At long last, Disney has provided us with an update about a Toy Story Land table service restaurant announced way back in May 2019. Roundup Rodeo BBQ will be the first Toy Story Land table service restaurant. Disney now plans for Roundup Rodeo BBQ to open in Spring 2023. They aren’t committing to an exact date just yet, but I’m confident we will get an announcement in February 2023, if not sooner. I’m betting Disney will want to have this Toy Story Land table service restaurant up and running in time for spring break crowds in March and April 2023.

Roundup Rodeo BBQ
Disney originally announced that a table service restaurant was planned for Toy Story Land way back in 2019. Click here to read our original post about the announcement.
At that time, we hoped that Disney planned to open this restaurant in late 2020 or early 2021. Unfortunately, this project was one more project pushed back significantly by the pandemic and subsequent theme park closures in 2020. When the parks reopened, the halted construction projects were slow to resume. Projects that DID resume seemed to progress much more slowly than similar projects had in the past. No doubt, Disney was more cautious in light of the financial impact the park closures had on the bottom line.
Gradually, we have seen many of these projects finish and open, like Cosmic Rewind and Space 220 at Epcot. Other projects are taking longer than planned but are starting to show signs that they will be completed soon. For example, the long awaited Magic Kingdom attraction TRON Lightcycle/Run has been testing with actual people for the last week or two. (More on that coming soon).
Where is Roundup Rodeo BBQ located?
This new Toy Story Land table service restaurant will be located off to the right near the main Toy Story Land entrance. If you’ve been in the parks over the last couple of years, you may have noticed the construction walls running on the right as you approach the Toy Story Land sign and the giant Woody. (Don’t feel bad if you didn’t notice them or pay any attention–Disney doesn’t WANT you to notice them. They want you to stay in the magic and not see any construction going on until the new attraction, shop or restaurant are completed!)

Toy Story Land Table Service Restaurant: Will this be a Character Meal?
No. Disney has been VERY clear that Toy Story Land’s Roundup Rodeo table service restaurant will NOT be a character meal. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were occasional Woody or Jessie sightings at this new table service offering, but don’t count on seeing any characters in person at this restaurant.

At Be Our Guest, the combination quick service and table service restaurant themed to Beauty and the Beast at the Magic Kingdom, the Beast occasionally will stroll through the dining rooms, allowing guests to catch a glimpse. Generally, he will stop and pose for a few moments to allow for photos and then he moves on.
I could see Disney doing something like that with this new Toy Story Land table service restaurant–but probably not at the beginning, and maybe not ever. It’s a great way to attract additional guests, but let’s face it: A new table service restaurant themed to Toy Story Land? That’s a guaranteed winner! I’m guessing this will quickly sell out as soon as the reservation windows open. Unless the food turns out to be terrible or something, this will likely be a very hot commodity for at least a couple of years.

What’s the Story for Toy Story Land Roundup Rodeo BBQ?
One of my favorite things about Disney is the Imagineers. There is a story for absolutely EVERYTHING at Walt Disney World. The details and theming are elements that keep fans coming back year after year, generation after generation.
Roundup Rodeo BBQ is no exception. The Imagineers have crafted a story that enables this new table service restaurant to fit right in to the Andy’s Backyard concept for all of Toy Story Land.
Andy has decided to build a rodeo restaurant for all his toys. He’s used his Woody’s Roundup toys, his imagination and lots of his other playthings to create a fun atmosphere for toys, kids and even grown-ups to enjoy!

Disney has released a couple of photos of the interior of Roundup Rodeo BBQ, which makes me even more optimistic that this new Toy Story Land table service restaurant really is on track to open early sprint 2023.
I love the bright colors of Toy Story Land, and was happy to see that even though Disney Imagineers are going with a Western theme for this restaurant, they are still bringing in the familiar colors, characters and elements that we all love from other parts of Toy Story land.

Disney promised that we will find lots of fun elements in Roudup Rodeo, including game boards featuring characters from the Toy Story films, a steam train supported by colored pencils (shown in the photo above), a cardboard box with hand drawn (by Andy of course) audience members, and comic strips featuring Woody’s adventures on the dining room ceiling!
What will we eat at this new table service restaurant?
One of the most important question that comes up whenever we talk about Disney and a new restaurant is “what is the food going to be like?”
The short answer? We aren’t really sure yet. Disney has been pretty vague so far, other than putting BBQ in the name of the restaurant. I don’t think I’m walking out too far on a limb when I say I think we can expect to have western and BBQ themed food!

Seriously though, all Disney has told us so far is the the food will be barbeque inspired comfort foods, served family style. They’ve also said there will be platters of house-smoked meats, a roundup of sides and some miniature sweet surprises. Beyond that, Disney isn’t telling. YET.
I’m sure as we get closer to this new table service restaurant opening, we will get menus. As soon as I hear more about the food, I will update you all.
What will it cost?
The next question is of course, “what is the price point for this restaurant?” Unfortunately, Disney is also keeping quiet on this topic as well. At least for now. However, based on theming and the location, I’m fairly certain the pricing for this Toy Story Land table service restaurant will be moderate. I don’t think Disney is going for high end, white glove service for Roundup Rodeo. I’m expecting to something in line with the Regal Eagle quick service restaurant in America at Epcot. (See our article about that location here.) The Regal Eagle is quick service, so Roundup Rodeo BBQ prices will likely be a bit higher, but hopefully it will stay in this general range. Of course I will keep you all posted as I learn more.

What do YOU Think?
Are you excited about this new table service offering in Toy Story Land? Some of the challenges for guests in Toy Story Land are the lack of shade and lack of seating. I’m pretty happy that an air conditioned table service restaurant is coming–I like to take a little time at lunch (or dinner) to sit in the air conditioning and relax and eat. We like to recharge our batteries and since we are from the midwest, that Florida heat and humidity can really run us down sometimes. So I am ALWAYS a fan when I can make reservations as part of my planning, and guarantee my family a chance to sit down in A/C and enjoy a meal.
I’m already reworking my plan for our annual Mother/Daughter Flower & Garden Festival trip to make sure I can try and get us a reservation at Roundup Rodeo BBQ. After all, we have to do a review for all of you, don’t we?
Please let me know in the comments below if you will be adding this to your “Must Do” list or if you’ll wait and see how it turns out.
If you want to get planning on a trip for 2023 to visit Disney’s Hollywood Studios and investigate this new Toy Story Land table service restaurant for yourself, please contact me at for a no-obligation quote.
Happy Dreaming!