Disney has announced that they have begun installing the steel columns that will support the attraction.

Check out this terrific video that Disney released!

Where IS the TRON Attraction?

TRON is being built in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World.  It’s going next to Space Mountain, mostly in space that was previously empty.

Disney has modified the Speedway slightly to make room for TRON.  They’ve also stopped running the Walt Disney World Railroad for the forseeable future, while construction proceeds on TRON.  I don’t know if this means the Railroad is ultimately being rerouted, or if the current track will still be in place once construction on TRON is completed.  It’s entirely possible that once it’s safe for the Railroad to resume circling the park and traveling behind Tomorrowland, we’ll be able to tell that nothing changed on the route.  However, I suspect that the Railroad track may need to move over a bit to make room for TRON.  Too soon to tell.

Regardless, we do have a pretty awesome artist rendering of what the TRON attraction is expected to look like.

Disney Tron Construction Update Artist Rendering
Disney Tron Attraction Coming to Magic Kingdom: Artist Rendering

We also got a new picture of the steel column that cast members signed.  As we discussed in the previous Disney TRON construction update post, an important milestone of the TRON project was when Disney invited cast members involved in the project to sign one of the steel columns that will become a part of TRON.

Disney TRON Construction Update
TRON Construction Milestone                                        (Photo: Disney Parks)

When Can We Ride?

While there’s no “official” opening date (it’s WAY too soon!), it looks like the expectations are that TRON will be completed in time for the 50th Anniversary of Walt Disney World in 2021.

Are you excited about this attraction?  From the brief glimpse we get in the video above, I think TRON looks like it will be very different from anything else we have at Disney.  I’m hoping it will be a ton of fun, and that it will absorb a lot of guests.  I’m always a fan of attractions that can swallow up a lot of the crowd.

What do you think?  Please like this post, and comment below with your thoughts!

Happy Dreaming!


Disney Launches Free Dining Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

Disney Skyliner Testing: Cabins Unveiled!

Disney’s latest transportation innovation, the Skyliner Gondola system, has been in testing mode for several weeks now.  Testing appears to be going very well so far.  This week marked an exciting step forward for Disney Skyliner testing—more than 50 of the cabins have been unveiled!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s…Mickey Mouse?

For most of the testing we’ve seen so far, Disney has sent the Skyliner gondolas out on the system shrouded in white covers.  Briefly we saw some units without the white covers, but the units we saw did not have any character graphics on them yet.  Check out this post, Disney Skyliner Update: April 2019 to learn more.

Over the past few days, Disney has uncovered  more than fifty of the gondolas, revealing beautiful character graphics on each colorful cabin.  The graphics are gorgeous, and there appears to be a wide variety of different character themes.

Disney Skyliner Gondolas Testing Character Graphics Revealed
Disney Skyliner Gondolas: Character Graphics Revealed! (Photo: Disney Parks)

See the Skyliner Gondolas in Action

Disney released a terrific video showing the unveiled gondolas out on the cables.  In the video, you can see multicolored cabins, their gorgeous character graphics clearly visible, moving through the Skyliner system.  It’s a beautiful sight, and I can’t wait to see them in person.

When Can I Ride a Skyliner Gondola?

The WHEN is still an open question.  Disney will not get any more committed than “later this fall”.  They are staying pretty cagey about when the Skyliner Gondola system will go live for guests.  From a safety perspective, that’s probably a good thing.  Disney has an excellent safety record, and are legendary for having very few accidents involving guests on their attractions.

So, I’m guessing they are going to test the HECK out of these things before they let us get near them.  Which makes the part of me that is scared of heights very happy.

However, I’m also eager to know an exact date of when guests will be able to ride on the Skyliner system.  As I plan trips for my clients and my family, I want to know if I can include Skyliner as a transportation option.  I am DYING to ride on this system, and I’m sure a lot of you are as well.

I had thought MAYBE it would be live by the time Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens at Hollywood Studios on August 29, but the powers that be seem to be trying to discourage that expectation.  That could be because they want Skyliner to have it’s own exciting opening day and subsequent media attention.  I could see not wanting to get lost in the excitement of the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Disney has spent millions of dollars on Skyliner, and I would imagine they want some excitement and attention to accompany it’s opening day.

Disney Skyliner Gondola Testing Cabins Unveiled
Disney Skyliner Gondola Testing: Cabins Unveiled (Photo: Disney Parks)

Alternatively, it could simply be that they have a lot of testing to do, and third parties that have to approve the various phases.  I suspect Disney is hesitant to put a timeline for Skyliner opening day out there until anything outside their control has finished.  So if there are any government bodies or third party agencies that have to review the Skyliner system perhaps, or any tests that have to be approved by parties outside Disney Parks and Resorts, it would make sense that Disney would postpone announcing a “go-live” date until that’s all completed.

I don’t know, but I’m certainly excited to find out!

What do you think?  Does seeing Disney testing Skyliner cabins unveiled make you more excited to ride?

Happy Dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!

P.S. If you haven’t seen the inside of a Skyliner gondola yet, visit this post.

NEW Extra EXTRA Magic Hours Coming to Walt Disney World

If you’ve ever stayed at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel, you probably know about Extra Magic Hours.  Extra Magic Hours (EMH) are just one of the benefits of staying on Disney property.  EMH are a HUGE advantage for guests who want to minimize their time waiting in lines.  With regular Extra Magic Hours, there are certain days each week when Disney resort guests can enter the EMH park one hour earlier than all other guests.  Alternatively, EMH may mean staying up to three hours later than all non-resort guests at the EMH park.

This fall, Disney is taking Extra Magic Hours to a whole new level with Extra EXTRA Magic Hours!

Disney Extra Extra Magic Hours
Photo: Disney Parks

DAILY Extra Magic Hours

Beginning August 29, 2019 and running through November 2, 2019, Disney will begin offering DAILY Extra Extra Magic Hours.  Extra Extra Magic Hours (EEMH) will be offered in three of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World.

Magic Kingdom: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 7 am to 8 am at the Magic Kingdom for resort guests.  Just like with regular Extra Magic Hours, not all attractions are open during Extra Extra Magic Hours.  Extra Magic Hours and Extra Extra Magic Hours feature the same attractions–favorite rides in both Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.

Disney's Magic Kingdom Disney vacation planning Disney trip planning tips top reasons to visit Disney Extra Extra Magic Hours
It’s a beautiful day to be at the Magic Kingdom! Let’s pretend the crowds will be this light ALL DAY!  (Photo: Brooke Hudson)

Animal Kingdom: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 7 am to 8 am at the Animal Kingdom.  Pandora – The World of Avatar attractions ARE included.  Also included are other attractions throughout Animal Kingdom. (The same attractions currently open during regular Extra Magic Hours).

Disney's Animal Kingdom Extra Extra Magic Hours
Pandora – World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)

Hollywood Studios: Extra Extra Magic Hours will happen every day from 6 am to 9 am (That’s THREE HOURS PEOPLE!!!).  The EEMH WILL include Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Toy Story Land and select other attractions.  Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and its experiences are subject to capacity.  NOTE: From August 29 – 31, Disney’s Hollywood Studios will open at 6 am to ALL guests, not just resort guests.  The Extra Extra Magic Hours for Hollywood Studios for Resort Guests will begin September 1.

Disney Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run Extra Extra Magic Hours
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Millennium Falcon – Smuggler’s Run (Photo: Disney Parks)

Wait, What About Epcot?

Epcot absorbs crowds better than any of the other three theme parks.  In addition, Extra Magic Hours are not as necessary or popular at Epcot as they are at the other three parks.  Also, at Epcot, Future World opens at 9 am (usually) and then World Showcase opens at 11 am.  Morning Extra Magic Hours may frustrate Epcot visitors that wanted to visit World Showcase during EMH but World Showcase is not part of morning EMH.

Epcot will continue to have regular Extra Magic Hours on select days, just like it does now.  Epcot will NOT be getting Extra Extra Magic Hours.  Note: Of course this policy COULD change later in the summer, but I don’t expect it to.

Also, keep in mind that the popular Epcot Food and Wine Festival will be running during this time, and that’s the big attraction at Epcot in the fall.  Opening at 7 am wouldn’t be very beneficial as I don’t think they want to open all those wine and food kiosks that early! 😉

Disney Epcot Extra Extra Magic Hours
Epcot! (Photo: Disney PhotoPass)


Disney has introduced these new Extra Extra Magic Hours in anticipation of record crowd levels this fall.  With the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios coming August 29, interest in a Walt Disney World vacation has never been higher!  Disney is anticipating very high guest demand for its most popular attractions throughout Walt Disney World, but most especially at Hollywood Studios, for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Disney is trying to ensure the satisfaction of resort guests by guaranteeing them more opportunities to access the parks with smaller crowds, before the parks open to the public each day.  Theoretically, if guests are early risers and willing to be up and at the parks early in the morning, they are more likely to be able to visit more of the attractions they’ll want to visit.

This policy also helps add more value to staying on Disney property.  Disney is always looking for ways to get more guests to stay on Disney property and these new Extra Extra Magic Hours are a great step in that direction.  All those extra available hours EVERY DAY add a lot of value to your theme park tickets!

The Fine Print

Extra Extra Magic Hours require a valid theme park admission and hotel ID.  Note: If you are using your Magic Bands as your room keys and your theme park tickets, your Magic Band will serve as both theme park admission and hotel ID.

If you do NOT have the Park Hopper or Park Hopper Plus option on your tickets, you will be spending the day in whichever park you choose for Extra Extra Magic Hours.  In other words, if you DON’T have Park Hopper, and start your day at 6 am at Hollywood Studios, you will be in Hollywood Studios for the entire day (unless you leave the park and go back to your resort, of course).  You will NOT be able to visit a different park after Extra Extra Magic Hours are over.

If you DO Have Park Hopper, you can “hop” to any other park you choose throughout the day, regardless of where you go for Extra Extra Magic Hours.

All Attractions are NOT Part of Extra Extra Magic

Not all Walt Disney World attractions are available with Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours.  Park hours and participating attractions for Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours are subject to change without notice.  All participating attractions and experiences are subject to capacity limitations and cancellation.

Fast Passes are NOT available during Extra Magic Hours or Extra Extra Magic Hours.

Will Extra Extra Magic Hours Be Extended After November 2?

I don’t know.  This is the first time Disney has offered DAILY extended hours for resort guests.  Obviously, this will significantly impact Disney’s daily operating costs–a lot will depend on how successful this program is during its initial offering.  Guest response and feedback will also significantly impact whether Disney either extends Extra Extra Magic Hours, or ever offers it again during busy periods.

Disney's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Extra Extra Magic Hours
Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Is there anything better than visiting your favorite attractions with lighter crowds and shorter lines? (Photo Credit: Disney Parks)

If it has a major impact on guest satisfaction and crowd flow AND they see profits from people staying longer in the parks and spending more money, I think its very likely that we could see something like this again in the future.

Until Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is actually open, and we see the way Disney manages crowds in and around that new “Land”, it’s difficult to anticipate WHAT will happen from a crowd flow capacity in ALL the parks, once Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is finally open.

What do YOU think?

What do you think of this new policy?  As someone who almost always stays on property, I’m pretty excited!  We are early risers on vacation, and always take advantage of EMH.  However, we often park hop later in the day if the “chosen” park gets too crowded.  It will be interesting to see what happens when three parks are the “chosen” park, won’t it?

Please like this post and comment below.  Does this new Extra Extra Magic Hours policy have you planning a visit for this fall to take advantage?  I can help! brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

Happy Dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!

P.S. There is still time to book reservations for YOUR fall vacation to Disney World. You can check out the amazing new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and take advantage of all these extra park hours through Extra Extra Magic Hours.  Contact me today to get started: brooke@disneycastledreaming.com.

P.P.S If you don’t want to wait for fall, there are still some great promotions running for Summer Vacations.  Check out these posts for more information:

FREE DINING for Disney Visa Cardmembers

FREE Quick Service Meals on YOUR Summer Vacation?

Reservations for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge SOLD OUT

Disney has just announced (12pm Pacific time) that there are no more reservations available to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland between May 31 (opening day) and June 23, 2019.   Reservations for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge have sold out!  Granted, these were no-cost reservations, so technically “sold out” isn’t the right term, but I’m not sure what else to call it.

There are still Disneyland Resort hotel reservations available during that time, May 31 – June 23 2019; every Disneyland Resort hotel guest staying during that time automatically receives a designated reservation to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge during their visit.  Please see today’s earlier post, How to Make Reservations for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for more details.

If anyone had ANY doubts about the popularity of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, and it’s potential impact on future crowds, I think these reservations going so fast is pretty indicative of the interest people have to get inside Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  I think the post June 23 crowds are going to be MASSIVE.

What do you guys think?  Is this crazy or what?  Or did you expect them to go this fast?  We don’t know how many reservations were available, but presumably there were thousands available this morning.

Please comment below with your thoughts!

Happy Dreaming,


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!


How to Make Reservations for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

***Update: 12pm Pacific time— At this time there are no reservations available to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for May 31 – June 23 through the Disneyland.com.  Essentially, all the non-Disneyland Resort Hotel Reservations are SOLD OUT.

So this means that you will either need to wait until AFTER June 23 to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and hope, based on capacity limitations, you will be able to get in OR you will need a Disneyland Resort Hotel reservation to stay at least one night during the May 31- June 23 reservations required period.  There are still rooms (and therefore reservations) available.  Contact me at Brooke@disneycastledreaming.com if you’d like to book.***


If you are planning to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland between May 31 (Opening Day!) and June 23 2019, a reservation is required.  Reservations will be limited, and are not guaranteed.  Earlier this morning, Disney released more information as to how to make your reservations to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  I am sharing these details with you below.

Reservations open today, May 2, 2019 at 10 am Pacific time.   There is no additional cost to make a reservation, but reservations are subject to availability.  For more information, please review yesterday’s post, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Reservation Information.

How to Make Your Reservation

Starting today, May 2, at 10 am Pacific time, visit Disneyland.com and log in to your Disney Account.

Before you log in, you should have the names of everyone (up to six guests total per reservation) that will be part of your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation.

Have a few alternative dates and times in mind, in case your first choice isn’t available.

You won’t need to have valid theme park admission to make your reservation; however you will have to have valid theme park admission to enter Disneyland and Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

To enter Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge with your reservation, you will need valid theme park admission, your reservation information and a valid government issued ID.  The guest that made the original reservation, as well as any guests on the reservation 18 or over 18 will be required to show a valid government ID.  Children under the age of 3 will not need a Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation.

Only guests that are listed on the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation will be admitted, and they must have proper ID.

Once your reservation has been made, no changes or modifications will be allowed.  If you transfer or sell your reservation to someone else, your reservation is void.  Unused reservations will be cancelled and not replaced.

How to Make Reservations for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will open May 31, 2019, at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California, and Aug. 29, 2019, at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. (Disney Parks)

Disneyland Resort Hotel Guests

Guests who are staying at one of the three Disneyland Resort hotels (Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa, Disneyland Hotel, or Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel) between May 31 and June 23 do not need to make a reservation for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland.com.  All resort guests will receive a designated reservation to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge during their stay.

Each registered guest will receive a designated reservation to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Valid theme park admission and valid government issued ID will be required to use your reservation to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at your appointed date and time.

*Note: If you cancel your Disneyland Resort reservation, your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation will also be cancelled.

The Fine Print

Reservations will be limited, and subject to capacity.  Experiences within Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be subject to capacity and are not guaranteed.

Disney Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Merchandise
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Park Exclusive Merchandise (Photo: Disney Parks)

After June 23, 2019, reservations will NOT be required to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  However, access to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and any Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge attractions and experiences will be subject to capacity.  Access is not guaranteed.

Good Luck!  Please comment below if you are planning to visit between May 31 and June 23, and tell us when your reservation is!  We’d love to hear about your experiences!

Happy Dreaming!


Disney Launches Free Dining Authorized Disney Vacation Planner
Ready to Plan Your Disney Vacation!

P.S.:  If you want to guarantee a reservation to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge between May 31 and June 23, there are still Disneyland Resort rooms available.  Contact me today at brooke@disneycastledreaming.com to learn more!

New Table Service Restaurant Coming to Toy Story Land

Exciting news this week is coming from Disney’s Hollywood Studios.  We’ve got a new table service restaurant coming to Toy Story Land!

We don’t have a date yet, so most likely it will be sometime in 2020 or even 2021.  However, additional table service restaurants are needed throughout the Parks, and I think a new one themed to Toy Story Land will be a welcome addition!

Rodeo Play Area

Apparently, Andy has decided to set up a new play area in the backyard.  This new area will be a rodeo play area, and lots of our favorite toys are very excited to join in the fun!

This new rodeo play area will feature western town and train station playsets, and lots of rodeo themed activities.

Toy Story Land's Roundup Rodeo BBQ restaurant
Toy Story Land’s Roundup Rodeo BBQ, Artist’s Rendering                                     (Source: Disney Parks)

Of course, this is Toy Story Land, so this may be a really unique rodeo.  Lots of toys that we know and love aren’t exactly “western” themed.  Mr Potato Head, Buzz Lightyear, Slinky Dog, the green army men and the dinosaur toys are all bound to add some color and very unique elements to the rodeo theme!

We don’t know anything about the food that will be served here yet, but I suspect it will be western themed–perhaps BBQ ribs and chicken?  I’m not sure, but I’m really excited to find out!

I think we WILL be able to count on a fun, family friendly atmosphere that will be lots of fun to visit.

Until this new table service restaurant opens, you can still find great food in Toy Story Land.  Check out Woody’s Lunch Box, a quick service restaurant that specializes in sandwiches, lunch box tarts and more!

Toy Story Land Restaurants
Toy Story Land’s Woody’s Lunch Box            (Photo: Disney Parks)
Toy Story Land
Toy Story Land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Photo: Destinations in Florida)

I’ll keep you posted as more information becomes available on this latest addition to Toy Story Land.

What do you think?  Are you looking forward to a new table service restaurant coming to Toy Story Land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios?  Please comment below with your thoughts.

Happy Dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!


Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Reservation Information

Are you ready?  It’s officially less than a month until Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens at Disneyland on May 31!  Guests planning to visit Disneyland between May 31 and June 23, 2019, hoping to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will need a reservation.  Read on to get Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation information.

Disneyland Resort Guests

The easiest way to guarantee a Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation is to stay at a Disneyland resort hotel.  If you have a reservation at any of the three Disneyland resort hotels (Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel and Spa, the Disneyland Hotel or Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel) during the “reservations required” window of May 31 – June 23, you will automatically receive a reservation for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge during your visit.

Disneyland Resort Hotel Grand Californian
Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel and Spa      (Photo: Disney Parks)

In fact, you should have already received your designated reservation confirmation if you have a reservation at a Disneyland resort hotel during May 31-June 23, 2019.   Your designated reservation confirmation shows your scheduled date and time window for your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge visit.    If you have not yet received your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation confirmation, please call 888-854-3104.

If you DON’T yet have a reservation at a Disneyland resort, and would like to guarantee a reservation to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, it’s not too late!  You can still book a stay at one of the three Disneyland hotels for any night(s) between May 31 and June 23, 2019.  If you do, you’ll receive a designated reservation for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for each registered guest in your party.  Email brooke@disneycastledreaming.com for more information.  I would love to help you visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge!

Disneyland Visitors

Guests planning to visit Disneyland between May 31 and June 23, 2019 that wish to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will need to make a reservation for their visit.

There is no cost for the reservation. Theme park admission to Disneyland is required to access Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Reservations will open on May 2, 2019 at 10 am Pacific Time.  Disney is releasing “how to book” information at 8 am Pacific Time on May 2.  I will post an update here as soon as “how-to” reservation information is available.

Disney put together this quick “Know Before You Go” video.

What You Will Need To Make a Reservation

Disney's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Reservation Information
Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Reservation Information (Photo: Disney Parks)

While we don’t have exact “how to make a reservation” specifics yet, we do know a few things that you’ll need before you make your reservation.

    1. Make sure you have your Disney ID account set up at Disneyland.com.  If you don’t have one, set it up NOW so you are ready to go when the reservation window opens.
      1. If you already have an ID for Walt Disney World’s My Disney Experience, you will be able to login at Disneyland.com with that ID.  Double check to make sure!
      2. You will be making your reservation using your DisneyID, so it’s critical that you know what it is and that it works.
    2. Be prepared and ready to go at 10 am Pacific Time on May 2.  Disney is anticipating the reservation “windows” filling up fast.
      1. Make a list of a few different dates that will work for you.  If your first choice isn’t available, you don’t want to have to scramble for the calendar to figure out your second (or third) choices.
      2. Once you have confirmed your reservation for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, you will NOT be able to change it.
      3. You can make ONLY ONE reservation for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge per email address (Disney ID at Disneyland.com).
      4. You’ll be able to add up to five additional guests to your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation.
    3. You will only be able to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge ONCE during your visit with your Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservation.  You’ll only be able to make one reservation for the entirety of the period of May 31 – June 23 with your DisneyID email.  After the reservations required period ends, you will theoretically be able to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge every day, assuming new rules aren’t released, and crowd volumes don’t restrict admittance to the Land.

Visiting Later in the Year

What if you are NOT visiting Disneyland between May 31 and June 23, 2019? If you ARE planning to visit later this year, and want to be sure you’ll get access to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, what should you do?

Disney Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Millennium Falcon – Smuggler’s Run                (Photo: Disney Parks)

At this time, Disney states that no reservations are required to enter Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge after June 23, 2019.  However, they are also saying that access to the land will be limited, and guests will not be guaranteed access.  Admittance may be restricted, based on crowd volumes.

What if you plan to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios after it opens August 29, 201? Disney says no reservations required for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Florida.  Of course that will be subject to change after Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opening weeks.

It is possible that Disney may elect to extend the reservation window into future periods.  It is also possible that Disney may use a Fast Pass/Max Pass type reservation to “schedule” access to the Land.  Finally, it may just be a free for all.  In that scenario, I suspect after a certain number of guests are admitted, no additional guests will be admitted until some guests exit the Land.  We just don’t know yet.

Don’t Forget: May 2, 10 am PST                    Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Reservation Window Opens

I will keep you posted as soon as I know more.  In the meantime, make sure you have your Disneyland DisneyID set up at Disneyland.com.  Be ready to go tomorrow (May 2) morning if you intend to make Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge reservations for May 31 – June 23, 2019.

Happy Dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!

P.S. If you’d like to review our most recent articles about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, please check out these posts:

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Merchandise Coming Soon to Disney Parks

Update from the Dark Side: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and Coca-Cola

HUGE NEWS: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge OPENING May 31st and August 29th!!!!

Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Merchandise Coming Soon to Disney Parks

It’s time to think about SHOPPING.  Recently, Disney has released some information regarding the exclusive Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge merchandise we can expect to find once the new lands open.

We’ve seen just the tip of iceberg, but there is some pretty exciting stuff coming.  The initial fan response to all these goodies when they got to see them at the recent Star Wars Celebration in Chicago was very excited. I think my original prediction that Disney is going to get ALL our money is definitely on track!

Disney is promising that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at both Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios will feature the same merchandise.  Regardless of which park you visit, you won’t have to worry about missing out on something amazing.

The Resistance and the First Order

Disney Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Merchandise
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Park Exclusive Merchandise                                                 (Photo: Disney Parks)

The first look at the park exclusive merchandise for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge focuses primarily on Resistance and First Order themed items.  There are Resistance fighter pilot and Storm Trooper helmets.  There are weapons and supplies favored by both sides.  Also, there are uniforms and accessories that any Resistance fighter or First Order soldier would be proud to wear.

Take a look at this video, released by Disney Parks.  It gives a great look at some of this park exclusive merchandise.

The FUN Stuff

After giving us a look at the Resistance and First Order themed items, Disney gave us a chance to see some of the more “fun” products that will be for sale exclusively in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge stores and market stalls.

Disney Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Exclusive Merchandise
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Exclusive Merchandise                                                           (Photo: Disney Parks)

Disney has told us that there will be four primary locations in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge where Star Wars fans will want to look for these exclusive items.

  • Savi’s Workshop – Handbuilt Lightsabers  I suspect Savi’s Workshop will be an extremely popular destination.  This may be a place Mom and Dad will want to avoid if they don’t want to spend $$ on a lightsaber!  The workshop Master will guide guests to customize and build their own lightsaber, while instructing them on the ways of the Jedi.  (Yep, ALL the money).
  • Droid Depot  Similarly, for those of us that adore R2D2 and BB8, the Droid Depot is bound to be financially dangerous!  Here, you’ll be able to choose parts and construct your own droid to join you as you explore Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.  Then, your new friend will go with you to your home world.
  • First Order Cargo  This hangar bay serves as a “temporary” base and landing spot for the First Order.  The officers have brought in extra supplies and gear to help win the hearts and minds of locals and visitors.  (And your $$ will no doubt help fund the Dark Side).
  • Resistance Supply  Local resistance sympathizers and Resistance members manage a stall that supplies Resistance uniforms, gear and supplies.

In addition to this four “main” locations, there are also several market stalls which will sell a variety of exclusive Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge merchandise and goodies.

Disney Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Toys
Toydarian Toymaker Toy Sample, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge (Photo: Disney Parks)
  • Black Spire Outfitters (clothing)
  • The Jewels of Bith (accessories and trinkets)
  • Creature Stall (interesting critters to take home)
  • Toydarian Toymaker (toys)

Here’s a second, longer video that Disney released, spotlighting Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge exclusive merchandise.  This one focuses more on the toys and collectibles that we’ll be DYING to get our hands on!  (ALL the money).

Pricing and Budget?

As I’m sure you have guessed, Disney has NOT yet released any pricing on ANY of these items.  However, given the BILLIONS of dollars they’ve spent on park expansions over the last few years, not to mention the GIANT investment in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge?  Yes, I’m thinking most of this stuff will have price tags that will make most of us uncomfortable, if not downright terrified.

If you’ve been in any of the Disney parks recently, you know that Disney parks merchandise is not necessarily budget friendly.  The Disney Ears headbands that have become so popular in recent years now start at $23.  Basic T-shirts usually start around $25, and long sleeve T-shirts and sweatshirts usually range from $40 – $70.  Even keychains, pens and magnets, which used to be the go-to budget souvenirs, aren’t so budget friendly anymore, with many priced over $10.  As much as we love it, Disney is still a business.  If they can get us to pay $40 for a T-shirt and $30 for Ears, you can bet they will do it.

So while I don’t actually know any pricing yet for any of the oh-so-intriguing items shown above in the pictures and videos, I feel reasonably confident that there won’t be much under $20.  In fact, I suspect there will be a LOT over $100.  I could be wrong.  Oh boy, I REALLY hope I’m wrong.  There are several things already on my wish list 😉!  As I learn more about new merchandise and pricing, I will of course share with all of you.

But come on, do you agree with me yet?  Disney is going to get ALL our money.  Seriously, ALL of it. 😉

What’s on YOUR List?

Did any of this stuff grab you?  Or are you impervious to the draw of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge merchandise?  Is there anything that you REALLY want to see in person?  Are you already planning a Star Wars merchandise budget for your next trip?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please comment below!

Happy Dreaming,


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!







PS: If you’d like to check out my most recent updates on Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, please click on one of the topics below:

PPS: If you’re looking for the new teaser trailer for the Star Wars Episode 9 movie coming out in December, please click here.

Disney Theme Parks Rule Changes

Last week, Disney announced the most significant Disney Parks rule changes that they’ve made in several years.  The new rules are effective May 1, 2019.  The new rules effect the US theme parks (Walt Disney World and Disneyland/California Adventure) only.  When the announcement was made, the internet went a little crazy.

You may have already heard about these changes—many news outlets have reported on them. I wanted to post about them here for those who haven’t heard or want more information.  I also want the information here on my site for my travel clients that want a quick reference.

No Smoking Inside Any US Disney Parks

Effective May 1, 2019, no smoking will be allowed inside any US Disney theme parks.  This includes Walt Disney World in Florida, Disneyland and California Adventure in California.  Also included in the smoking ban are both water parks (Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach) and ESPN Wide World of Sports in Florida and Downtown Disney in California. Disney has been gradually working up to this smoking ban, in response to consumer health concerns for many years.

Disney Bans Cigarette Smoking in US Theme ParksA few years ago, Disney made headlines when they banned smoking in most park areas, limiting smokers to a few specific “smoking” areas in each park.  Initial response to that rule change was similar to the response to this one—lots of drama and hand wringing and threatening to not visit Disney parks any more.  Eventually, however, the vehemence of the response died down, and people seemed to adapt to the new rules.

I think it helps that many states have also passed laws prohibiting smoking in public areas.  People have become more used to these kinds of rules.  In addition, more people are choosing NOT to smoke these days as they learn more about the health risks.  The high cost/rising cost of cigarettes has also contributed to many people choosing NOT to smoke.

After May 1, smokers will have to exit the theme park and go to a designated smoking area outside the park to smoke.  As with the previous rule change, Disney will most like ramp up enforcement of this new rule over time.  However, don’t buy into the popular speculation that Disney will not enforce this new rule.  They absolutely WILL enforce it.  Disney states this rule change is in response to consumer health and safety concerns, and secondarily in response to guest demand.  Personally, I believe there is also a financial consideration for Disney, as there almost always is.

Potential Financial Considerations

If you’ve ever spent time in the approved smoking areas, or even wandered through them, you may have noticed that for every responsible smoker that disposes of their cigarette butts properly in the provided disposal units, there are two that put their butts out in the landscaping or on the ground.  In the areas with buildings immediately nearby, the smoke discolors the building materials over time.

Disney Parks Rules No Smoking Inside US Theme ParksDisney will save money on janitorial/clean up in those areas and they will protect their scenery, and reduce the need to clean and or repair those areas.

With the increased number of adults and children around the world suffering from asthma, severe allergies and lung disease related challenges, I think the smoking ban does make sense from a public health perspective.  I know that those who chose to smoke vehemently disagree on this issue.   I respect their right to their opinions and feelings on the issue; however I personally feel this is one of those times when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.  Few, of course, is relative, in this case, as there are many people who choose to smoke.  However the scientific evidence of the risks to both the smokers themselves and the risks of those around them impacted by secondary smoke cannot be refuted.

As the parks become more crowded, it becomes increasingly difficult to protect guests from secondary smoke.  The smoking areas are becoming more crowded, and the number of people “cutting through” smoking areas has also been increasing in response to crowds.

Bottom line: the rule change is coming May 1.  Disney is not going to reverse this decision.  They recognize this may cost them some visitors; however, they seem willing to accept that.  Smokers will need to exit the parks to smoke after May 1, and then re-enter the parks after their smoke breaks.

Vaping Banned in US Disney Theme Parks

Many smokers have turned to vaping as an alternative.  However, vaping will not be an acceptable “workaround” solution at US Disney theme parks after May 1, 2019.

Disney Bans Vaping at US Theme ParksE-cigarettes and vape pens are being banned inside all US Disney theme parks, right along with smoking, and will have all the same restrictions that the smoking ban has.  Vapers will have to exit the theme parks to vape, just like smokers will have to exit the theme parks to smoke.

Again, there has been some speculation that Disney may not enforce this rule—don’t buy into that.  They absolutely WILL.  Florida has also recently passed a law banning e-cigarettes and vape pens in public areas, so Disney cast members can also reference state law, as well as Disney Parks rules when enforcing the new rules, at least in Florida.

No Loose Ice or Dry Ice Allowed in Disney Theme Parks (US)

Disney has always allowed guests to bring in their own food and beverages.  This is something that makes them stand out from many other theme parks.  This new ban on loose ice and dry ice in US Disney theme parks does not change this rule; however, you will have to use reusable ice packs to keep your food and/or beverages cold.

Disney bans loose ice and dry iceThere are a couple of reasons for the “Ice Ban”.  People used to bring in very small personal coolers.  Over time, the coolers have been getting larger and larger.  As crowds levels increase, the larger coolers become difficult to maneuver in the crowds.  In addition, there have been increasing numbers of people that dump out their ice onto the ground to lighten their cooler load.  This has resulted in piles of ice and later puddles around tables and in pathways and high traffic areas, causing safety and maintenance concerns.Disney Parks Rules Changes No more loose ice or dry ice allowed

Finally, from a security perspective, it’s easier, faster and safer to look through a cooler with reusable ice packs than one filled with loose ice.

Stroller Wagons and Extra Large Strollers Banned at US Disney Theme Parks

In response to growing crowd congestion at the theme parks, Disney’s rule change regarding strollers is aimed at the ever growing stroller as small vehicle market.  Over the last few years, strollers have been getting bigger and bigger.  The popularity of stroller “wagons” has increased among park visitors.

Disney Parks Rules Change - No more Stroller Wagons in US Disney Theme ParksThe super max strollers have significantly contributed to the crowd congestion levels, and with crowds expected to increase with the upcoming opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at both Disneyland (May 31) and Disney’s Hollywood Studios (August 29), Disney has taken aggressive action to reduce the impact of extra large strollers and stroller wagons on crowd movements.

Effective May 1, 2019, stroller wagons, including the popular Keenz wagons, will no longer be allowed inside US Disney theme parks.  Guests will be stopped at the gates and asked to either return the wagons to their vehicles, or to check them at the gates.  Disney Bans Wagon Strollers and Extra Large Strollers in it’s US Theme Parks

Also effective May 1, 2019, stroller dimensions will be restricted to widths of 31 inches and lengths of 52 inches. Similar to the wagons, guests with larger strollers will not be permitted to bring them into the parks.  Guests will be asked to either return the strollers to their resorts or vehicles or to check them.

Disney bus transportation already restricts strollers that are not collapsible.

Disney will continue to rent strollers inside the parks.  If you plan to bring your stroller from home, or to rent one from a third party vendor, measure your stroller so you don’t get stuck having to check it at the gate.

Crowds, Crowds, Crowds

Basically, all these changes come down to the same thing we have been talking about for a while.  Crowd levels have been increasing for the last few years, and there are rarely slow periods any more.

Once Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens, crowd levels are likely to skyrocket.  The level of interest in this new “land” is unprecedented.  In addition, the fan base for the Star Wars franchise is arguably one of the largest fan bases in the world.

Disney Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Update

At their core, I think all of these changes have at least an element of crowd congestion improvement involved.  Removing designated smoking areas inside the parks frees up more traffic space.  Disallowing extra large strollers and stroller wagons reduces crowd congestion.  Eliminating loose ice and dry ice will speed up and streamline security line congestion, and may also have a side effect of encouraging smaller coolers.

How to you feel about these changes?  Overall, I support anything that may help with congestion, as I believe park congestion is going to continue to get worse.  As a result, ticket prices will continue to climb.  I like to see Disney taking measures to improve congestion that don’t necessary stem from price increases (although they did THAT a couple of weeks ago, too!)

What are your thoughts about these Disney theme parks rule changes?  Please comment below!

If you’d like to review the current Disney theme park rules and regulations, click here.

Happy dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!






Disney Skyliner Update: April 2019

Hello everyone!  Lots of updates coming this weekend. I’ve been down with the most awful flu, so I’m a bit behind and I have SO much to tell you guys!!!  First up: Disney Skyliner Updates!  Disney is moving full speed ahead with their Skyliner testing.  Initial tests primarily involved the main line from Caribbean Beach station to Hollywood Studios; however, Skyliner vehicles are now being tested throughout the entire system!

Pop Century/Art of Animation Station

The Skyliner station located between Disney’s Pop Century Resort and Disney’s Art of Animation Resort is looking great.  In even better news, it’s now part of the Skyliner testing, and Skyliner vehicles are moving in and out of the station and along the Skyliner system.

Disney Skyliner Station Pop Century Art of Animation
Skyliner Station Pop Century/Art of Animation                                        Photo Credit: Amy Micari

Here is a short video of Skyliner testing in action at this station:

Here’s a closer look at the Station itself:

Disney Skyliner Station Pop Century Resort Art of Animation Resort
Disney Skyliner Station at Pop Century/Art of Animation                      Photo Credit: Amy Micari

First Look at Gondolas Unveiled!

Last week, Disney started sending a few of the Skyliners through the testing loops without their off-white covers.  The gondolas don’t yet have their “character” window dressings, but it’s fun to see them moving through the air looking like actual vehicles instead of fabric bubbles.

Disney Skyliner Testing Gondolas
Disney Skyliner Gondolas: Testing   Photo Credit: Amy Micari
Disney Skyliner Gondola Live Testing                    Photo Credit: Amy Micari

The gondolas are also moving through the system at their full speed, instead of the very slow speeds they were moving during the initial phase of testing.  Testing seems to be going very well, overall.

Fall 2019?

So the big question remains.  With testing going so well with unmanned gondolas, at what point will Disney begin testing the gondolas with actual victims (I mean people 😉)?  I am sure they have to meet very vigorous safety standards of their own, in addition to those of the state and federal government (in general, Disney’s safety standards are often higher than basic government standards).

Disney has not released an official opening date for the Skyliner transportation system yet.  The only information they have provided so far is “Fall 2019”.  However, with the opening date for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge bumped up to August 29 from “Late Fall”, I can’t help but wonder if Disney might be REALLY interested in having some additional transportation methods in place when Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens, or very shortly thereafter.  Not to mention, many people will (I suspect) view the Skyliner system as an attraction, not just a transportation system, so it will be another “crowd absorbing” measure, and we can never have too many of those!

My personal theory is that Disney is going to try and have testing completed and the Skyliner system ready for at least a soft open by late August.  I have no insider information that makes me think that–they have not released any information to us yet.  That is just my gut feeling, based on everything else that is going on around the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, and increased crowd projections we are seeing for the fourth quarter, based on Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge being open at Hollywood Studios.

Obviously the entire system will not be functional at that time: The fourth arm of the system is the new DVC resort, Disney’s Riviera Resort, which is taking reservations for December at this time.  So likely, that station will not be open until the resort actually opens to guests, although I’m sure it will be testing during the Fall.

Disney Skyliner Testing
Disney Skyliner System Testing                  Photo Credit: Amy Micari

Final Thoughts

What do you think? Do you think the Skyliner system will open ahead of schedule?  Are you excited to check it out?  Will you be more likely to stay in a resort that is attached to a Skyliner station to have access to the Skyliner system?

Please comment below.  I’m really curious to know if the Skyliner system will have any impact on where you want to stay.  I’m a pretty die hard Magic Kingdom resort girl, but I’m very intrigued by the Skyliner system.  I think I will plan a visit to a Skyliner based resort, just to see what impact staying at a Skyliner station resort (Disney’s Riviera Resort, Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort, Disney’s Pop Century Resort, or Disney’s Art of Animation Resort) has on my experience.  Mainly so I can take lots of pictures and videos and report back to you guys, of course!!

Let me know what you think!

Happy Dreaming!


Brooke Hudson Disney Travel Agent
Ready to Help Plan Your Next Disney Vacation!

P.S. If you want to review any of our previous Disney Skyliner System Updates, take a look at these posts:

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Disney World in 2019

Transportation Update: Disney Skyliner

Skyliner Update: Fall 2019 OPEN

Transportation Update: Disney Skyliner Gondolas Revealed!

Skyliner Update: Testing Has BEGUN!

Disney Skyliner Update: Testing Photos!